Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1113 The first turning point in Candy's life

If you don't want the company to go bankrupt, you must face the wind!

If you want to design and produce aircraft capable of flying in space, no matter whether it is large or small, you cannot avoid one company, and that is Candy Technology.

At the current stage, Candy Technology's plasma engine technology is the most advanced in all countries in the world.

In order not to be controlled by others, laboratories in various countries have researched plasma engines. Although they have also been developed, the cost is several times higher than the plasma engines produced by Candy Technology.

And... the quality of the plasma engine produced by Candy Technology is obviously more recognized.

When no one wants to fly in space, the engine suddenly fails.

At this time, Xiaoxue came out from the house, looking at her man with distressed eyes.

It doesn't feel good to ask for something.

"Yuanfang, go inside and wait, you won't come so early. Why don't you ask sister to call and ask where you are?"

The corner of Li Yuanfang's mouth twitched slightly, looking back at his wife helplessly, and said, "Don't do it. It's okay. It's not very cold outside. If it doesn't work, I'll call and ask myself later."

On the other side, Zero had just left the hotel in a car provided by the branch in Beijing.

Logically speaking, during the festival, the roads should be very congested, but this is not the case during the Spring Festival.

The road was unimpeded, and within half an hour, Mo Jingchun and his party arrived outside the courtyard.

Facing the unfamiliar vehicle, the guard on guard raised his vigilance and subconsciously clenched the steel gun in his hand.

At this moment, Li Yuanfang hung up the phone and came out with a smile on his face.

The guards who can stand guard here are all smart people. Seeing Li Yuanfang coming out to greet him, the guards knew that the person in the car was a guest.

The next moment, the car door opened, and seeing the person getting out of the car, the guard completely relaxed his vigilance.

"Welcome, welcome, come as soon as you come, why do you still bring something?"

"This is my sister-in-law, hello sister-in-law."

In the living room, Li Xuanyu sat restrained, seeing Mo Jingchun's smooth response, Li Xuanyu's face was full of happiness.

Under the aura of the old man, he didn't panic at all.

"Young and promising, my children and grandchildren should be half as capable as you."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun immediately praised Li Yuanfang fiercely.

Mo Jingchun did not refuse the old man's hospitality, and stayed for lunch.

There were two tables, Mo Jingchun did not sit at the children's table this time.

Looking down at the entire capital, in just one morning, the capital has been covered with snow.

Although the snow outside the courtyard would be swept away every once in a while, the ground was still covered with a shallow layer of snow.

Walking on the snow, every step made a creaking sound.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun stopped, looked at Li Yuanfang who was hesitant to speak a few times and said with a smile: "After the Lantern Festival, Candy Technology will officially start work, brother Li might as well come over."

Li Yuanfang froze for a moment, then nodded, not expressing the excitement in his heart.

Looking at the car in the distance, there were wheel marks left on the road, Li Yuanfang didn't recover for a long time.

Xiaoxue, who held up an umbrella for Li Yuanfang, came over.

Looking up at the snowflakes all over the sky, Li Yuanfang said with emotion all over his face: "Xiaoxue, do you know? He is really too smart. I obviously haven't said anything yet, but he already knows what I want to say.

With a high IQ and high EQ, against such a person, the people of the Cherry Blossom Country were not wronged. "

In June 2035, Candy took the college entrance examination.

On the morning of July 7th, Mo Jingchun checked Candy twice, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he drove Candy to the examination room himself.

The exam started at nine o'clock, and Mo Jingchun left home at eight o'clock with candy.

Glancing at Candy sitting in the back row through the rearview mirror, Mo Jingchun said: "Don't be nervous about the exam, just be calm and don't put pressure on yourself, thinking about what you must win the provincial champion.

By the way, don't forget to take off your watch later. No electronic devices of any kind are allowed in the examination room. "

Mo Xiaoxue, who had no psychological pressure at all, stretched lazily. For some reason, she didn't feel any pressure at all. The college entrance examination, on the contrary, made her feel very happy, as if she was going on a trip.

When approaching the examination room, the nearby streets were already congested. Fortunately, there were traffic police along the way, and Mo Jingchun arrived at a large parking lot in a Chinese and foreign country smoothly.

Few people are willing to park their cars in this expensive parking lot, but today, the parking lot is almost full of private cars.

Looking at the parking lot full of private cars, Mo Jingchun asked, "Ling, is there any parking space in Li?"

Ling, who was sitting next to Mo Xiaoxue, replied without any hesitation: "There are still 5 parking spaces left."

Mo Jingchun smiled slightly, "Looks like I'm lucky today."

After parking the car, Mo Xiaoxue got out of the car without haste.

After temporarily handing over the smart watch and mobile phone to Zero, Mo Xiaoxue turned to her brother and said:

"Brother, I'll go to the teacher in charge to get the admission ticket first."

"go together."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxue stopped and waited for her brother to join her.

After checking again that the candy did not miss the exam tools, Mo Jingchun locked the car and walked towards the school gate with the candy.

At the school gate, in front of the huge stone lion, Mo Jingchun saw Candy's class teacher Wan Huifen.

This is the position that the head teacher agreed with the parents in the parent group.

"Teacher Wan."

This year, Mo Xiaoxue was the only one in the class, and she still had a good chance of winning the first prize in the province. Wan Huifen cared about Mo Xiaoxue very much.

No, today she brought Mo Xiaoxue's admission ticket and came in person.

After a simple greeting, Wan Huifen immediately handed over the admission ticket to Mo Xiaoxue, and kept telling him to pay attention.

Mo Jingchun stood quietly by the side without disturbing.

Although he has already taken the college entrance examination, many details that need to be paid attention to in the exam have long been forgotten.

In terms of majors, Wan Huifen, who is the head teacher, is definitely better than him.

"After getting the test paper and checking that there are no missing questions in the test paper and the handwriting is illegible, you must fill in the examinee's information as soon as possible."


Seeing that the school had opened and candidates were being let in one after another, Wan Huifen took Mo Xiaoxue's hand and said in a serious tone:

"Don't hand in the papers in advance like the usual exams. If you have time, check and check more."

Mo Xiaoxue stuck out her tongue, scratched her head and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I won't hand in the paper in advance."

"I'll go in first."

After waving her hand, Mo Xiaoxue lined up to enter the arena holding the test tools.

Until this time, Mo Jingchun, who had been silent all this time, smiled and said:

"Mr. Wan, why don't you go home first? After the exam, I'll ask Mo Xiaoxue to call you and report the situation."

Wan Huifen smiled bitterly, "Academician Mo, to tell you the truth, every time I take the exam, I am more nervous than the students. I am afraid that I will die of anxiety when I go back."

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