The weather in June is a bit muggy, and every classroom in County No. 1 Middle School has already realized the freedom of air conditioning.

However, in the classroom of No. 1 Middle School, which was set up as the examination room for the college entrance examination, at this moment, there is not a single air conditioner running.

Only the fan on the top of the classroom is whirring, bringing a touch of coolness to people.

It's not that the school is reluctant to pay for the electricity bill, but that it's worried that there will be many students with diarrhea during the exam due to the combination of cold and heat.

In addition, although the temperature in early June is muggy, it is still within the tolerable range.

I don't know which year it started, but the two college entrance examination rooms in Huo County have formed an unwritten rule that during the exam, the invigilator is not allowed to turn on the air conditioner without permission.

In fact, even if the invigilator wanted to turn on the air conditioner, it would not help.

Turn on the air conditioner, you need electricity to spray.

Without electricity, any electrical appliance is just a decoration.

Mo Xiaoxue's heart was beating a little faster after going through the security check and entering the examination room.

Even Mo Xiaoxue was a little nervous after the security check by the invigilator and the extraordinarily quiet test room.

Mo Xiaoxue, who had already visited the examination room yesterday, knew that this classroom was originally the third year of high school (12).

For students in No. 1 Middle School, there is one advantage that students in other schools have no advantage in, and that is familiarity with the examination room environment.

If you are lucky, you can take the college entrance examination in the classroom of your own class if you still have the opportunity.

The clock hanging directly above the blackboard was ticking. Mo Xiaoxue knew that the time of this clock was quite accurate, and the error would not exceed one minute.

Because before the holiday, the school took back the clocks of all classes in the school for calibration and replaced them with new batteries.

Looking at the ticking clock, Mo Xiaoxue didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, the chief invigilator among the three invigilators stood on the podium, picked up a few pieces of paper, and coughed twice.


"Students, pay attention, let me read the exam discipline and the consequences of violations."


Although the head teacher had already explained the precautions during the exam, Mo Xiaoxue still listened carefully.

Not only Mo Xiaoxue, but all the candidates in the examination room were listening.

I don't know if it's the hot weather or nervousness, but if you observe carefully, you will find that many students' palms are already sweating.

After the reading of the record was over, the chief invigilator also read the letter of guarantee in front of all the students.

A few minutes before the exam, there was noise on the radio.

It was someone who turned on the microphone of the radio station.

"Please ask the invigilators in each examination room to distribute the Chinese test papers."

After the broadcast was repeated three times, the broadcast was turned off.

At this time, the chief invigilator on the podium had already opened the sealed top-secret file bag.

"After getting the test paper, first check whether the test paper is missing, and wait for the bell to ring before allowing formal answering."

The invigilator had no intention of stepping off the podium, and the test papers were handed over to the other two teachers for distribution.

Mo Xiaoxue, who was sitting on the first seat by the door, was the first to get the test paper.

Different from the usual mock exams, the college entrance examination Chinese test paper is a special paper, and all the test questions are all on a long A3 paper, also called 8-motif paper.

In addition, there is an answer sheet.

Mo Xiaoxue checked the test paper back and forth to see if there were any missing or blurred prints. After confirming that there were none, Mo Xiaoxue put the test paper away and looked at the multiple-choice questions with fiery eyes.

The bell has not rang yet. According to regulations, it is not allowed to start answering questions, let alone fill in candidate information.

But this does not prevent them from looking at the questions in advance and using their brains to think about the questions.

Once the time is up, you can fill in the answer directly.

Is this cheating? No, because there is no violation of any rules.

The language multiple choice questions should not be too simple for Mo Xiaoxue. To be precise, it is not a problem for students with good memory.

Filling in the blanks with poems, for people like them, is a sub-question.

This is also the most difficult question to get a score. No matter what level of school it is, as long as you usually recite silent poems and words proficiently according to the teacher's requirements, it is very easy to get full marks.

Some people say that the college entrance examination is not only a test of ordinary skills, but also related to luck.

Regarding luck, Mo Xiaoxue never refuted it.

Take filling in the blanks with ancient poems as an example. It is obviously a sub-question, and I usually recite the poems, but sometimes some people drink water and get stuck between their teeth. Maybe they just forgot the sentence to fill in, and they can’t even think about it. stand up.

Mo Xiaoxue glanced at the poem and filled in the blanks. Fortunately, she remembered it all.

Time passed by, and when the examinees were concentrating on reading the questions on the test paper, the bell rang suddenly.

"Candidates start answering questions."

In fact, there is no need for the invigilator to remind. The candidates picked up the pen and began to fill in the answers to the multiple-choice questions they had just thought about the moment the bell rang.

Mo Xiaoxue was no exception. After the multiple-choice questions were marked, Mo Xiaoxue did not choose to continue answering the questions. Instead, she followed the teacher's instructions and filled in her examinee's information on the test paper and answer sheet.

No matter how good the questions are, if you forget to fill in the candidates’ information, it will be a waste of time in the end.

Such low-level mistakes cannot be made.

At the same time, the parents outside the examination room were even more nervous than the students who were answering the questions.

Holding Ling and handing him the umbrella, Mo Jingchun was still sweating profusely.

As for her younger sister, Mo Jingchun believed in her strength, but as her guardian, how could Mo Jingchun expect Mo Xiaoxue to perform exceptionally and do better than usual in the exam.

Faced with some parents who came up to say hello, Mo Jingchun had no intention of speaking quickly.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun noticed an unusual person wearing a cheongsam standing across the road.

Don't ask what's different, just ask that the other party is obviously a man.

While feeling a little surprised, Mo Jingchun felt more happy for the man's child.

Parents all over the world. What's wrong with wearing a cheongsam in order to bring a good omen to the child.

Thinking of this, Mo Jingchun looked back at Zero.

Mo Jingchun stared at Ling Blink, who was covered in hairs, and asked confusedly:

"What's wrong, boss."

"You wear a cheongsam in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Ling froze for a moment, did not refute, but subconsciously looked down.

Very good, I can see the whole pair of feet at a glance.

This three-generation body, from the time of design, never considered that there would be a day of wearing a cheongsam.

After staring at the toes in a daze for a while, Ling looked up innocently at Mo Jingchun.

"Boss, no, I can't hold it up."

"Who said that?"

Mo Jingchun raised his finger and pointed across the road, and said calmly:

"Look at how others can do it? Just stuff two apples."

Zero who stared at that person was silent for a while, then said abruptly:

"Boss, why don't you wear it?"

Mo Jingchun touched his nose in embarrassment, why can't he say that he doesn't have the courage of that elder brother.

"Ahem, I'm a public figure, so I need to pay attention to my image."

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