On the Hope spacecraft, including Peter Pan Chen Yifeng, who has officially become the pilot of the Hope spacecraft, and other 20 Candy Technology employees, at this moment, they did not leave the spacecraft directly.

They will not leave the Hope spacecraft until the accompanying team of experts leaves.

In a sense, they belong to the master.

The guests haven't left yet, so there's no reason for them to go first.

Because the officials had been notified in advance, less than half an hour after the Nozomi spacecraft docked at the lunar transfer station, a space shuttle belonging to the Xia Kingdom government slowly approached Nozomi.

Under the continuous exchange of position data between the two artificial intelligences, the space shuttle successfully docked with the Hope spacecraft steadily.

A few minutes later, the hatch opened.

Without a word of reminder, the experts who couldn't wait to leave entered the space shuttle through the corridor in an orderly manner.

"The hatch is about to close, please stay away from the hatch, thank you for your cooperation."

With a click, the channel is closed.

Looking at the closed passage, Peter Pan, Chen Yifeng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Next, they should also leave Hope and return to the lunar transfer station. After a short rest, the company's space shuttle will pick them up and return to the ground of Blue Star.

two days later.

Bluestar Anyang base.

A space shuttle with a candy pattern slowly stopped on the landing strip.

After a while, a dozen or so whites who had been waiting for a long time boarded inside the space shuttle and conducted a comprehensive medical examination for the 20 employees who returned to the ground.

After returning from the two-month journey, when Peter Pan, Chen Yifeng and others stood down-to-earth on the airport runway, they felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Only those who have entered space can deeply feel the insignificance of human beings in the universe.

And a down-to-earth sense of security!

Just when everyone thought they could go to the cafeteria to have a full meal, and then go back to the dormitory to have a good sleep.

From a distance, I saw a familiar figure driving a sightseeing car over.

Some old sightseeing cars stopped steadily in front of everyone.

Stepping on the brake, Su Wenyan flicked the bangs on her forehead, and said with a smile:

"Get in the car, the boss came over early this morning and wants to see you."

It was the first time Chen Yifeng took a sightseeing car and felt like a Wuling magic car.

The 12-seater sightseeing car sat down for 21 people.

Unfortunately, Peter Pan Chen Yifeng, who didn't grab a seat, could only hang on the sidelines.

I don't know where the company purchased the sightseeing car, and there was no pressure to drag 21 people.

From the airport runway to the base office building, you need to go around the hollowed out mountain.

The distance of a few hundred meters in a straight line takes about ten minutes by car.

Fortunately, it has entered autumn and the weather is not hot.

Lightly stepping on the brakes, the sightseeing car slowly stopped in front of the six-story office building.

"get off."

Pull the handbrake, turn off the engine, and pull out the key, all in one go.

boom boom boom~

Su Wenyan knocked on the door of her office, and shouted with a smile: "Boss, I brought everyone here."

Mo Jingchun, who had his back to the door, turned his chair and looked over.

There was a smile on Mo Jingchun's face, which made the 20 people who had just returned to the ground of Blue Star breathe a sigh of relief.

From the looks of it, it should be a good thing for the boss to find them.

If something bad happens, the boss is usually expressionless.

"Everyone has worked hard on this trial flight. Unless there are special circumstances, you will not have to return to space in the next month."

The black water-based pen, whose ink was about to bottom out, was constantly turning in Mo Jingchun's hand. With that skillful movement, one could tell at a glance that there was a lot of brush turning during school.

Suddenly, the black water-based pen spinning in Mo Jingchun's hand flew out uncontrollably.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Everyone bowed their heads tacitly as if they didn't see it.

A little embarrassed, Mo Jingchun pretended to tidy up his collar,

"Ahem, although there is no need to return to space, the simulation training cannot be stopped, let alone relax. I am not afraid to tell you that the big era is coming, and the number of spaceships in the future will be as large as the number of space shuttles now. What does this mean, no need Did I say more?"

Seeing everyone nodding, Mo Jingchun knocked on the table and said again:

"The completion date of the second spaceship under construction on the lunar transfer station is just around the corner. I came here specially today, mainly for this second spaceship."

"Although it has not been made public, as insiders, you should all know in your heart that this spacecraft that is about to be completed is ready to be handed over to the country."

"Now there is a quota for those of you who have not become the pilots of the Hope to directly become the pilots of this new spaceship, and will become the official coaches to continuously train new talents for the country,

Going there, not only is there a staff, other benefits are definitely not worse than candy technology.

This is a rare opportunity, among you, is there anyone willing to go? "

While speaking, everyone's expressions changed, and Mo Jingchun had a panoramic view.

Some people looked indifferent, and they didn't feel any heartbeat at all.

Some people frowned, not knowing what they were thinking.

There were also people full of excitement.

No, just as Mo Jingchun finished speaking, Deng Tingting, as the only female candidate driver, was the first to raise her right hand.

Under the eyes of everyone, Deng Tingting said excitedly:

"Boss, I'll go."

Because of the embarrassing incident during the test flight of the Hope spacecraft, Deng Tingting knew that her pilot journey was basically terminated.

now! The boss's words rekindled her hope.

As a coach, she can completely retreat to become a coach, and she still has the opportunity to become the pilot of the second domestically-made spacecraft.

Deng Tingting, who was in a state of excitement, did not notice that all the teammates who had trained with her were looking at her rather strangely.

Except for her raising her hand alone, everyone else was quiet without any unnecessary movements.

I don't even think about it, if there are really as good as the boss said in the establishment, why doesn't the boss choose from the few people with the highest comprehensive scores.

Instead, let them choose here.

But if you think about it carefully, Deng Tingting really doesn't know, is she really stupid?

not necessarily.

Staying at Candy Technology, Deng Tingting's chances of regaining the qualification to become a spaceship pilot are probably slim.

Everyone has their own choice, and others have no right to interfere.

Facing Deng Tingting's excitement, the others tacitly kept silent.

In their view, becoming a driver is just the first step in life.

As long as they master all the data and functions of the spaceship proficiently, they will be the most suitable candidates for the captain!

This is their one-step shortcut to the sky!

Not everyone is as fond of driving experience as Peter Pan Chen Yifeng.

Which man's childhood dream was not the stars and the sea, and he drove a spaceship to explore the mysterious universe with an order.

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