Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 352 Artificial mental retardation

"Guo'er, wake up soon."

In the bedroom, Candy burrowed directly into the bed.

"No, the sun hasn't come out yet."

"My brother just wants Guoer to get up, Guoer is not stupid."

Mo Jingchun, who was brushing his teeth, stuck his head out from the bathroom and said loudly:

"Get up, or you'll be late for school if you don't get up."

Under the quilt, Candy said in a daze, "Brother is lying, it's still Chinese New Year, and I want to trick Guo'er into getting up."

Mo Jingchun said helplessly: "I told you yesterday that school will start today, did you forget it so soon?"

a few seconds later...


"Go to school!"

"It's over, it's over."

The little guy was directly confused, how could he forget such an important matter.


Yes, it must be like this, otherwise how could I forget that I have to go to school today.

"Brother, where are Guoer's clothes?"

"At the head of the bed."

A minute later, the little guy asked anxiously again:

"Brother, where are Guoer's socks?"

"Brush your teeth and wash your face first, and brother will help you put on your socks later."

"I'm coming."

Carrying a small schoolbag, holding pure milk in one hand and fried dough sticks in the other, the little guy got into the car directly.

Baozi, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped on the moment the car door opened.

It's great to be able to have dinner again.

Just as he was about to arrive at the science and technology park, he drank the last sip of pure milk candy, slapped his thigh with his little hand, and exclaimed:

"Oops, I forgot to take the scooter."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun rolled his eyes.

Why did he make such a fuss.

It's just that I didn't take the scooter.

"Go back and play again today."

"Okay, okay~"

After the car entered the park, Mo Jingchun said to Peter Pan who was driving:

"Drive the car to the gate of the kindergarten, so you don't have to walk."


Mo Jingchun nodded, it would be great to be able to walk less.

Today is the first day of kindergarten, other children are sent by their parents.

What others have, Guo'er naturally cannot lack.

What Mo Jingchun didn't expect was that it wasn't long before he took his sister into the kindergarten.

The employees who were still in the kindergarten who sent their children to school disappeared in a flash.

Mo Jingchun's mind was full of question marks. Today, the kindergarten started, and he had already said hello. The staff who dropped off the children in the morning can be late in the morning.

Speaking, is he so scary, why did he run away when he saw him coming.

On the other side, Baozi, who got off the car at the entrance of the kindergarten, trotted all the way to the laboratory building.

As if going back to his own home, Baozi skillfully jumped over the dagger on the post and went straight to the hall.

Wang Bing glanced at it, and Baozi was eating the dagger's food unceremoniously.

It didn't take long for the iron basin to reflect the steamed bun's licking.


"Well, the landlord's family doesn't have much food left."

Of course, Wang Bing was just joking.

These days, Dagger eats fresh meat.

Otherwise, there will be leftovers in the iron basin? How can it be.

"Boss, the financial department has already completed the remittance according to the above bank card account number for the list you gave me the day before yesterday."

"The finance department said that it is recommended to open a corporate account as soon as possible."

"Personal bank cards, there will be many restrictions later on."

As soon as she walked into the office and sat down, Xia Xiaomin reported to work with a report.

Mo Jingchun looked at the form, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll talk to them later."

"Oh, by the way, for those who come to work, let the personnel department directly arrange work according to the zero evaluation."

"Once you take me as a signboard, you will be fired directly, there is no need to discuss."

"Boss, why don't I report to you first..."

It's easy for the boss to say a word now, but it's a little difficult to implement it when he gets down to the bottom.

Everyone came here to eat, and if they offended the boss, how could they eat the meal.

"Is there any difficulty?"

"Boss, you also know that the HR department sometimes has difficulties."

Mo Jingchun tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Then let me talk to you first."

"Actually, you don't have to worry that much. If there is zero, I may be the first to know."

Zero: You are amazing, you are lofty.

This kind of trivial matter requires my dignified artificial intelligence to supervise.

"Oh, by the way, let Shen Boyang and his team prepare mentally. Their next task is personal terminal artificial intelligence. I will send some information to him later."

The team led by Shen Boyang is exactly the thousand-person development team that developed the system years ago.

The system has been developed, and it will be delivered this afternoon. Mo Jingchun, of course, can't let them have nothing to do with the thousands of developers.

Coincidentally, it is almost time for the artificial intelligence of personal terminals to enter the game.

It doesn’t need to be too good in the early stage, as long as it makes users feel more humane and smarter than the existing artificial intelligence of mobile phones, it is enough.

Otherwise, what kind of upgrade will be used later.

You can't take out the level of zero as soon as you come up.

If this is the case, Mo Jingchun feels that people all over the world may not be surprised by the more advanced artificial intelligence of candy technology, but rather frightened and panicked.

This is definitely not alarmist talk.

By then, candy technology will definitely not be happy.

"Boss, I've written it down."

Mo Jingchun nodded.

"Okay, then go ahead and do your work."

Taking advantage of the free time in the morning, Li Xuanyu had nothing to do today, so Mo Jingchun called her over directly.

"Come to my office, I have given you permission."

"I want to check your achievements during the winter vacation."

"Oh... here we come."

After a while, Li Xuanyu came holding the computer and pouted.

Looking at Li Xuanyu who came in, Xia Xiaomin nodded and smiled.

Li Xuanyu was immediately flattered and smiled politely.

For some reason, even here, Mo Jingchun is the best, but she is not afraid.

But as Mo Jingchun's secretary, she looked a little restrained.

"Here, here, and here, after a while, change it as I said."

Mo Jingchun rubbed his chin and said: "After the modification is completed, you deploy it on the company's public server, and I will let the artificial intelligence simulate and test the system you developed."

Li Xuanyu said in astonishment: "Artificial intelligence?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"It won't be the artificial mentally handicapped zero that everyone says, is it reliable?"

The corners of Mo Jingchun and Xia Xiaomin's mouths twitched almost simultaneously.

Mo Jingchun couldn't help sighing, he should blame himself for this matter.

After all, it was said that Zero was artificially retarded, and he was the one who took the lead.

"Jie jie jie jie ~ prepare to accept the violent test."

The sudden rebellious laughter startled Li Xuanyu.

Soon, Li Xuanyu realized that this should be the artificial mentally retarded zero that everyone often says.

Now that I hear it, Zero is indeed an artificial retarded person, and his smile is so scary.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, and this chapter says it has been restored, come and find the typos.

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