Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 153 Candy: Guoer Knows! Guoer knows!

Mo Jingchun's uncle, Zhou Xing, swallowed the Erguotou in his cup in one gulp, without even frowning.

After finishing Erguotou, Zhou Xing said to Mo Jingchun meaningfully through the smell of alcohol:

"Don't talk too much, people, the higher you stand, you will fall if you don't pay attention."

"The higher you stand, the harder you fall."

As if thinking that young people don't like being talked about by elders, Zhou Xing said to Mo Jingchun:

"Don't dislike your uncle, I talk too much, I just said these words in front of you guys, the words are ugly, but uncle, I am all for your benefit."

"If it's an outsider, you can see if I say it or not."

"Not only can I not speak, but I can also praise and flatter."

Sitting on the same side of the table, Mo Jingchun and Zhou Yaling looked at each other and smiled, praising and flattering, probably the so-called flattery.


Of course, Mo Jingchun and Zhou Yaling didn't dare to laugh out loud. If they laughed out loud, they wouldn't be able to escape if they were scolded or beaten.

"Xiaochun is a young man in his twenties, and he is more measured than you in doing things. It's almost enough."

The grandpa, who was smoking a dry cigarette, finally couldn't stand it anymore. They all said that they were relatives in the next generation, and grandpa was especially close to the juniors.

After being told by his grandfather, Zhou Xing gave him a blank look, and filled his wine glass to the brim.

After working all day, I was so tired that I couldn't sleep at night without drinking some wine.

This body is getting worse day by day.

At the dinner table, everyone talked about things Candy couldn't understand, but Candy didn't care.

For candy, eating is the most important thing.

Candy thought in his heart, you guys just blah there, Guo'er ate all the delicious food first, hum!

The aunt who didn't talk much picked a piece of fresh pork belly for Candy, and asked Mo Jingchun:

"It's okay to come back this time, can you stay a few more days?"

Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes when she heard her mother say this.

"Mom, don't worry about my brother coming back and staying for a few days. Anyway, I will cook and cook, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Besides, I want to play with candy more."

Mo Jingchun has gotten used to his aunt's character, but it's not that she hates him and candy, what she's worried about is that she's wasting time to make money.

"Candy and I will go to Huo County tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is Monday again. The company still has a lot of things to deal with."

Thinking of earning money, Mo Jingchun looked up at his uncle again, and said:

"Uncle, why don't you, auntie and grandpa come down with me tomorrow."

"Uncle, you went to help me stand up to those security personnel, and my aunt just went to help in the company cafeteria."

"Leaving grandpa alone at home, I'm not at ease."

"Let me tell you, why don't you all go down together, the company has an apartment building, so you don't have to worry about where you live."

"What about me? What about me?"

Zhou Yaling looked at Mo Jingchun with full expectation, hoping that Mo Jingchun could take him to work in summer vacation and earn some pocket money.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Zhou Yaling, "You?"

"If you want to go, can I let you go?"

Zhou Xing, who was eating, and Mo Jingchun's aunt were silent.

Obviously, both of them had some ideas about Mo Jingchun's proposal.

It can be easier, who doesn't want to go, and now that the body is not as good as before, the two of them also want to find an easier job.

There was no hope in the past, but now that my nephew is promising, some ideas have become active again.

Mo Jingchun looked at the uncle and aunt who were clearly moved, and continued to bewitch:

"Uncle, aren't you afraid that I will go astray? It's not right. After going to my company, you can stare at me every day. Maybe you can find me a girlfriend."

Zhou Xing said hesitantly: "Will it cause you trouble? No one in the company will say anything."

"No, don't worry, uncle."

"I'm not looking for anyone. Of course, if you have money, let your family earn it first."

Under the table, Mo Jingchun's eldest aunt stepped on Zhou Xing, and looked at Mo Jingchun, the eldest nephew, with a smile on her face.

This nephew looks more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go then."

"Hey, I'm getting old."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xing stopped talking, but drank with his head depressed.

On the contrary, the eldest aunt, who was still eating, couldn't eat anymore, and kept asking Mo Jingchun.

"Xiaochun, look at how this salary is calculated."

"Auntie, it's like this. Our company pays this month's salary on the 15th of this month."

"Uncle, it's six thousand five thousand a month. Auntie, you are more tiring than uncle's work. I'll give you seven thousand a month. What do you think?"

"In addition, the company also pays five insurances and one housing fund for you and uncle normally."

The salary is high, and it is five hundred more than his own man every month. Mo Jingchun's eldest aunt is very happy.

Why five hundred more, Mo Jingchun did it on purpose.

As long as my aunt is happy and takes good care of my grandfather, five hundred yuan is not worth much at all.

"Brother, brother."

"Huh? What's the matter." Mo Jingchun stroked Tangtang's hair.

"Brother, did Guo'er play with grandpa every day after that?"

"Of course."

"Yeah (σ≧≦)σ!"

"Great. In the future, Hou'er will take grandpa to inspect the building together."

"Hey hey."

Mo Jingchun smiled and said nothing. With Tangtang's daily steps of 20,000 to 30,000 steps, grandpa might not be able to catch up with Tangtang's short legs.

Zhou Yaling elbowed Mo Jingchun's hand, and asked expectantly: "What about me, what about me, what am I going to do?"


Mo Jingchun looked at Zhou Yaling and teased Zhou Yaling.

"Just tell me what you will do."

Zhou Yaling frowned and thought hard for a long time, but couldn't figure out why.

When Zhou Yaling couldn't think of any skills she had for a long time, Candy raised her hand and shouted happily: "Guoer knows, Guoer knows."

Mo Jingchun asked in surprise: "Guoer, do you know what my sister will do?"

Not to mention that Mo Jingchun couldn't imagine what skills his cousin Zhou Yaling would have, even Zhou Yaling herself couldn't imagine what skills she would have.

Candy swayed and said with a smile: "My sister can cook."

"Isn't Guo'er very smart?"

Zhou Yaling, who was expecting at first, suddenly lost all expectations.

I thought it was something, but it turned out to be cooking.

Usually at home, there is nothing I can do. She doesn't want to cook when she has nothing to do. Every time after cooking, the smell of oily smoke is all over her body, and there is still oil all over her head.

"I don't want to cook."

As soon as Zhou Yaling said it, she was glared at by Mo Jingchun's eldest aunt.

After Mo Jingchun laughed, he said to Zhou Yaling with a smile:

"It's really not possible, you can be the front desk on the first floor of the building."

"Anyway, you are not ugly, and you can show it to others."

"I think it will work!" Zhou Yaling is very willing to sit and take money, this job is happy.

Ps: Thank you Ghost Fan Riyan for your support.

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