Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1141 Immigration Plan

As the days passed, the Internet became surprisingly quiet.

Everyone seems to be back on track with their lives.

Ordinary people no longer have any fear of Merck civilization.

In their eyes, human civilization is stronger than Merck civilization.

The arrival of the Merck civilization's spaceship in the solar system was nothing more than an accident.

Natural wormholes are elusive. No one knows where they will suddenly open and when they will suddenly disappear.

The location where the wormhole appeared was scanned no less than a hundred times by various advanced instruments and equipment, but nothing was found.

Except for the open area, the wormhole left no trace.

Maybe there are traces, but with the current technology and vision of mankind, we can't find them yet.

Dad and aunt were in the laboratory all day long, and Dudu, who was on summer vacation, was bored and walked around alone with little Huihui.

Her father's office has become her base, and the floor is filled with various toys.

"Master Hui, I really want to go out and play, but it's too hot outside right now. I'll definitely get scolded if I go out. Dad and aunt will take turns scolding me, and there will be extra food when I get home."

Xiao Huihui, who was crowded in the same kennel with Baozi, moved his ears but made no sound.

The sun is so hot outside, how comfortable it is to have the air conditioner here.

Besides, it was wearing a fur coat, so it couldn't withstand such a hot weather.

Mr. Hui, although I am still young and strong, I cannot stand the scorching sun.

Listening to Dudu talking to himself, Xia Xiaomin, who was sorting out the meeting minutes, couldn't help but shake her head.

Five years ago, in order to use X-gene optimization fluid, citizens had to meet a hard condition, that is, they must be 65 years old.

Or take another route and serve in the military compulsorily.

It’s just that as time goes by, the conditions are becoming more relaxed year by year.

Nowadays, as long as you are willing, anyone over the age of 40 can get an injection of X-gene optimization fluid, which is as easy as getting a vaccine.

After using X-gene optimization fluid, the wrinkles on Xia Xiaomin's face disappeared without a trace.

Xia Xiaomin, who is nearly fifty years old, looks like she is only in her thirties.

It's just that long-term overtime work has made Xia Xiaomin's dark circles unable to get rid of.

Xia Xiaomin smiled when she heard Dudu chatting with Xiao Huihui, giving her a feeling of déjà vu.

How powerful is candy technology today? Xia Xiaomin knew it well.

A very simple change. If there is any new technology in today's candy technology, even if it is not kept confidential and is acquired by other organizations, no organization would dare to use it openly.

Let alone selling products on the market.

Nowadays, she is just a pure secretary to the boss.

Mo Jingchun, who was conducting in-depth research on Merck's genetic material, frowned when he heard Ling finish.

“Dozens of Western countries, including the beautiful country, have submitted requests for visits to our country, and they also named them to come to Candy Technology?

What are they trying to do!

Are you not afraid at all that I will stop playing and turn over the table if I am unhappy? "

What Mo Jingchun couldn't understand the most was that the superiors agreed.

The visit is scheduled for tomorrow.

Mo Jingchun seriously suspected that he was the last one to know about this link.

At the Global Joint Warfare Center meeting a few days ago, before he joined the virtual meeting, it was very likely that all countries had reached a consensus in some way.

And he doesn’t know this consensus!

Dozens of visiting groups from Western countries are coming to visit Candy Technology, as well as accompanying official personnel. Among other things, the surface work still needs to be done well.

I don’t know what the intentions of these people are.

Mo Jingchun would not simply think that these people were doing nothing just to visit the Candy Technology Park.

"Zero, inform Xiaoxia of the news and ask her to prepare for the reception.

In addition, tell Candy to suspend the experiment tomorrow and join me to see where the Western countries are going to sing. "

"Okay, boss."

Zero, who controls more than a thousand battleships, is full of expectations. He hopes that someone will cause trouble tomorrow so that the battleships can be taken out for a walk.

Xia Xiaomin, who was carefully walking through a pile of stationery holding a document, suddenly stopped in her tracks.

After listening to Zero's message from the headphones. Xia Xiaomin was very calm and calm.

Twenty years of working as a secretary has made Xia Xiaomin feel comfortable facing anything.

Even five years ago, in the early hours of the morning, Zero suddenly issued a notice to organize company personnel to evacuate to the Anyang base. Although Xia Xiaomin didn't know the reason, she still followed the instructions and arranged her work.

Putting down the documents in her hands, Xia Xiaomin sat down in front of the computer and notified the employees below to assemble in the conference room.

One day is enough to set up the work.

Half an hour later, after a simple and clear meeting, each department performed its duties and began to work.

At nine o'clock the next morning, the sun rose three poles high.

Mo Jingchun asked Lingyou to pay close attention to the movements of the visiting team today.

At Ling's reminder, Mo Jingchun learned that the motorcade would arrive at the park in five minutes. Mo Jingchun then called for candy and walked out of the office building.

Mo Jingchun didn't know what would happen today.

In order to prevent the little guy from causing trouble, Mo Jingchun didn't bring Dudu with him today.

For this reason, the little guy pouted unhappily in the morning.

I walked slowly to the south entrance, the time was just right.

In the spacious conference room, Mo Jingchun had a surprised expression on his face after hearing the actual purpose of the visiting team.

Mo Xiaoxue, who was sitting next to Mo Jingchun, was also surprised.

What happened? Why did the hibernation technology she studied suddenly become so popular?

When the news was first announced, she made it clear that this thing had shortcomings.

There is a certain probability of failure.

At the same time, 100 people are hibernating. During the awakening process, it is very likely that 10 people will not be awakened and will become a vegetative state forever, or they will be awakened, but will suffer from memory loss.

Judging from the experimental results on mice, the probability of hibernation failure has been stable between 10% and 15%.

In Mo Xiaoxue's view, this is undoubtedly an immature technology.

After using it, people will die!

Because there is no threat from the Merk civilization, humans can no longer abandon their hometown and run away, so the hibernation technology of interstellar navigation has been temporarily put aside.

What's happening now?

They all come for hibernation technology.

What do Western countries want to do? No, hibernation technology is also required above!

At this moment, both Mo Xiaoxue and Mo Jingchun came to their senses, and they were still wondering why they let their old friend Qin Yuzhu lead the team.

Once you figure out the key, you understand why.

After pondering for a while, Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue looked at each other, and both had an uncertain answer in their hearts.

Interstellar immigration!

All countries can clearly see the situation on Blue Star.

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