Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 333 Guo'er: So Scary Hahaha

Chapter 333 Guo'er: So Scary~ Hahaha

Mo Jingchun rubbed his chin, hearing what Zhou Yaling said, it seemed very reasonable.


"Speaking of which, it doesn't seem to make much difference where I celebrate the New Year."

"Anyway, I will definitely bring Guoer with me."

"It can be regarded as a trip."

Still traveling, is it true that I, Zhou Yaling, have never heard of that place?

That's right, there are mountains and water in that place, it sounds like a beautiful scenery.

But in fact there is no fun place.

It's not as good as my hometown.

Among other things, in the mountains of Huo County, if there are hot springs, there are hot springs, and if there are playgrounds, there are playgrounds.

In summer, there are rafting with a drop of more than 100 meters.

Looking at the scenery, there are all seasons of the year.

The only downside is that these days, it is clear that the trees on the top of my own hill can no longer be cut down at will.

Fortunately, there are not many people going up the mountain now. Every household burns firewood and picks up those big trees that have been killed by insects.

The little guy in his arms, when he heard that he could travel far away again, his little eyes lit up instantly.

To travel, this fruit likes it.

For a moment, the little guy looked at Zhou Yaling in a wrong way.

Brother wants to take Guoer on a trip, how can you not be happy, sister?

Still want to stop.


It can be seen that this time the elder brother is determined to go to the big mountain, Zhou Yaling held back her mouth.

It's not fun, it's not fun, but she wants to go too!

Unfortunately, the old man will definitely not agree.

What is it like to not stay at home during the Chinese New Year, celebrate the New Year with your family, but go out to have fun?

In the next second, Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes.


"Talk to the old man and take me there too."

Mo Jingchun had goosebumps all over his body, and Candy was the same. He opened his mouth wide and looked at his sister with wide eyes in disbelief.

Huh~ It's so gross.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"And if it doesn't snow, I'll definitely be back."

"Besides, uncle will listen to my opinion? How is that possible?"

People of the older generation are sometimes very pedantic.

Seeing Mo Jingchun's smiling face, Zhou Yaling was furious.

Under the shocked eyes of Mo Jingchun and the little guy, Zhou Yaling's complexion changed as soon as she said it.

With one hand on her hip, Zhou Yaling pointed at Mo Jingchun with the other and said cursingly:

"Mo Jingchun, you just say whether you want to take me or not."

"Brother, sister is so fierce~"

Mo Jingchun cooperated with the little guy and nodded.

"It's really fierce."

The next moment, the little guy laughed loudly, patted his chest and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, Guoer is so scary~"


Mo Jingchun, who was joking, sighed, and said helplessly to Zhou Yaling:

"When you go to that place, it's not convenient to take a hot bath. Why do you go there as a girl?"

"I can help Guo'er take a bath."

Mo Jingchun, who was just about to continue persuading Zhou Yaling, swallowed for a moment.

After the two pairs of eyes stared at each other for a long time, Mo Jingchun sighed again.

"I'm afraid of you. I'll check on Uncle when I get off work later."

"Let's talk about it first. Uncle really doesn't agree with you going with me. Even if you cry, make trouble and hang yourself, it's useless. I don't dare to take you away secretly."

"What's more, after you go, if you want to come back early and find a car yourself, I won't arrange a car to take you off."

Zhou Yaling smiled and made an OK gesture, "Oh, yes, this is a small problem."

Mo Jingchun shook his head.

Heh, the speed of changing faces is really fast, even catching up with changing face makeup.


When it was almost time to get off work, Xu Pengfei walked in with a stack of documents.

"Boss, the design patent of the bionic limb has been applied for."

"The production workshop is also ready."

Mo Jingchun flipped through the documents and said, "There is no rush for this matter. After the Chinese New Year is over, when everyone comes back after the new year, we can talk about when to hold a press conference."

"Have all the smart devices I requested for bionic limbs arrived?"

Xu Pengfei shook his head and said, "Not yet, because it is custom-made. According to the contract, the equipment will not be delivered until after the year."

Bionic limbs are not like mobile phones, just produce exactly the same ones.

After all, the bionic limbs that everyone needs are very different. Without parameters, mass-produced bionic limbs are useless.

Bionic limbs can only be customized, which is also doomed to low production efficiency.

In order to improve efficiency, Mo Jingchun decided to use artificial intelligence from the very beginning.

As long as the data of users who need bionic limbs are collected, artificial intelligence can produce customized bionic limbs according to the parameters.

As for employing staff, Mo Jingchun didn't even think about it, after all, where would he find those professional masters.

You can't train them one by one.

Mo Jingchun put down the document, smiled and said:

"Okay, there is no need to rush this matter, and there is no rush."

"Boss, I'll go back and do my work first."


Mo Jingchun knew that in the past two days, the employees were basically happy, and there was no important work.

On the contrary, the management has been very busy these days.

After get off work, Zhou Yaling hugged the candy and hid far away, not daring to go into the monitoring room with her brother to find her old man.

A look from the old man can make her flustered.

"Uncle, that's how things are." Mo Jingchun finished speaking with a smile, spreading his hands.

Mo Jingchun was waiting, waiting for his uncle to scold Zhou Yaling, and then he could go without Zhou Yaling as a matter of course.

In the monitoring room, Zhou Xing was smoking a pack of ten yuan cigarettes, his brows were furrowed.

From time to time, through the tempered glass, I glanced at my daughter outside.

He smoked a cigarette, and spit it out with a soft hiss.

"I think it's okay, you take her there."

"A person in her twenties is about to be like a child. Let her follow you to experience a poorer and more miserable life."

"Go with you, uncle, I am also at ease."


The smile on Mo Jingchun's face gradually froze.

No, the script is not like this.

Uncle, how can you agree to your daughter going with me?

"Uncle, I checked the weather forecast. There will be heavy snow in those few days. We may be trapped in the mountains and we won't be able to make it back for the New Year."

Zhou Xing flicked the ash in the ashtray, and said in a flat tone:

"If you don't come back, you can't come back. How can she feel wronged if she celebrates the New Year with you and Candy?"

"You can take her there with confidence, if she messes up with something, you can call uncle and tell uncle."

Zhou Xing sneered, "See if I can slap her."

Outside, standing in the cold wind, Zhou Yaling shuddered when she saw the old man's sneer.

I don't know if I was scared or the weather was too cold.

Uncle, don't just talk but don't do it.

When did your bamboo stick really hit Zhou Yaling?

PS: Thank you for the support from Mi Xu and strangers, thank you.


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