"Do you have to wait so long?"

The little guy pouted, and immediately didn't want to take the college entrance examination.

"Forget it, I don't want to take the college entrance examination."

Not taking the college entrance examination? Mo Jingchun smiled and didn't say a word, neither refuting nor agreeing.

Just like in the past, Mo Jingchun will not make the choice for Dudu in the future whether she chooses to take the college entrance examination, take the junior class, or choose self-enrollment.

Mo Jingchun will support any path he chooses.

In the afternoon, Mo Xiaoxue performed normally, and the light rain did not know when it had stopped.

After returning home and having dinner, Mo Xiaoxue greeted her and went upstairs directly.

In order to ensure a quiet review environment, Aunt Mei, who cleaned the dining table, was extra careful and tried her best not to make a sound.

The little Huihui Baozi lying in the kennel also seems to know the importance of the college entrance examination, and has been uncharacteristically quiet these days.

Even the little guy Dudu didn't make a big fuss, and even set an astonishing record of not crying for a week.

After nine o'clock at night, Mo Jingchun knocked on the door of the study room, but did not go in directly.

Mo Jingchun didn't open the door until he heard the squeak of candy in the study room.

Mo Jingchun, whose hand was still on the doorknob, said:

"Candy, go to bed early tonight, and you have an exam tomorrow."

Stretching her waist, Mo Xiaoxue said with a smile: "Understood, brother, I'll go wash up and sleep in a while."

"By the way, brother, I didn't set the alarm clock. Remember to wake me up. I'm worried that I may oversleep."

Mo Jingchun nodded, "Okay."

The distance between the study on the second floor and the master bedroom was less than three meters. After closing the door of the study, Mo Jingchun returned to the master bedroom without taking a few steps.

In the warm room, the warm lighting makes people feel very comfortable.

The little guy pouted || lying on the bed and watching cartoons.

The volume of the tablet computer is under the control of zero, controlled at the minimum volume, even if the little guy is confused to adjust the volume, there is no response.

After several attempts to no avail, the little guy gave up.

In front of the dressing table, Li Xuanyu was putting on a mask.

happy family.

I think my parents will be very relieved to see this scene in Tianyouling.

Feeling that his son is useful, he not only brought up his younger sister, but also married a good wife and a lovely daughter.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Li Xuanyu, who was putting on the mask, looked back, while the little guy lying on the bed raised his butt even higher, for fear that he would not be able to attract Mo Jingchun's attention.

"Is Candy still reading?"

Mo Jingchun shrugged, smiled and said, "I really don't know, so I went to remind her to go to bed early, and didn't go into the study."

Noticing Dudu, who is prone to myopia when watching cartoons, Mo Jingchun stepped forward and confiscated the tablet.

"Hmm..." The little guy pursed his mouth, wishing he could dance on the bed.

Just meeting Dad's eyes, the little guy was like a deflated balloon, listless.

Want to cry but dare not.

My mother said that if I dare to cry these days, my ass will bloom.

Too scared to death.

Dad would stare at most, but Mom would really hit her.

After thinking about it, the little guy sighed.


Li Xuanyu, who turned around with the mask on, couldn't help laughing when she heard her daughter's sigh.

"Go to bed quickly."


Although there was still some dissatisfaction in his eyes, his body got into the bed very honestly.

The next morning, the second day of the college entrance examination.

On the huge bed, only the little guy was still sound asleep.

Mo Jingchun and Li Xuanyu got up and went downstairs at some point.

The college entrance examination is a major event, so that Candy can take the college entrance examination with peace of mind, Mo Jingchun has not been to the company for a week in a row.

With Xu Pengfei in charge of the overall situation, zero supervision of the operation of the entire company, even if he does not go to the company for a year, Mo Jingchun is not worried that someone in the company will make small moves.

Facts have proved that his long absence as the boss does not affect the normal operation of the company.

All plans and projects are carried out in an orderly manner with the cooperation of various departments.

After a year, the mine area that Mo Jingchun discovered at the beginning has changed drastically.

In order to improve efficiency, all countries have agreed to adopt the most efficient mining method-robots completely replace manual work.

Compared with the beginning of the century, today's robot technology has already matured, and it has not been widely promoted on Blue Star. That is because no country can solve the serious consequences once robots completely replace manual work.

On Mars, however, this problem does not exist at all.

On the outskirts of the mine, there are many bases. This is where various countries are stationed, and it is also an area where humans can move freely on Mars.

In order to reflect the unity, passages have been reserved between the bases of various countries.

In other words, all the bases are connected in series.

Compared with the bland base, the mine is obviously more lively.

Each mining robot is working tirelessly like ants, and only when the energy is about to run out, will it go to the charging pile for charging.

Thanks to Huawei's super charging technology and Candy Tech's most advanced graphene battery technology, these mining robots achieve an amazing 48 hours of work in ten minutes of charging.

There are more or less errors, but when fully charged, the working time will never be less than 40 hours.

In one year, on a plain 200 kilometers away from the mine, a huge man-made object was being constructed.

That is a huge circular base, and it is also the end and start point of the space elevator on the ground side.

Around the prototype base, ten cavities are evenly reserved.

That's the place reserved for a controlled fusion reactor.

At this time, a space shuttle with a candy logo cut through the sky and flew towards this side.

"Space Shuttle Candy entered orbit and allowed to land."

The pilot who has handed over the control to the artificial intelligence waits quietly for the space shuttle Candy to land under the pilot of the artificial intelligence on the Martian ground.

A minute later, chains of collarbone firmly fixed the space shuttle Candy on the tarmac.

In order to transport ten controllable nuclear fusion reactors, Mo Jingchun ordered the Hope spacecraft to deliver the goods.

At this moment, in the far-earth orbit of Mars, Hope has turned off all its engines, and under the action of Mars' gravity, it is making an elliptical motion around Mars.

An hour later, after the space shuttle Candy took off from the tarmac after unloading, another space shuttle with components for a controlled nuclear fusion reactor was released from the Hope spacecraft.

It took five hours for two space shuttles to cross-dribble to transport ten controllable fusion reactors to the Martian space elevator platform.

After completing the transportation mission, the space shuttle Candy carried a hundred Great White engineers and flew towards the Mars space elevator platform again.

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