Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1117 Steady as an Old Dog

At the same time, Blue Star Huo County No. 1 Middle School was outside the examination room.

Reporters and photographers from the city squeezed to the front of the crowd by virtue of their strength, ready to interview the first student who walked out of the examination room at any time.

The last exam is coming to an end. The first time the candidates who took the college entrance examination changed their fate is about to come to an end.

How many outstanding students from Capital University and Shuimu University can Huo County No. 1 Middle School produce this year?

It's really exciting.

Unlike yesterday when it was raining lightly, the sun was scorching today, even a parasol could not block the scorching sun.

Outside the gate of No. 1 Middle School, the crowd has already surrounded the surrounding area.

In addition to the candidates' parents and various emergency personnel, a large number of people who were preparing to post advertisements also came.

The most disgusting thing is the person who advertises under the name of the review class.

Immediately after the college entrance examination, you come to post an advertisement for the review class. Isn't this annoying.

In front of the stone lion, Mo Jingchun held up a parasol, forming a vacuum, and no one who handed out leaflets approached him.

Mo Jingchun actually wanted it in his heart, among other things, the small fan that everyone had was exactly what he needed right now.

Out of face, Mo Jingchun was too embarrassed to ask for it.

Forget it, the last exam will be over in a while, and it will be over after a while.

Time passed by, and suddenly, the familiar electric bell rang, and all the people who were whispering and chatting turned their eyes to the school that was separated by the door.

A minute later, a candidate happily rushed towards the gate.

That happy look reminds people that the exam should be very good.

If Mo Xiaoxue was here at this time, she definitely wouldn't think so.

Because this examinee is the lovely person who said "Fuck || Groove" several times yesterday.

Under the sharp eyes of the security guard, the reporter did not step forward to interview the elated examinee through the gate.

Uncle's age, the reporter has already weighed it in his mind for a long time.

I can't afford it, I really can't afford it, and the reporter is also worried that this old man will lie on the ground without saying a word.

Even if it is recorded by a photographer at that time, it will still be unreasonable.

Uncle is your uncle after all, you can hide if you can.

It has to be said that the principal of No. 1 Middle School knows the guards well.

As for someone actually doing something, the school is not afraid at all, and no one thinks that the two cute Dabai in the room outside the door are just a decoration.

Even though Candy Technology has repeatedly denied that Dabai is an auxiliary robot, not a combat robot, in fact, everyone knows it in their hearts, as if people born after 00 have never watched that anime.

Dabai started to fight very vigorously!

As time passed, candidates came out of the examination room one after another and gathered at the school gate.

On the other side, Mo Xiaoxue relaxed after going to the toilet.

After the exam, Mo Xiaoxue was full of confidence.

I can't guarantee that she will be the number one scholar in the province, but except for some special schools, Mo Xiaoxue dares to say that as long as she wants to go to any university in the country, she can definitely choose it arbitrarily. She is so confident and arrogant.

Seeing the crowd gathering, Mo Xiaoxue walked out without haste.

According to yesterday's practice, today it is estimated that there will be a wait of about 20 minutes before the school will open the gate and let the candidates leave.

Mo Xiaoxue originally thought that no one would be so stupid as to carry a test paper.

It never occurred to him that after the exam in the morning, the sixth child would bring out the test paper.

So much so that I waited for more than half an hour at noon, and didn't let the other candidates leave until the candidate was named by the radio and returned the test paper.

Mo Xiaoxue actually couldn't figure it out. There were three invigilators watching in the classroom, and they were not allowed to leave the classroom until the test papers and answer sheets were collected.

Then the question came, how did the examinee bring out the test paper.

Mo Xiaoxue thought for a while and shook her head, but she still couldn't figure out how the other party took away the test paper.

With the lessons learned at noon, no candidates should be confused in the afternoon.

When this happened again, even Mo Xiaoxue felt a little speechless.

Twenty minutes later, the doorman pressed the remote control in his hand without warning.

In the next second, the school gate slowly opened.

Without the uncle's obstruction, the reporter immediately went up the mountain to prepare for the interview.

Passing through the crowd, the reporter went straight to the jubilant examination room with the microphone in hand.

"Hello classmate, I am a journalist from XXX, what do you think of the difficulty of this year's test paper?"

The candidate who was caught in the interview was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he blurted out without thinking:

"Difficulty? I don't know. I heard from my classmates that it seems quite simple."

Um? The examinee's answer stunned the reporter.

What does it mean?

Fortunately, the reporter's response was fast enough, and he immediately changed the question.

"Student, you are so confident, did you perform exceptionally well in this exam?"

Hearing this, the examinee rubbed his nose and smiled coquettishly, "It's not bad, let me choose a private technical college."

While the reporter was in a daze again, the examinee finally had a flash of thought and ran away without saying a word.

Only the photographer brother was sober as always, and even took a close-up of the candidate when he ran away.

This scene happened right in front of Mo Jingchun's eyes. Mo Jingchun's eyes were strange, and he silently mourned for the reporter for three seconds.

He came all the way here just to get the first-hand news, but he didn't expect to meet a fool at the beginning.

No wonder Ling told him that this female reporter was still an intern reporter, so she had no experience at first sight.

Candidates with excellent grades generally don't rush out of the classroom so quickly, and more often meet and chat with other students.

Of course, accidents are not ruled out.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Ling who was wearing a cheongsam, and his eyes met. Mo Jingchun also saw the strangeness in Ling's eyes.

"elder brother."

Seeing the waving candies, Mo Jingchun also smiled and waved.

After Candy walked over, before Mo Jingchun could speak, the head teacher asked anxiously:

"Mo Xiaoxue, how do you feel about the test?"

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxue pondered for a while before giving a more stable answer.

"All subjects are performing normally, and it is not a problem to block the test results."

As the name suggests, masking of college entrance examination results is to shield the candidate's college entrance examination scores.

Because the college entrance examination scores are too good and rank among the best in the province, the relevant departments deliberately shield the scores of such candidates to avoid excessive media hype about "top students in the college entrance examination" and to prevent colleges and universities from competing for high-quality students.

And those who can be shielded from the college entrance examination results are undoubtedly the top 50 in the province.

After listening to Mo Xiaoxue's words, the head teacher excitedly said hello three times.

Everyone was shaking with excitement.

The reporter who noticed this scene gritted his teeth and walked over with a microphone in his hand.

Mo Jingchun, Mo Xiaoxue is a reporter in this city, even if she is just an intern, how could she not know each other.

The photographer following behind was still as steady as an old dog, following behind with a camera. (end of this chapter)

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