Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1107 The Exam Expected by Candy

To get to this point today, none of the people present are fools.

Watching the others fall silent.

Mo Jingchun silently added points for them.

If the higher-ups didn't take the initiative to mention it, to tell the truth, Mo Jingchun would not want to let go alone.

Even Deng Tingting, who performed the worst during the first test flight of the Hope spacecraft.

In fact, Mo Jingchun couldn't understand that Deng Tingting would vomit during this sea trial.

You know, she was a pilot herself.

But since the higher-ups have spoken, it is not easy for Mo Jingchun to refuse.

Mo Jingchun's right hand tapped the desk rhythmically, giving people the feeling of galloping past.

For a while, apart from Mo Jingchun knocking on the table, there was no other sound in the office.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun looked up at Deng Tingting, and said:


Hearing this, Deng Tingting, who was uneasy in her heart, only hesitated for a second, then nodded firmly.

"Okay, take a good rest today, and tomorrow there will be a special car from above to pick you up. I will let the financial account settle your salary and subsidize your salary for one year. The year-end bonus will also be paid to you in advance along with your salary in one lump sum."

After saying that, Mo Jingchun paused, staring at Deng Tingting with burning eyes, and said in a serious tone:

"Teach well when you go there, and you have to keep learning. In terms of materials, I will let Zero send them to you in real time.

Not counting being fired as an employee, you are the first person to go out of Candy Technology, go there and do a good job. "

I wanted to say go over there, don't embarrass Candy Technology, but Mo Jingchun changed his words again.

After leaving, he is no longer an employee of Candy Technology, and he seems to have no right to ask her for anything.

While Mo Jingchun was talking with the staff, Mo Xiaoxue, who was studying in Huo County No. 1 Middle School, finally ushered in the first entrance exam under all expectations.

For this exam, the head teacher didn't notify in advance, and the other classes didn't hear anything about it.

Sitting in the examination room, Mo Xiaoxue was extremely excited, unlike other students who were full of worry.

To her, this is not an exam, it is clearly here to save her.

Get the first one, and then feel happy that you don't have to do your homework anymore.

Although she was excited, Mo Xiaoxue was not careless.

Unlike junior high school, County No. 1 Middle School gathered a group of students with the best grades in the county.

She didn't want to lose a few points here and there because of carelessness, and the final score was not as much as others.

I didn't get the first place in the exam, and I had to continue to waste time doing my homework, and I would be laughed at by my brother.

That's not okay.

"When the exam begins, everyone should keep quiet and whispering is prohibited. If I find out that I have cheated, the result of this exam will be cancelled."

Hearing the invigilator's warning, everyone lowered their heads and read the questions carefully, not daring to look around.

Cancellation of grades is a small matter, and I am afraid that I will still find my parents.

The first place in the entrance score, Mo Xiaoxue was naturally assigned to the first table in the first examination room.

Seat number 0001.

And the first examination room was Mo Xiaoxue's own class, a familiar place.

I glanced at the first question and sent sub-questions.

For a simple assembly problem, Mo Xiaoxue knew the result just by looking at it.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Mo Xiaoxue decisively chose answer D.

The math problems in the first year of high school, and it was only last semester, for Mo Xiaoxue, they were easy to grasp, and there was no difficulty at all.

The math test lasted two hours, and Mo Xiaoxue answered all the questions in 50 minutes.

In order to avoid losing points, Mo Xiaoxue spent another ten minutes checking the test papers.

After confirming that there were no problems, Mo Xiaoxue hesitated for a moment, thinking about whether to hand in the paper in advance.

After all, neither of the two invigilators in front of her was her teacher, and she didn't even know her.

Thinking of her elder brother telling her to hurry up and study hard that day, and the big era is coming, Mo Xiaoxue no longer hesitated, tidied up the tools on the table, got up and handed in the paper.

Under the confused eyes of the two invigilators, Mo Xiaoxue put the test paper on the podium, turned around and left the test room.

It wasn't until this moment that the monitoring teacher realized that Mo Xiaoxue had handed in the paper early.

I was about to say something, but thinking of Mo Xiaoxue's first grades in school and the number one grade group in junior high school all the year round, the two monitoring teachers looked at each other and didn't say much in a tacit understanding.

He just said to other students who were still taking the exam:

"It's still a long time, there is still an hour, answer the questions seriously."

There are plenty of smart people, and the students who can be assigned to the first examination room, which one is not from the experimental class, do not have two brushes in their hands.

Under Mo Xiaoxue's leadership, in the following time, one after another, people handed in the papers ahead of schedule.

Half an hour before the end of the exam, the last candidate handed in the answer sheet ahead of schedule.

It was a girl, not tall, dark and swarthy, stared at by two invigilators, the girl put down the test paper, and ran away with a flushed face.

For a while, there were only two invigilators left in the classroom.

After sorting out the answer sheets, one of the invigilators said dumbfoundedly:

"Come on, the whole examination room was completely distracted by Mo Xiaoxue."

Another invigilator smiled, shook his head and said:

"It's not necessarily a bad thing. As long as they don't hand in the papers in advance during the college entrance examination, then they have an advantage, and they will have a lot of time to check for omissions and make up for vacancies."

Back to the grade group office, there was no one in the office. .

Obviously, the other teachers hadn't finished invigilating the exam, so naturally there was no one in the office.

Having nothing to do for a while, one of the invigilators said with a smile:

"I took a look just now, and Mo Xiaoxue's answers are basically correct. It just so happens that we have time right now, so the two of us can correct the test paper."

"Hahaha, Lao Yu, you still understand me, and I have exactly the same intention."

A few minutes later, Mo Xiaoxue's math test paper scores came out.

Unlike Chinese, mathematics can be scored as appropriate.

In mathematics, right is right and wrong is wrong.

Unsurprisingly, Mo Xiaoxue's score was marked with a perfect score of 150.

There was no wrong question, which made the two of them a little disappointed.

It took two people half an hour to correct all 50 test papers.

By the time the other invigilators came back with the test papers, the correcting had just ended.

Seeing that none of the test papers scored lower than 130, the two invigilators were very satisfied.

What they didn't expect was that the last female student who handed in the test paper also got a perfect score of 150.

Three days later, the examinations of all subjects were over, and the results of all subjects were released that night.

There are nine subjects in senior one, with a full score of 150 points in Chinese, 150 points in mathematics, 150 points in English, 100 points in physics, 100 points in chemistry, 100 points in politics, 100 points in geography, 100 points in biology, history The full score is 100 points.

The total score is 1050.

A score of more than 630 is considered a marginal pass.

After the last test paper was handed out, Mo Xiaoxue knew her total score.

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