When the heads of some intelligence agencies saw this sentence, their faces turned black.

All private companies have used this level of neuron connection technology

So what about Xia's military?

My scalp tingles just thinking about it.

According to the rabbit's practice, it has always been the first generation outside, the actual third generation, and the fourth generation is also under study.

Unlike the people, they think more.

Could this be a signal sent by Xia Guo to the outside world?

The trouble was serious, and the intelligence agencies of various countries reported the situation immediately after the candy technology smart bionic limb conference ended.

The press conference is over, but the Internet is full of excitement.

Of course, there are also a group of people who want to reach Huo County through various means of transportation immediately after the press conference.

All of this is for the family.

Regarding the suspense left by Mr. Xu at the press conference, netizens have their own opinions.

The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom.

But it is undeniable that no one thought that this kind of black technology that existed in movies would suddenly be realized by a private enterprise one day.

Really incredible.

Just as everyone was actively discussing which aspects of neuron link technology can be applied, and whether virtual reality is about to be realized, a group of "netizens" who openly opposed this technology suddenly appeared in the comment area of ​​various short videos.

"Don't you think neuronal connections are scary? Through this technology, you can know what a person is thinking."

"Compared with the privacy of the Internet, this technology makes people feel that there is no privacy."


"Hehe, I really don't know what you guys are looking forward to, haven't you seen the movie? Through the virtual warehouse, many conspiracies can be realized!"

In the cafeteria, Mo Jingchun was eating with Xu Pengfei and the others.

"Boss, look at this."

Mo Jingchun's expression moved slightly, he didn't eat well, what should he watch at this time?

It is nothing more than related to the newly released intelligent bionic limb.

Picking up the phone that Xia Xiaomin handed over to take a look, hey! That's right.

"Boss, do you want to let the public relations deal with it and control public opinion?"

Neuron link technology involves privacy? Give grandpa a whole smile.

Why, can our smart bionic limbs still be connected to the Internet? As the owner of this technology, why didn't he know.

As for the others, it is even more mind-blowing.

The virtual world has been reorganized, and he is the big villain, planting bombs in the game room, and then threatening the whole world.

Is it true that each country is a decoration?

Smiling lightly, shaking his head, Mo Jingchun returned the phone to Xia Xiaomin.

"Don't worry about it, this group of people should be looking for trouble."

"Look, netizens are even angrier than us."

"This year's netizens are still very powerful."

At the same time, the calls from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not stopped.

Without exception, the response given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is only one sentence.

"State secret, no comment."

Those who know the truth can only complain silently in their hearts.

We haven't studied the neuron connection technology thoroughly yet, so where can we find a more advanced version.

Is it really a fighter jet? Not bad generations.

Like other people who knew the truth, Qin Yuzhu only frowned when she saw this situation.

When I got this technical information, I already predicted that today's scene will appear.

It's just that I didn't expect the scientific research speed of candy technology to be so fast. It was just the beginning of the year, and a press conference was held.

At this sensitive time, a video suddenly appeared on the Internet.

In an instant, the netizens were blown up!

Although the video has been blurred, the clarity of the picture is not as good as a small movie on a small website.

But in the video, the black figure with quick movements and extremely fast reaction speed is definitely a robot!

Turning over obstacles is like a great master in a martial arts novel, jumping lightly and overcoming obstacles.

Although the robot was not seen to have any weapons in the video, absolutely no one doubted its combat effectiveness.

In just a dozen seconds, it gave everyone infinite fantasy.

Are the robots equipped with laser weapons?

There is also how the robot in the video is agile. You must know that in everyone's impression, the robot is very clumsy and mechanical.

But the robot in the video is completely different. If it weren't for the metallic luster, it really makes people wonder if it is a real person.

Mo Jingchun, who was drinking seaweed egg soup, was a little puzzled when he saw Xia Xiaomin handing over the phone again.

Looking at the robot in the video, Mo Jingchun froze for a moment.

This is not the result of the unknown last time there. That droid you saw at the base?

Compared with the original, it seems to be much more advanced.


"Boss, what's so strange?"

Everyone also looked at the boss, wanting to know some secrets from the boss.

Clearly, the boss should know something.

Mo Jingchun glanced at several pairs of curious big eyes.

"It's nothing, you heard it wrong, right?"

Su Wenyan pursed her lips, so why don't you just say it, because they all have problems with their ears.

Just now you clearly said "strange".

"Eat slowly, I'm going to rest first."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun got up with the dinner plate and left.

"Hey, hey, do you think the boss of this robot is also involved, otherwise why the first reaction is not to marvel, but to feel strange."

Xia Xiaomin pursed her lips and smiled, and said to Su Wenyan:

"I'm afraid only the boss knows this. Why don't you sacrifice your appearance and catch up with him and ask the boss."

Putting down the chopsticks, Su Wenyan sighed.

"I think so too, but the boss doesn't like me."

"Forget it, forget it, the rabbit doesn't eat grass by the side of the nest yet, I, I'm still waiting for the Chinese New Year to go back this year, and I'm accepting the blind date arranged by the old man."

"Hmph, I don't believe it anymore, can I, Su Wenyan, still be single for the rest of my life?"

Hearing Su Wenyan talk about a blind date, everyone started to gossip.

Xu Pengfei was even more curious and asked directly:

"What do you think, your conditions, why go on a blind date."

The corners of Su Wenyan's mouth twitched slightly. Who is the old man? That's Li Na's own grandfather, Li's in the capital.

She has to obediently go to the New Year's Eve dinner, let alone a blind date arranged by the old man.

"Oh, it's worth noting about it, it's worth noting about it."

"Brothers, if you have good resources, just give me a push."

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads aside.

You, Su Wenyan, really want to find someone, but you still can't find them?

It's just that I don't want to get married yet.

Back in the bedroom, Mo Jingchun lay on the bed and watched the short ten-second video over and over again.

It is certain that this is the robot researched by that base.

Just when Mo Jingchun was about to watch it again, the video was gone...

Look again, good guy, it's not the video, but the account that posted the video first.

As for the video, although it cannot be downloaded, it can record the screen.

Do a search and you'll find the video.

It's just that it looks more blurred now.

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