Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 332 I Have Tea, You Have

Chapter 332 I have tea, you have...

"Boss, someone brought it."

Mo Jingchun smiled and pointed to the chair in front of his office.

"Hana, sit down."

Hana, who was still uneasy at first, calmed down after seeing the smile on the boss's face for some reason, not as scared as before.

On the sofa, one big and one small saw a strange sister coming, and they also fell silent.

Zhou Yaling thought to herself, it's okay to be quiet, otherwise the little guy will make her take the blame again.

But who is this person? Zhou Yaling hugged the little guy, her eyes full of curiosity.

She basically knows all the high-level executives of Candy Technology.

But she can say with certainty that she has never seen the person in front of her.

Even if they met once, they probably just passed by.

Looking at Xia Xiaomin's tablet on his desk, it displayed the basic information of the girl in front of him.

"Graduated from 211?"

Hana nodded, "Yes."

Originally, Mo Jingchun wanted to ask why he didn't want to continue his studies as a graduate student, but after thinking about it, it's someone else's privacy, so it's better not to ask.

If there is no further study, there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that, like him, he doesn't want to continue studying.

The second is that there is an unspeakable concealment. After all, the girl in front of me came from that place in the first place.

There is not much information on the tablet, only very basic information, and there is nothing interesting.

At this time, Xia Xiaomin poured a cup of tea and handed it to Hana with a smile on her face.

"thanks, thanks."

She was flattered that the boss's secretary poured her tea.

In the distance, the little guy who was forcibly held in Zhou Yaling's arms broke free.

He ran to his brother's feet without saying a word, just stretched out his hand to let his brother hug him.

Zhou Yaling on the sofa is a bit tasteful, why, sister's arms are not arms?

I don't think my sister's embrace is warmer and softer.

Little guy, I don't know the goods!

Mo Jingchun picked up his younger sister and let her sit on his lap.

After finding a comfortable position, the little guy carefully looked at the big sister in front of him with curiosity.

Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "I have read the email you sent me carefully."

In an instant, Hana's heart lifted.

Here he comes, here he comes!

Now comes the time to decide if this email makes sense.

"I checked your basic information on the Internet, but many things on the Internet may not be very true."

"Well, if it's convenient, can you tell me about you and your parents?"

Hana was ready to accept any kind of result, and the boss suddenly wanted to know her and her parents from her, which really caught her off guard.

The teacup in her hand made her feel a little warmth, and she took a deep breath.

Unconsciously, Hana turned her eyes away to look out of the window, and began to recall her experiences from childhood to adulthood.

"I am a Yi nationality, and I am also a well-known 211 undergraduate graduate in Beijing, but most of the time, I don't think of my hometown."

Mo Jingchun was a little surprised, surprised that Hana spoke so bluntly, and dared to speak her truest thoughts directly.

"No one would believe me if I said it. I couldn't speak Chinese when I was 6 years old, I didn't enter school until I was 8 years old, and I graduated from university at 24 years old."

Hana laughed at herself, "Speaking of which, when I was born, my parents just regarded me as a new labor force in the family."

"Actually, there's nothing surprising about it. After all, even today, our six or seven-year-old children are barely considered a labor force."

"Compared with the hard working life, I naturally fell in love with learning."

As she said that, Hana had a look of joy in her eyes.

"Fortunately, I caught up with the good times."

"Since I entered school, I have been supported by the country and caring people. I am very grateful to them and my parents. Otherwise, I would not be able to change my destiny and walk out of that mountain."

Others only know that it is not easy to get out of the mountains?

But only local people know that even if there is already a cement road, it is not easy to get out of the mountains.

It is easy to come out, but it is difficult to come out.

Like her, there are not many people who really come out.

"When I went to school, there were hundreds of households, but there were less than 30 people going to school, and the teachers were also local high school graduates."

Mo Jingchun was a little startled when he heard that, even if there was only one child in a family, and hundreds of families, the school would probably have more than thirty or so.

"Things are much better now."

"Actually, the reason why I like going to school the most is because there was state funding at that time, and I could eat a meal of twice-cooked pork in school a week."

As she spoke, Hana felt a little depressed.

"Actually, my younger brother's academic performance is better than mine."

Mo Jingchun guessed that this should be the main reason why Hana did not continue her graduate studies.

On the one hand, I want to continue my studies, and on the other hand, I can fulfill my younger brother’s university dream.

Under such circumstances, Mo Jingchun felt that if he were Hana, he would give up further studies just like her.

To say that the most easily affected by emotions is children.

Although the little guy in Mo Jingchun's arms didn't know what the big sister said meant, but the little guy could feel the pervasive emotions of the big sister.

The little guy held his brother's arm tightly.

The little eyes were a little bewildered.

After an unknown amount of time, Hana wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with a smile, and said:

"Boss, that's all."

Mo Jingchun nodded and said:

"I already have the answer in my heart."

"Go and pack your luggage."

packing luggage? Hana froze.

Is it still impossible to escape the fate of being resigned?

Zhou Yaling, who was moved to tears on the sofa, became anxious when she heard her brother tell the employee to pack her luggage.

Even if you don't help, you can't fire someone for such a small reason.

"Um, you may have misunderstood, I need a local as a guide." Looking at Hana's pale face, Mo Jingchun was shocked.

The speed of this face-changing is very frightening.

Mo Jingchun was really worried about whether Hana had a heart attack.


Hana, who came back to her senses, quickly got up and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You go back first, I have confirmed the exact departure time, and someone will notify you."

That's right, for the sake of points, Mo Jingchun decided to go in person.

After all, if points can be obtained through other people's hands, then Candy Technology's special leukemia medicine has already obtained a large number of points in theory.

But in fact it didn't.

"Brother, are you really planning to go to this employee's hometown?" After Hana left, Zhou Yaling stepped forward and asked.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Zhou Yaling, "Is there a problem?"

Zhou Yaling frowned, although she sympathized with those children, but...

"Brother, Chinese New Year is only ten days away."

"When it snows over there, the mountains will be blocked by heavy snow, and you won't be able to come back during the Chinese New Year."

PS: Thanks for leaving, Nie Xu, stranger, Desperate struggle, 22 oath) \u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;

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