Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 154 Acridine! steamed stuffed bun!

Mo Jingchun looked at Zhou Yaling, who was already fantasizing about going to work and preparing to earn pocket money, and said:

"Don't be so happy, the front desk is not so easy to do, the most basic requirement is to be able to see people."

"Look at who, what to say, some people who come to visit the company, sometimes, even your brother, I don't want to offend."

"In front of my uncle and my aunt, I'll be the first to say something ugly. If I don't do a good job and don't learn from the sister at the front desk, I will scold people."

"Don't look at me not losing my temper, but you know me too. When I lose my temper, no one can stop me."

Zhou Yaling, who was awakened by Mo Jingchun from her daydream, held back her mouth, but Zhou Yaling didn't talk back.

The reason is very simple, what Mo Jingchun said is the truth.

In Zhou Yaling's memory since she was a child, Mo Jingchun was angry very few times, but every time Mo Jingchun was angry, it was very scary.

The most memorable time was when grandma passed away, just because Mo Jingchun didn't cry, a cousin who was not very close to him got drunk and told Mo Jingchun a meal.

That time, Mo Jingchun was like a cat with its hair blown out. If it wasn't for the crowd pulling him, Mo Jingchun would almost not have gotten into a fight with that cousin.

You know, Mo Jingchun was already fifteen years old at that time, and he was already sensible.

What the uncle said was really annoying.

After the cousin sobered up the next day, he was criticized by the folks in the village, and the cousin left with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Since that time, the two of them were extremely jealous when they met. Although they would not fight, they never gave each other any good looks.

"You have to listen to what your brother said, do you hear it?" The eldest aunt on the side looked at her daughter silently, and said quickly.

"Oh, Mom, it's not that I don't know."

She knew it was a while, but when her mother said it, Zhou Yaling felt a little uncomfortable.

Even a little disgusted.

The eldest aunt smiled and said to Mo Jingchun: "Xiaochun, you know Lingling's temperament, but she is a little ignorant, but she is not stupid."

Mo Jingchun suppressed a smile, nodded and said: "Auntie, don't worry."

After the little guy was full, he didn't like to listen to other people's blah blah, so he directly took Zhou Yaling's hand, and took Zhou Yaling to take her to play.

"Sister, let's watch TV together."

"Peppa Pig is so pretty."

Zhou Yaling doesn't know whether Peppa Pig is good or not, but it's true that Zhou Yaling knows that Candy wants to see Peppa Pig.

It just so happened that Zhou Yaling didn't want to stay here anymore, and she might have to wash the dishes later if her mother told her not to.

"Let's go, my sister takes candy to watch TV."

Zhou Yaling slipped away directly with the candy.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, before Mo Jingchun got up, he heard that his uncle was going somewhere on a motorcycle.

Mo Jingchun, who was awakened by the sound of the motorcycle, touched the bed subconsciously, but his right hand was empty.

Mo Jingchun, who was taken aback, immediately straightened up.

The next second, Mo Jingchun sighed and rubbed his head.

What's wrong, I forgot to sleep, Candy didn't sleep together last night.

The little guy ran around and fell asleep with Zhou Yaling.

Seeing that the sky outside was still not completely bright, Mo Jingchun covered the quilt and continued to sleep with his head buried.

Anyway, at the uncle's house, it's okay to wake up late. Besides, with Zhou Yaling's sleeping habits, she won't get up until ten o'clock.

As for breakfast, Mo Jingchun doesn't have much appetite, after all, the rice cooked by his aunt, emm, cannot be described in words.

At 9:30 in the morning, when Mo Jingchun came down from upstairs, only his aunt and grandfather were there, and the uncle who had left early in the morning hadn't come back yet.

Mo Jingchun squeezed the toothpaste while asking grandpa.

"Grandpa, where's uncle?"

"Your uncle went to the place where he worked, and he quit the job, so he needs to tell the master."

"I haven't come back at this point, it should be kept by the host for lunch."

"Oh." Mo Jingchun nodded.

"You're hungry. Your aunt cooked porridge in the rice cooker, but didn't cook any vegetables. The vegetables were leftovers from last night."

"Understood, grandpa."

In the room, the eldest aunt has been packing things, and Mo Jingchun doesn't know what the eldest aunt has packed.

Looking at the aunt who was busy with work, Mo Jingchun felt a little lucky that the aunt didn't raise pigs, otherwise, the aunt might still have some fat pigs that she couldn't bear to raise.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Mo Jingchun sat on a stool in the corridor with a bowl of porridge, drinking the porridge happily.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Mo Jingchun's pocket vibrated non-stop.

Mo Jingchun bit his chopsticks, holding his mobile phone free.

Looking at the phone that Li Wanning turned on, Mo Jingchun frowned.

It couldn't be that something happened to the company, and it shouldn't. Xu Pengfei would definitely call as soon as something happened.

Mo Jingchun had no doubts about this.

"Hey, didn't I let you rest today? Why call me."

On the other end of the phone, Li Wanning looked at the steamed stuffed bun who was lying in the corner not eating cat food, and said anxiously to Mo Jingchun:

"Boss, when are you coming back?"

"What's wrong?" Mo Jingchun frowned even deeper.

"Baozi, after I brought Baozi back to my apartment dormitory, Baozi stopped eating and drinking, and now he is lying in the corner motionless."



"He's still alive, but Baozi has never eaten cat food."

Mo Jingchun, who frowned, said to Li Wanning on the other end of the phone: "The phone is hung up, you call the WeChat video, and I'll take a look."

"Okay, okay."

After a while, Li Wanning made a WeChat call.

Mo Jingchun looked at Baozi who was lying on the corner of the wall, with no energy and energy, and even his stomach was holding back, Mo Jingchun shouted loudly: "Baozi."

In the apartment dormitory, Li Wanning hit Baozi's face with her phone.

Hearing Mo Jingchun's voice, Baozi opened his eyes instantly, looked at Mo Jingchun on the phone, stretched out his paw and took it out.

"Meow meow meow~"

"What are you crying and howling?"

"I heard that a certain fat cat is going on a hunger strike? Could it be you? Baozi."

Just at this time, the shaggy-haired Candy stood on tiptoe and stretched out his head and hooked his neck to watch.

Seeing the buns in the video, Candy shouted in surprise: "Buns!"

"Have you ever thought about it~"

"Huh? Why is your stomach empty, Baozi?"

On the other end of the phone, Li Wanning looked in astonishment at the steamed stuffed bun who had been refusing to eat cat food just now, but now he actually stuffed his whole head into the basin, like a pig in his hometown, eating cat food in big mouthfuls.

"Li Wanning, I'll be back in the afternoon. Although Baozi is lazy and usually doesn't run around, you should pay more attention."

"Otherwise, a certain fat cat might become a stray cat."

"Meow meow meow~"

"No one talks about you, what the hell is your name over there?"

Ps: Thank you for grabbing your lollipop and Zui and Molin for your support. () la la la

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