Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1142 Historical Relics

To be honest, Mo Jingchun has not thought about interstellar immigration.

At least before today, Mo Jingchun had never had this idea.

Unlike Western countries, as a native Chinese, Mo Jingchun, like other citizens, has a certain thought in his bones. That is to go home.

The older I get, the more deeply I feel about my hometown.

Because of this, even in the famous sci-fi movie "The Wandering Earth" that year, unlike the spaceship faction, even in the solar crisis, they had to leave the solar system with Blue Star.

This is the unique hometown feeling of Chinese people.

But Western countries are different. They do not have this kind of hometown sentiment. Even if they do, there are only a few people. Unlike the Chinese, they have this hometown sentiment in their bones.

Even if you die, you have to return to your roots.

However, this time, not only are Western countries preparing for interstellar immigration, but they also seem to have similar plans above.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the situation in the solar system will be more tense than before, and the forces will be more complicated.

The possibility of Blue Star unification is getting lower and lower.

Mo Jingchun glanced at the candy next to him, and under the expectation of everyone, he said calmly: "The hibernation technology for interstellar navigation was developed by Mo Xiaoxue. You can just ask her about it."

Mo Jingchun was very calm. The military power in his hands was the greatest confidence for him to speak.

This is not the first time that Mo Xiaoxue has seen her brother's ability to throw blame, and she is very calm. She wonders if it is because her brother likes to throw blame to her so much because he shouted a lot of "fucking" when he was a child.

After a brief recollection, Mo Xiaoxue looked up at the foreign friends whose eyes were all focused on her.

After contemplating for a while to organize her words, Mo Xiaoxue said: "Everyone should have read my published papers on interstellar navigation hibernation technology. The interstellar navigation hibernation technology I developed is still at a very elementary level. Human experiments have been conducted, and in experiments on mice alone, the failure rate of hibernation failure exceeded 10%.

I don't think this is a mature technology, on the contrary, it still has a lot to improve.

Just imagine, everyone, if all the crew members enter the hibernation state, in an ideal state, they will be awakened by the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft every 100 years to live for one year, so as to avoid the memory loss of the crew members in the hibernation state.

To reach the nearest galaxy, it would take hundreds of years at the current flying speed of the latest spacecraft.

After several rounds of hibernation, the crew will lose more than 20%. What is even more frightening is whether there will be chaos on the spaceship if the highest command captain on the spaceship becomes a vegetable.

To be honest, I do not recommend that you use the current interstellar navigation hibernation technology. This is entirely a matter of human life exploring new worlds. "

At this moment, one of the foreign friends who had been silent until now suddenly spoke:

"Professor Mo, before your hibernation technology comes out, if you want to go on an interstellar voyage to reach other star systems, the first generation of crew members will all perish. If all goes well, the people who can reach other star systems are their descendants.

Now your hibernation technology can ensure that 80% of the first generation crew can see another star system with their own eyes. This is already worth it, isn't it?

I believe that the crews sent by our country will be equally happy to do so.

As for the captain you mentioned, Professor Mo, who unfortunately became a vegetative state, this matter can be easily solved, right? Without a captain, the deputy captain will naturally become the captain. "

In the silent conference room, Xia Xiaomin lowered her head and recorded everything word for word.

In meetings, as long as the boss doesn't come to her, Xia Xiaomin won't make any unnecessary moves.

It is even less possible to interfere in the decision-making of the boss and the eldest lady.

Looking out of the corner of her eye at her expressionless brother and Sister Xia, who was recording the meeting minutes with her head down, Mo Xiaoxue frowned.

In her opinion, this immature interstellar navigation hibernation technology is no different from killing people.

She also understood what her brother meant.

Come up with technology.

Otherwise, my brother would not let her decide for herself.

"Yes. I will directly publish the relevant information about the interstellar navigation hibernation technology I developed to the official website information area of ​​Candy Technology. You can decide whether to use it or not, but the user must declare before using it. Any life-threatening danger will be dealt with. I don't care."

Mo Xiaoxue's move was to directly disclose technical information without any transaction of interest. This move caught the representatives from various countries off guard.

Yes, with Candy Technology’s current status and strength, it no longer cares about money.

However, what surprised others was that the representative of Niu Niu Kingdom suddenly said sincerely: "On behalf of Niu Niu Country, I will return all the historical relics of Xia Kingdom in the museum in the near future."

Obviously, the representative of Niu Niu Country returned all historical cultural relics directly on behalf of the country without asking for instructions from the country. What does it mean?

It shows that they are well prepared. From the beginning, they have thought about how to trade the candy technology for the hibernation technology of interstellar navigation.

I just didn't expect that Mo Xiaoxue would disclose the information directly on the Candy Technology official website.

However, this smooth favor can be said to be quite beautiful.

The representatives of other countries secretly scolded the representative of Niu Niu country for making a sneak attack. Seeing the change in Mo Jingchun and Mo Xiaoxue's expressions, the invincible brother and sister were obviously tempted.

"On behalf of the beautiful country, I return all historical artifacts."

At this moment, Qin Yuzhu, who was leading the team, and his companions burst into tears. They did not expect that there would be an unexpected harvest today.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun has a high emotional intelligence. After the countries expressed their willingness to return historical relics, Mo Jingchun glanced at his sister and said with understanding:

"In this case, I will accept it on behalf of the Beijing Museum."

As noon was approaching, Mo Jingchun calmly did not keep the foreign personnel for dinner.

Before leaving, Qin Yuzhu looked at Mo Jingchun with mixed emotions and sighed.

"No matter what, I still thank you on behalf of the country. You have helped us fulfill the dreams of many generations."

Mo Jingchun smiled slightly.

"These historical relics should have been placed in the capital museum, shouldn't they?"

The current situation is what Qin Yuzhu least wants to see. Although she had thought a long time ago that she might face this day, she just didn't expect it would come so early.

What's more, Candy Technology, as a company, surpassed the comprehensive strength of all countries in the world.

For some reason, Qin Yuzhu had a hunch that even if all the countries in the world cooperated, they would not be able to defeat Candy Technology.

This is an intuition that comes from her many years of career.

No one knows how many technologies Mo Jingchun has hidden, and how many other known killers.

"If nothing else happens, I will be one of the first people to explore a planet suitable for human life. I hope my luck is as good as ever."

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