
Dudu chuckled and quietly untied Xiao Huihui's dog leash.

Although Master Hui is very irritating, Dudu doesn't want his aunt to beat Master Hui.

After all, when she was beaten several times, Master Hui was always by her side.

Little Huihui, who is neither too smart nor too stupid, squatted on the ground obediently, looked up at the sky, did not yell, and cooperated with Dudu quite well.

Mo Jingchun, who had his hands in his pockets, glanced at Dudu and Xiao Huihui, who were standing on the same front, but said nothing.

Instead, he looked back at the candy with a half-smile before walking towards the car.

Mo Xiaoxue held her forehead with her left hand, her face full of helplessness.

This little trick was something she used when she was a child. My dear, your dad could see it right away.


Mo Xiaoxue sighed, went up the mountain and touched Dudu's head, and said:

"Let's go, get in the car and go home. You came here to play with me and didn't even finish your homework today. Behave better when you get home. Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Dudu nodded vigorously, absolutely not giving his mother a chance to make excuses.

She understands so well.

Thanks to the implementation of new fully autonomous driving technology, in addition to older models, all newly produced vehicles in recent years have achieved driverless capabilities.

Passers-by are no longer surprised when they see a car without a driver and a steering wheel in the driver's seat while waiting at a red light on the road.

Dudu, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Zero driving, pouted, and said:

"Dad, why don't you upgrade this car and still keep the original driving style."

"As far as you know, this is called nostalgia, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Dudu curled his lips unconvinced.

Ten minutes later, Mo Jingchun and the others returned to their warm little home.

Dudu, who was the first to come in, found his mother sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating melon seeds, and immediately called her mother sweetly.

Li Xuanyu tilted his head and glanced at his daughter, and nodded calmly.

When Dudu was three years old, he had his own room.

third floor.

Lived right across from Candy's bedroom.

The room between the two people was separated by the room reserved for Zhou Yaling.

Although Dudu moved upstairs when he was three years old, Mo Jingchun and Li Xuanyu knew that the child would run to the candy room at midnight every day and sleep together.

At night, Dudu lay on Mo Xiaoxue's bed with the bear cub in his arms and fell asleep.

Mo Jingchun, who was still asleep downstairs, was lying on the bed and suddenly said:

"Xuanyu, I decided to build a base on Mars and transfer some scientific research laboratories and researchers to Mars.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket. "

Li Xuanyu, who was wiping her hair in front of the dressing table, paused for a moment and continued wiping her hair.

"It's a good idea. I support you."

"When I came back today, I found that you and Candy were both out of shape. Did something happen?"

Looking up at the ceiling, Mo Jingchun was in a daze.


"The threat of alien civilization is temporarily over, and the global joint operations center basically has only a name left.

At this time, all countries should be evacuating their own personnel one after another.

Xuanyu, did you know that under the operation of Western countries, 40% of the fleets affiliated with the Global Joint Operations Center belong to Candy Technology. "

Li Xuanyu stopped, even wondering if she heard wrongly, and asked in disbelief:

"What are you talking about? 40% of the fleet belongs to Candy Technology? Or is it operated by Western countries?

You are definitely not wrong, 40% of the fleet belongs to our country. "

Mo Jingchun said in a faint tone: "Xuanyu, I am still young and do not have Alzheimer's disease."

"Like you, my head was buzzing at the time. But this conspiracy of Western countries is indeed playing into their own hands.

To put it bluntly, there were actually other voices up there very early on, but they were just suppressed.

Now that Candy Technology suddenly possesses half of the world's military power, that voice can no longer be suppressed.

The human heart is the hardest thing to guess. Who can guarantee that I will always maintain the same thoughts in the future? "

Mo Jingchun laughed at himself.

Li Xuanyu was silent for a while and said softly:

"Just follow your heart. The more you think about it, the more complicated it becomes."

"That makes sense."

In the morning, the first ray of sunlight shines into the bedroom through the curtains.

Li Xuanyu, who woke up naturally from sleep, touched the remaining warmth beside her and knew that Mo Jingchun had gone to the company.

Last night when Mo Jingchun was resting.

Research on Merck people in various countries has never stopped.

For safety reasons, various countries have a tacit understanding not to allow these nine spacecraft to fly towards the center of the solar system.

Instead, he chose to keep the spacecraft in place to avoid threats from viruses and microorganisms.

In just a few years, the level of medical care has been greatly improved, and the physical fitness of the people has also been greatly improved.

However, no expert believes that humans can withstand hundreds of millions of various viruses and microorganisms.

Human body resistance is not strong enough to ignore any threats from viruses and microorganisms.

Without the threat, various countries began to play their own roles and conduct their own experiments on the Merks.

Although knowing such experimental data, Candy Technology will definitely have backup.

But Western countries are not worried.

Even if Candy Technology gives the original data to Xia Guo, given the current delicate relationship between Xia Guo and Candy Technology, will Xia Guo's officials think that there is no problem with the data?

Xia Guo has a good saying.

Once suspicion arises, the crime is already established.

Human beings themselves don’t even understand the human heart, let alone artificial intelligence.

Countries around the world have always been wary of artificial intelligence.

This is true for the threatened Western countries, and it is also true for the Xia Kingdom that benefits.

As soon as they arrived at the laboratory, Mo Jingchun was eager to take a sip of hot tea before Mo Jingchun arrived. Ling came over and said:

"Boss, Sakura Country has applied for Merck human anatomy experiments."

Mo Jingchun thought for a while and said, "Give them the Merks you killed."

"They want live bodies."

"No, tell them, stop dreaming. There are only so many Merks left alive."

Looking at the tough boss, Zero said nothing and directly told the Sakura Country what the boss meant.

The boss himself didn't seem to notice that he had become tougher since yesterday's meeting.

It gives people the feeling of a flat-headed brother.

If you don't accept it, do it.

Not to mention, since the end of yesterday's meeting, no one can fight if there is a real fight.

I don’t know how the first deflated Sakura Country is feeling right now.

It’s okay if it’s not good anyway.

On the other side, Sakura Country, who was waiting for the experiment, cursed angrily after receiving Zero's reply.

After scolding him, he applied for Merck’s autopsy experiment.

They were very curious about the body structure of the Merks.

Wondering why their blood is green.

Could it be that they can still perform photosynthesis? (end of this chapter)

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