As time goes by, a year flies by. Just like the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, our lives are constantly changing. Every season, every day, is full of different stories and memories.

Looking back, every day seems like yesterday.

A year later, the surrounding areas of Huo County have become more prosperous.

The place that has changed the most this year has to be the university town across the river from the Candy Technology Park.

There is only one best building in the entire university town.

That's the library.

Most other buildings do not exceed 6 floors.

In one year, Candy Technology completed the entire construction of the university town in just one year, once again setting a historical record.

Faced with tens of thousands of robots working together, people have once again witnessed the horror of robots, and have also realized that robots are replacing the labor force.

If you don't change careers as soon as possible, it may be too late if you want to work hard in the future.

In the quiet university town, an anti-gravity bus silently shuttled between the buildings.

On the bus, the senior leaders of Candy Technology looked at the university town outside the bus and were filled with emotion.

The entire university town uses environmentally friendly materials. Although they are all new buildings, the content of toxic gases such as formaldehyde is within the national standards.

It will be completed at the end of May, just in time for the national college entrance examination next month, when the university town will welcome the first batch of students.

What's even more amazing is that the boss got the enrollment quota in advance.

Just when everyone was filled with emotion, Mo Jingchun, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly said: "You all look great, you are also the first batch of students in Candy University City.

Not only you, but all employees of Candy Technology will receive new education here one after another. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the bus was stunned.

A person who is several dozen years old still has to go back to the drawing board and reinvent himself...

Mo Jingchun, who was sitting at the front, didn't see the changes in everyone's expressions. Even if he didn't look back, Mo Jingchun could guess it.

"If you fail to keep up with the times, you will be eliminated by the times."

Two days later, as Candy University Town will welcome its first batch of new students in September, parents of primary and secondary school students across Ontario have begun to find connections to help.

As a parent, everyone hopes that their children can receive the best education.

Some people from other places spend a lot of money to buy houses in Huo County so that their children can go to school.

When they took action, they suddenly discovered that Huo County had implemented a purchase restriction policy as early as a year ago.

If you want to buy a house in Huo County, you must pay social security in Huo County for more than three years.

Or employees of Candy Technology can buy a house after working for a year.

Soon, word spread among friends that Candy Science and Technology Primary and Secondary School would only recruit students locally in Huo County for the first year.

After one year of practice, enrollment will be open to all provinces from the second year onwards.

The good news is that Candy University recruits students nationwide.

Lying on the sofa, Mo Jingchun looked at the complaints from netizens. Mo Jingchun shook his head and murmured to himself: "I also want to recruit students nationwide for middle school, but unfortunately the higher-ups don't agree."


On September 3rd, 2006 freshmen from Candy University, the first and last class who can pass the college entrance examination to enter Candy University, entered the campus with curiosity and accompanied by their parents.

Looking at the buildings suspended in the air, the freshmen's eyes were full of curiosity.

Anti-gravity technology is no longer unfamiliar.

But it was the first time in their lives that anti-gravity technology was used on such a large scale.

If these anti-gravity engines were used on space battleships, how many space battleships would be built?

It’s scary to think about it.

Within a few minutes, the campus bus stopped smoothly in front of a dormitory building.

At the reminder of artificial intelligence, everyone got out of the car.

Facing a university town full of technology, all students are full of hope for the next four years of college.

At this moment, they don't know how difficult it will be to successfully complete their studies and obtain a diploma from Candy University.

On the other side, in the center of Candy University Town, as the primary school, school started three days ago, on the 1st.

The primary school students who have been in the new school for two days have completely fallen in love with it.

Two days later, all 2,006 college students arrived. After completing the entrance physical examination, the college students ushered in their first class.

Military training! ! !

In the early morning, the sun just rose in the east.

Under the urging of the counselors of each class, the students dressed in camouflage uniforms got on the bus in an orderly manner.

During the class meeting last night, the counselors of each class had already told the students that the military training location was not at the school, but at the Anyang base a hundred miles away.

After getting on the anti-gravity bus, the freshmen who had not yet realized what kind of training they would face in the next half month were still talking and laughing, chatting and playing with their mobile phones.

In just ten minutes, the anti-gravity bus landed from the sky to the ground.

The students who had just gotten off the bus felt bad when they looked at the military training instructors standing in a row in front of them, more than hundreds of people by visual inspection.

Serious, with sharp eyes.

And the muscles on his body, you can tell at a glance that they are professionals who have used X-gene optimization fluid and received professional training to break the limits of the human body.

Half an hour later, as the students waited under the scorching sun, Mo Jingchun stepped onto the makeshift podium.

Unlike the serious instructors, Mo Jingchun was smiling and looked very easy-going.

"Classmates, welcome to Candy University."

While everyone was waiting for the next step, Mo Jingchun just smiled and did not speak.

When the students were confused, Mo Jingchun spoke.

"Before the military training begins, students who want to withdraw from the military training, or who think that they cannot persist, it is still too late to withdraw now.

Once the military training starts and you want to quit, sorry, your assessment score will be zero, which will affect your ability to successfully obtain your diploma.

Of course, some students will definitely ask what to do if an accident occurs during military training. "

Mo Jingchun grinned like a devil and said: "Here, I promise all my classmates that I will never allow your lives to be lost here.

This military training is very tiring and hard, and it will test your perseverance and ability to unite. Your individual performance and group performance in the military training will be included in the graduation assessment.

By the way, I need to remind all students here that Candy University does not care about graduation rates, not now and not in the future. "

Under the rostrum, the students complained in their hearts.

Having said this, who dares not to participate in military training?

As for whether he will die here...

The students glanced at the emergency center in the distance and the doctors and nurses taking pictures of them, speechless.

"Now, do any students want to withdraw from military training?"

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