So, universe == what?

Is it a living being?

The stars and planets in those star systems are particles and atoms.

At this moment, Mo Jingchun thought of a lot.

Why must the universe be parallel, rather than there being another, larger universe outside the universe?

For some bacteria, the human body is not a "universe".

While Mo Jingchun was thinking about it, the authorities were re-establishing normal communication with the fleet, and everyone in the entire base was cheering.

After analysis, after learning that the reason for the loss of contact turned out to be the distance limitation of quantum communication, the official contacted domestic experts in the quantum field as soon as possible.

Such news is undoubtedly extremely devastating to experts in the quantum field.

Just imagine, generations of people have worked hard to build a high-rise building, and suddenly one day someone tells you that the building has quality problems.

How would you feel when a tall building has the possibility of collapsing at any time?

In the conference room, although no one wanted to admit it, facts spoke louder than words.

In the past, it was generally accepted that quantum entanglement is not limited by distance, but the reality tells them that there is a limit.

The only thing that the experts here can't figure out is that there is a distance limit to the quantum entanglement phenomenon.

Then as the distance increases, even at the critical point of the farthest distance, there will be no communication delay or signal weakening.

But it stopped very suddenly.

This strange phenomenon has puzzled the experts present.

It feels like quantum communication and wired telephony.

"We are all experts in the quantum field. If you have any ideas, you might as well speak up boldly. We all are here so we can discuss it."

Seeing that no one spoke, the old man took off his smart glasses, wiped the lenses and said casually:

"Let me take the lead. As we get older, our thinking cannot keep up with your young people.

My idea is very simple. Science is a process of continuous exploration, recording and supplementation.

In the past, we thought that the phenomenon of quantum entanglement was not limited by distance. That was just our guess. Now the actual situation tells us that the result is not like this.

To me, this is a good thing. We have taken another big step forward on the shoulders of our predecessors. "

It seemed that the old man's leadership had taken effect. Everyone no longer worried about saying the wrong thing and began to speak out their personal guesses.

On the other side, Yan Na and her party finally breathed a sigh of relief after re-establishing communication.

Fortunately, the guess was right, and even more fortunate that the relay satellite was decisively launched.

The longer the delay is, even if the relay satellite is launched, according to the current flight speed of the fleet, it will be a long waiting time for the launched relay satellite to reach the designated location.

What needs to be done now is to prepare a batch of relay satellites in advance to prepare for emergencies.

The crisis was over, and Yan Na did not hibernate.

According to regulations, after waking up from hibernation, you need to live a normal life for at least one year before hibernating again.

Frequent awakening from hibernation can damage the body's brain nerve cells.

This greatly increases the probability of being unable to wake up normally from hibernation next time.

Yan Na, who had experienced the feeling of waking up from hibernation once, didn't want to try it again from the bottom of her heart.

Yan Na really didn't want to experience that feeling of being dead and alive and having her soul taken away from her again.

But it is impossible in reality, unless she is willing to apply to serve as a fleet duty officer forever, and die on a space battleship in one hundred or two hundred years.

But then, she may become the first person in the fleet to die of old age.

This is not what she wants.

Why did she board the fleet bound for an alien galaxy? Isn’t it just to see what other star systems outside the solar system look like?

One day later, Western countries could no longer sit still.

The Xia Kingdom's interstellar immigration fleet is back online. Why has there been no news about their interstellar immigration fleet?

In the face of "asking for advice" from Western countries, Xia State officials responded tactfully.

Is it possible that you people have not thought of the distance limit of quantum entanglement?

Maybe it will be discovered, maybe a little later.

As if to verify the Xia Kingdom's official answer, three days later, the Sakura Kingdom's interstellar immigration fleet came back online.

For a time, Western countries became more confident and waited for good news.

When Mo Jingchun received the message, he murmured to himself in surprise: "You're so lucky."

Is it really just luck?

Although he did not expect Sakura Country's interstellar immigration fleet to come back online for the second time, Mo Jingchun just teased himself.

After all, every fleet is equipped with experts in related fields.

It is only a matter of time before the interstellar immigration fleets of various countries come online again.

However, ten days and a half month passed, and there was no movement from other fleets.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the "chat group" became a little weird.

Until the end of July, the beautiful country’s interstellar immigration fleet was back online.

Other countries have renewed hope.

However, the beautiful country is not at all happy at this moment because the fleet is back online.

Their captain foolishly awakened a third of the scientists.

Indirectly, 23 people died.

After listening to Ling's report, Mo Jingchun didn't think there was anything wrong with what the captain did.

In a first-level emergency situation, the problem cannot be solved, and naturally more people have to be awakened to face the difficulties together.

If the captain hadn't awakened these people, how could the interstellar immigrants of Beautiful Country be back online at this time?

Shaking his head, Mo Jingchun no longer paid attention to the fleet disconnection incident.

A month later, Mo Jingchun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the river side of the office and looked into the distance.

I saw that the scattered tall buildings across the river had disappeared and were replaced by flat land.

Large-scale machinery and equipment are working 24 hours a day.

The bad thing is that all the residents there have been demolished, otherwise the noise pollution complaints from the residents would be enough to give Mo Jingchun a headache.

According to the plan, University City is expected to harden the ground next month and start pouring the foundation.

Everything is going step by step.

When the university town is completed and put into use, it will be a time of educational reform.

By then, Mo Jingchun will completely break people's perceptions of primary, secondary and secondary schools and universities.

But at that time, there would be students of various ages in the same class.

Want to graduate from elementary school?

Yes, just complete the corresponding assessment.

Can't finish it? It doesn't matter, we can repeat the grade.

In this way, capable people are no longer restricted by age. As long as they have the ability to pass the examination, it is not a dream to go to college at the age of 10.

If you are not capable enough, graduating from high school at the age of 60 is enough.

Taking a sip of tea, Mo Jingchun raised the corners of his mouth slightly, thinking that by then, such a scene would be quite wonderful.

However, people who are 60 years old today do not look as old as they did more than ten years ago.

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