Mo Jingchun knew that there would definitely be many people today, but he never expected that so many people would come.

I don't know where those distant relatives got the news that he was going to erect a monument to his parents today. Those who knew him and those he didn't know all came.

The most outrageous thing was that a distant cousin who had never heard of married to another province also came.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun was still a little dazed when he heard the uncle's introduction.

But whoever comes is a guest, not to mention that the people who came today are all here for their parents.

As a son, among other things, at least one meal at noon must be taken care of.

It seems inappropriate to erect a monument to parents and go to a restaurant in the town to eat.

Fortunately, there were many people, so Mo Jingchun invited his fourth uncle to the town to buy vegetables.

Professional things need professional people to do them.

Although the time for lunch was a bit late, it was absolutely impossible to find fault with it.

The standard running water seats, wine and cigarettes are all the best bought in the town.

Originally, Sheniu's candies are a bit socially frightening today.

Follow Mo Jingchun all the time, don't want anyone to hug him.

Every time I want to touch the little guy, the little guy can always dodge the first time and hide behind his brother.

As for Baozi, after Mo Jingchun came back from the mountain, he hadn't seen him.

I don't know where that coward hid.

On the red tiles on the roof of the third floor, Baozi was quietly lying there basking in the sun.

Looking at the crowd below, Baozi couldn't help but shiver.

It's scary to think about it, this meow star is lying on the sofa and sleeping, messing with someone.

One by one, they reached out and took it out.

Forget it, there are still little kids who are greedy for its body.

Can't beat or hide?

For a while, Baozi missed the Science and Technology Park a little bit.

The huge science and technology park can be visited casually.

There, no one took it what would happen.

Except for a dog, a real dog.

"Guo'er, let's go, let's eat."

On the roof, Baozi twitched his ears and was about to jump onto the balcony.

Seemingly thinking of something, Baozi closed his eyes again and continued to sleep.

Mo Jingchun hugged his younger sister and went directly to the table with his aunt and the others.

The other tables were all drinking, so going there was a bit of a hindrance, although others might not feel it.

"Xiaochun, what's wrong with Candy, is she sick?"

Candy pouts aggrievedly, but Auntie loves Guoer the most.

Mo Jingchun picked up two slices of fried pork for his sister, and said helplessly:

"Today, Guo'er is a bit resigned."

Mo Jingchun didn't directly say that it was because there were so many people who came, and many people wanted to tease Candy and try to get closer.

If this word is said, Mo Jingchun believes that it won't be long, and even the villages in ten miles and eight villages will know about it.

When the time comes, you will not be happy, and others will not be happy, so why bother?

"Xiaochun, it's almost fifteen, when will you go to work?"

Mo Jingchun smiled and said: "There is nothing else, I should go down tomorrow."

"Before we start work, we need to prepare."

Hearing that he could go back home tomorrow, Candy's eyes lit up, and he immediately felt that the quack in the bowl was even more fragrant.

Hmph, back in the county town, that's her world.

Let's see who dares to bully Guo'er.

If anyone bullies Guoer, Guoer will cry for him.

Let my brother beat him up.

It was not until after three o'clock in the afternoon that the "relatives" who came from afar were almost finished.

Only the aunt, uncle, and uncle stayed behind in a very tacit understanding, and they haven't left yet.

As for the reason, needless to say, Mo Jingchun also knew.

The aunt asked him when he was leaving at noon.

After learning the news that he will return to the city tomorrow, some things must be implemented.



Mo Jingchun, who was hugging his younger sister, heard the cat meowing, and looked down, baa, where did the steamed stuffed bun come out.

"Brother, Guoer is going to feed the buns."

"Okay, okay." Mo Jingchun let it go helplessly.

Baozi is so fat, he can't die from starvation.

It would be great if Quandang lost weight, but the little ancestor has already spoken, so what else can he say.

Mo Jingchun turned his head and said to the people who were basking in the sun, "Master, wait for me for a while, I'll go find a notebook and a pen."

"No hurry, no hurry."

"Hahaha, yes, Xiaochun, we are not in a hurry."

Mo Jingchun, who went upstairs, rolled his lips, and said that he was not in a hurry, since the hand holding the teacup was shaking.

In the lobby on the second floor, Candy was scooping up cat food. Seeing her brother running up, Candy asked curiously:

"Brother, why don't you come~"

"Brother, come get a pen and paper."

Before the little guy could ask any more questions, Mo Jingchun had already walked into the bedroom.

In the hall, Candy scratched his head with a bowl in his hand.

"My brother still has to do his homework~"



"Oh, I see."

"Didn't Guo'er just drive for a while~"

"Who told you that noon is not the right meal."


Baozi was a little confused, why suddenly it became its problem.

What the hell is going wrong.

Under the sun, Mo Jingchun held a pen and a notebook, and asked with a smile: "Master, why don't you talk about it first."

Mo Changyou froze for a moment, then nodded randomly, understanding Xiaochun's meaning.

After all, he had already told Xiaochun yesterday that his family was going to start a company.

With Xiaochun's memory, how could he forget what happened yesterday.

Obviously, Mo Jingchun asked the question knowingly, just to let him take the lead, otherwise the big guy would have to be "modest" for a long time, not to mention wasting time, maybe he would have to take care of the dinner at night.

"Ahem, since Xiaochun has spoken, and I have a thicker skin, then I will speak first."

"Haha, Boss, look at what you said. You are the boss. If you didn't speak up, who would dare to speak first, everyone said?"

"That's right, that's right." Everyone nodded in response.

Mo Changyou chuckled, everyone is so hypocritical because they want Xiaochun to make a fortune with him.

"Xiaochun, I discussed with your aunt and brother and decided to start a company."

"Your elder brother said that even if the company you opened goes bankrupt, you can learn from experience and start over from scratch."

Mo Jingchun took a quick glance. When the uncle said that he wanted to start a company, some people looked dignified, some looked mocking, and some looked indifferent.

"Master, are you sure? I'm sure I can write it down."

"Remember it."

Next, everyone simply surrounded Mo Jingchun, without the restraint they had just now.

On the contrary, it was Mo Jingchun's uncle and aunt who sat leisurely basking in the sun with indifferent faces, not worried at all.

But the baby girl said, if you don't fight, you will get more.

Besides, my daughter is not bad either. She has already worked in the president's office before she graduated.

After graduation, no matter how bad it is, you can still sit in the president's office, right?

PS: Thanks to Mi Xu, the stranger, the mouse-loving cat yml, and Wanyu Wantong for their support.

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