There is even a secret!

In Mo Jingchun's private laboratory in the No. 1 Laboratory Building of the Candy Technology Park, before entering the laboratory, Mo Jingchun told Zero that Candy was not allowed to enter his laboratory today.

When he heard the Merck man shouting "I say! I say!", Mo Jingchun stood up directly and stared at the holographic projection.

What kind of secret caused the Merck people to not have any records on the spacecraft, but to use the most primitive word of mouth.

"Zero, without my order, the robot is not allowed to cause further harm to the experimental subject."

"Boss, I understand."

On the other side of Blue Star, the scientist from Sakura State, who discovered that he had lost the authority to control the robot, cursed angrily.

Despite this, they did not dare to miss the next minute.

All those who remotely watched the real-time monitoring of this bed had a feeling in their hearts that from the Merck population lying on the experimental platform to survive, mankind would gain the greatest harvest from the Merck civilization.

A burst of sedatives was injected into the body, and the Merck man lying on the experimental platform received brief pain relief.

In the flawless white laboratory, apart from a bunch of unfamiliar instruments, the only ones left were robots.

The Merck people, whose psychological defenses have collapsed, just want to survive.

Under the gaze of the robot with the flashing red light, the Merk people did not hesitate to tell the secret of the Merk civilization.

"Dear human civilization, each of us Mercks are born with a sixth sense and can sense danger."

Sixth Sense, this is the most accurate word matched by artificial intelligence after being translated into human language.

Learning from Merck that the so-called secret is the sixth sense disappoints all human scientists.

This thing is nothing new to humans. Humans also have a sixth sense, and statistics show that girls’ sixth sense is more accurate.

If they are twins, there is still a certain degree of telepathy.

Although it is currently unexplainable by science, such phenomena do exist.

Just when everyone was shaking their heads and sighing, not responding to their expectations, the Merck man, who was lying on the experimental platform and had his bleeding stopped by the robot, said in a weak voice:

"During the long historical development of the Merck civilization, we accidentally discovered that this sixth sense can be enhanced through exercise. Among the scientists accompanying us, a very small number of scientists have been able to conduct scientific research with more concentration after continuous exercise. "

As soon as these words came out, the human scientists suddenly became energetic.

This is good.

As the Mercks talked about the method of exercise, everyone realized that wasn't what the Mercks were talking about spiritual meditation?

And that part corresponds to the pineal gland of the human body.

At this moment, Zero's cold voice sounded in the laboratory.

"You're lying. If it's true as you said, you Merks are born with a sixth sense to sense danger, and your scientists have stronger perceptive abilities, then you should be able to feel the potential danger when you come out of the natural wormhole. Danger.

Knowing that there was danger, you did not choose to stay away from the solar system as soon as possible, but stayed where you were. "

As soon as these words came out, the human scientists who were almost fooled by the Mercks broke out in a cold sweat.

Sure enough, the aliens’ words cannot be trusted.

There are pitfalls everywhere.

If human scientists exercised according to the exercise method provided by Merck, they would probably become mentally disabled.

"The sixth sense is not omnipotent. The range and time it can sense danger are very limited. Just like just now, I only felt danger and malice after entering the laboratory."

Obviously, no one, whether it was Mo Jingchun or other scientists, wanted to believe a word of Merck's words.

Under the horrified eyes of the Merks, the robot raised its mechanical arm again, and the gleaming scalpel was the call of death.

Before finally losing consciousness, he could only pray silently that human civilization would never discover the home planet of Merk civilization.

With the cruelty of human civilization, it is simply a disaster for the Merk people.

One day later, after questioning all the surviving Merks individually, the answers they got were surprisingly the same.

The dead Merck man wasn't lying.

In the laboratory, Mo Jingchun was pacing back and forth. All the information was in front of him, but Mo Jingchun did not dare to try.

Who knows if there is any problem.

Anyway, laboratories in various countries have obtained the same data and information, and Mo Jingchun does not believe that they do not conduct experiments.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun paused. He patted his thigh and said with a dumb smile, "Why did I forget this?"

Lying on the chair in the laboratory, Mo Jingchun closed his eyes.

Deep in Mo Jingchun's consciousness, Mo Jingchun looked at the dazzling system carousel and did not draw the lottery immediately.

Instead, he said: "I want to know, are there supernatural forces in the universe?"

The next second, sounds came from all directions.

"200 points."


The sudden generosity made the system unable to deal with it for a while.

While deducting points, the system awakened by Mo Jingchun did not forget to absorb Zero, the Zero generated by artificial intelligence.

Zero, an extremely scarce resource in the universe, can only be found but cannot be found. Absorbing Zero from this artificial intelligence can be regarded as self-produced.

After all, this artificial intelligence was also exiled from here, wasn't it?

2g's Zeluo made the system feel particularly comfortable, and answered Mo Jingchun's questions generously.

"Only civilizations with backward cognition would believe that there are supernatural forces in the universe. Boy, does electricity count as a supernatural force?"

"Of course not!"

"I see."

As long as it can be used by humans, any power is the same.

Just like the causal weapons imagined by humans, if this kind of weapon is really developed, in the eyes of civilizations with backward technology, it will be an incomprehensible supernatural power.

Seeing that Mo Jingchun was about to leave, the system became anxious.

"It's a lottery."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun sneered. Did he still know the urine properties of the system?

Points should be high-level energy that a certain system must require, but this guy kept fooling him with useless things.

It is impossible to be fooled.

"Ahem, isn't it too late for you to take another look at the Lucky Wheel before leaving?"

Mo Jingchun, who looked back, couldn't move his eyes away at all.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Jingchun said fiercely: "I still don't admit that you didn't do anything secretly."

"Give me a draw!"

Mo Jingchun, who withdrew from the consciousness space and opened his eyes, rubbed his temples.

The next second, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth rose slightly.

Although I fell into the pit of the system again, it was worth the money.

"Basic Insights on the Pineal Gland and the Force"

Force, this was the first time Mo Jingchun knew that this kind of power still existed in the universe.

If Mo Jingchun previously suspected that ancient myths were due to the involvement of prehistoric civilization or alien civilization, Mo Jingchun now believes even more that in ancient times, humans accidentally discovered the existence of the Force and developed the so-called " "Gongfa".

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