If the guessed results are true, then modern people still underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

It's a pity that too much historical information has been lost in the long river of history.

The health-preserving skills that have been passed down to modern times do not have those magical effects.

Mo Jingchun chuckled and shook his head. It didn't matter whether he had it or not. Why bother worrying about things that have become a thing of the past.

I have it in my hand right now.

The Force, like dark matter in the universe, is invisible, intangible, and difficult to observe with equipment.

But the Force really exists.

According to the detailed explanation in "Basic Insights on the Pineal Gland and the Force", although the Force does exist, it does not exist everywhere in the universe.

The Force can only be produced on a planet where nature can breed life. On a pristine planet, the better the ecology, the higher the concentration of the Force.

The existence of the Force is related to the evolution of every living entity on the planet. It is the source of the evolution of all life.

On Blue Star, whether it is flowers, plants, trees, animals or humans, all natural evolution processes are inseparable from the Force.

And actively absorbing the Force will speed up the evolution.

Although the system did not explain it clearly, Mo Jingchun, who had already formed a tacit understanding with the system, knew that the so-called sixth sense training method of the Merck civilization should be a very rough application of the force.

Now, he has a safe and harmless method of absorbing the force in his hands. Although it is the most basic, it is definitely better than what the Mercks have.

Mo Jingchun, who was born with insecurities, subconsciously believed that there was something wrong with the exercise method "provided" by Merck people.

Under normal circumstances, Merck scientists with higher status should have mastered more complete training methods. Unfortunately, they were annihilated under the super laser cannon of the lunar transfer station and merged with the melted spacecraft materials.

It coincided with the Qingming Festival holiday, and Mo Jingchun took his family back to his hometown.

In the dead of night, Mo Jingchun said something to the person next to him, and then went out with Ling.

It was rare that it didn't rain, but the air was still wet and dewy, and the bangs on my forehead were covered with dew.

Unknowingly, Mo Jingchun walked to the tombs of his parents in Houshan based on his feelings.

Mo Jingchun had a feeling that if he tried to actively absorb the force here for the first time according to the "Basic Insights on the Pineal Gland and the Force" method, he would succeed the first time.

Just do it.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Jingchun said to Ling behind him: "Don't let others get close, I need to be quiet."

Hearing this, Zero looked around. In the dark environment, who would come here in the middle of the night.

After finding a comfortable position and sitting down, Mo Jingchun followed the method of "Basic Insights on the Pineal Gland and the Force", closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and allowed himself to calm down slowly.

Ten minutes later, with his eyes closed, Mo Jingchun saw many particles emitting light around him.

That is the Force described in Basic Insights About the Pineal Gland and the Force.

However, what stunned Mo Jingchun was that before he could mentally capture these luminous force particles, these particles slowly integrated into his body.

After being stunned for a while, Mo Jingchun calmed down and analyzed it carefully, and then made a guess in his mind.

Every time his body receives data transmitted by the system, the system strengthens his body for him.

Isn’t the so-called strengthening the process of evolution?

Energy will not be generated out of thin air. In this subtle strengthening process, it is constantly absorbing force particles, thus strengthening the body without harm.

After thinking about this, Mo Jingchun took the initiative to touch these luminous force particles with his spirit, imagining that he had a pair of hands to catch them.

The next second, Mo Jingchun found that his body was like a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding luminous particles into his body in one breath.

Mo Jingchun was stunned when he opened his eyes.

Feeling the subtle changes in his body and his cool mind, Mo Jingchun knew that he had succeeded.

"So, I am also a genius?"

At this time, the system's sarcastic voice sounded from Mo Jingchun's ears.

"What a genius, that's all my fault."

After a pause, the system said with rare praise: "But the talents of Candy and Dudu are rare."

Mo Jingchun was too lazy to talk to this guy. I don't know since when, this guy became more and more talkative.

It's like it's evolving too.

Either this guy is profiting from his side.

In the early morning, Mo Jingchun asked Ling to wake up Candy and Dudu who were still sleeping.

I yawned after breakfast and felt even sleepier after eating.

Guangdong and Dudu, who knew the rules of the Tomb Sweeping Festival in the Old Mo family, didn't say anything. They each took an umbrella and got into the car, heading towards the ancestral grave site of the Old Mo family to hold a ceremony.

How united a family is, how strong the whole family is.

The Mo family, which has always been united, became a businessman after Mo Jingchun became rich. Almost every household in the family became businessmen.

Even though more than twenty years have passed, Mo Jingchun still dares not forget the help from his relatives when his mother passed away and he and his little sister were left in the family.

It is difficult to provide help in times of need, but it is easy to add icing on the cake. Loyalty is recognized in adversity.

Back then, when every household needed help the most, the money sent to them was never less than 500.

The records are clearly recorded in the old account books.

In the car going to the ancestral land, Mo Xiaoxue, who was sitting in the back seat, glanced at her brother who was driving from time to time.

I don’t know why, but my brother seems to be different today than yesterday.

He has a different temperament.

It’s hard to explain, but it really exists.

In addition, Dudu had been clinging to her brother since she came downstairs in the morning, which made Mo Xiaoxue even more certain that something had changed in her brother.

Mo Xiaoxue, who didn't want to guess, asked directly: "Brother, what did you do last night? I always feel like you are different."

Hearing this, Dudu, who was laughing and joking at the side, also nodded vigorously, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dad is so warm today~"

Mo Jingchun, who was driving, glanced at his sister and Dudu in the back seat from the rearview mirror. There was no expression on his face, but he was surprised in his heart that they were worthy of being praised by the system as talented people.

The two people could clearly feel the changes in just one day.

At this time, Li Xuanyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, thought for a while and said with a hint of surprise:

"Don't tell me that I haven't noticed yet. When you went to bed last night, you were indeed very warm. It was warm when you slept with me in your arms."

After saying that, Li Xuanyu also asked curiously: "What did you do in the back mountain last night? You couldn't go to your parents' cemetery in the middle of the night."

Still unaware that Mo Jingchun went to the back mountain last night, Candy and Dudu asked in surprise:

"Back mountain?"

"Ahem, this is a long story, and it is related to the same scientific research as mine. I will tell you when there are results.

If you don’t believe me, ask zero. "

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