Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 279 Becoming the Mediterranean, blinding everyone?

A total of more than 15,000 senior software development engineers from many companies and more than ten institutions are still working hard to write code at this moment.

For the big guys, although an editor like Notepad can also develop normally.

But that's limited to general small projects.

More precisely, it is limited to developing a small demo.

For a large-scale project like a computer system, without any humanized functions, it would kill people.

The development was fine in the first few days, and there was not much code. As time goes by, the amount of code will increase.

Think about it, even if a senior software development engineer only writes one line of valid code a day.

Those 15,000 people wrote 15,000 lines of code a day.

Just locating a function code from 15,000 lines of code is a headache.

What's more, how can a senior software development engineer write only one line of valid code in a day.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Senior software development engineers in other companies and research institutions are still suffering from the pain of writing code.

And Li Xuanyu and others who just received the Deep Space 2.0 editor are excitedly experiencing it.

Can you not get everyone excited? Not only has all the functions that should be available, but also considerately adds the setting of changing the background image.

For a moment, everyone forgot that it was time to go to lunch after get off work.

The same goes for forgetting to eat and sleep.

After the excitement, Li Xuanyu, who gradually calmed down, suddenly thought of something.

That is how Mo Jingchun developed the Deep Space 2.0 editor overnight.

Developed in advance?

Not too possible.

If it is developed in advance, there is no need to issue the crude editor first.

What's more, this is not an internal development project of the company.

In addition, after get off work yesterday, when talking about this topic, Mo Jingchun's eyes could not be fake.

Could it be that……

Did Mo Jingchun stay up late quietly, wanting to become the Mediterranean, and then blind everyone?

The more I thought about it, the more Li Xuanyu felt that it made sense, and she nodded unconsciously.

It must be so.

I must have stayed up all night, but the editor can be optimized into a deep space 2.0 editor so quickly, it should be related to the company's artificial mental retardation.

Apart from artificial intelligence, Li Xuanyu couldn't think of anything else that could complete such a large project overnight.

Although Zero is artificial intelligence, but it has the attribute bonus of a supercomputer.

"Li Xuanyu, let's go, let's go eat."

"It's almost here."

The urging of colleagues brought Li Xuanyu back to his senses.

Li Xuanyu glanced at the time displayed on the bottom of the computer desktop, and it was true.

It's already 12:46.

Picking up the employee card, Li Xuanyu chased after him.

"Sister Wang, it's so late, the cafeteria won't run out of food." Li Xuanyu looked worried.

"No, you will know in the future, as long as it is not one or two o'clock in the morning, you can eat in the cafeteria at any time during the day."

"Even if it's gone, the aunts in the cafeteria will cook on the spot."

When Li Xuanyu arrived at the cafeteria, he took a few mouthfuls of hot food and went back to the dormitory for a lunch break.

It’s okay not to take a break at noon, because you will lose energy in the afternoon.

Especially since Li Xuanyu's body is still recovering, lunch break is very important to Li Xuanyu.

When I went to work in the afternoon, everyone used the Deep Space 2.0 editor to experience the excitement of efficient development.

Because he is an intern and a newcomer, the development tasks assigned to Li Xuanyu by the team leader are relatively simple.

After completing the development task, Li Xuanyu submitted the code to the test, and was free.

Although he knew that the Deep Space 2.0 editor must be related to Zero, out of curiosity, Li Xuanyu sent Mo Jingchun a message using the company's internal software.

"You want to stay up late quietly, become the Mediterranean Sea, and then blind everyone?"

Mo Jingchun, who was watching the codes submitted by everyone in the lab, was stunned for a moment when he saw the message from Li Xuanyu.

Li Xuanyu was able to send him a message through the internal software, so there was nothing to be surprised about.

As long as he is an employee of the company, he has the authority to send him a message.

However, in the past two years, it was the first time that an R13-level account sent him a message.

Not to mention the R rating, normally only the management from M1 to M5 will send him a message.

R13... The lowest-ranked employee of Candy Technology, commonly known as an intern.

Before Li Xuanyu came, there was no R13 level at all. After she came, a level was specially added for her.

I don't know if Li Xuanyu will feel very honored when he finds out.

Mo Jingchun pursed his lips and smiled.

The entire company has nearly 20,000 people, not including those employees in the factory.

But only Li Xuanyu is an intern, and she is also the first intern in the history of Candy Technology.

Touching the still thick hair on his head, Mo Jingchun grinned and replied:

"If you're bald, I won't be bald."

"If you don't work during working hours, be careful that I will deduct your wages."

Li Xuanyu in the office area on the twelfth floor was about to succumb to Mo Jingchun's majesty, but his mind turned, something was wrong.

Am I paid? No!

What's so cowardly.

"My tasks have been completed. Besides, you have already given me my salary, so how can you deduct it, hahaha."

"Oh? Are you so sure you're writing code, not bugs?"

"Of course."

However, in the next second, Li Xuanyu was slapped in the face.

"Xuanyu, I tested the code you submitted and found three bugs, which have been reported to you, please check."

"Ah?...Okay." Li Xuanyu, who was smiling just now, unexpectedly found three bugs in the blink of an eye.


Instead, the team leader said a few words of comfort, "Xuan Yu, everyone was the same at first."

"When you write more code and get used to our company's development model, you will write fewer bugs in the future."

Just when Li Xuanyu thanked the team leader and was about to fix the bug, Mo Jingchun sent another message.

"Why didn't you reply to my message? Did I really hit the mark?"

Li Xuanyu was so angry.

Simply shut down the internal software, out of sight is out of mind.

During the following week, employees reported many opinions and bugs in the process of using Deep Space 2.0.

Deep space 2.0 editor will be optimized and updated every day.

As of now, it has been optimized to version 2.0.68 of Deep Space.

In terms of experience, it is basically stable.

Feeling that the time is ripe, Mo Jingchun shared the latest version of the Deep Space 2.1 editor on the sharing platform, and notified the relevant persons in charge of various companies and institutions.

People who have used it say it is good, and at the same time feel the strength of the candy technology development engineers.

In such a short period of time, the editor has been optimized to this level, which is really amazing.

PS: Thank you for your support from Wo Fei Wo, Mu Linsen, Hong Chen Wo Alone 3687.

(Friends are so awesome, the monthly pass is about to break through 2700.)

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