Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 358 Sorry, No More

It's so blurry, there's nothing to look at.

Mo Jingchun shook his head. What the netizens guessed should be true, and it should have been "leaked" by the authorities on purpose.

Given the level of secrecy in the underground base, how could there be such a good location to "candidly shoot."

It's still possible to use a telescope on a ground base, but the robot is in an underground base.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it."

"Even if it is really a leak, someone will deal with it, and it has nothing to do with me."

In the bedroom, Mo Jingchun was asleep.

But in many countries at night, many people can't sleep at this time.

Being woken up again, Didon was a little annoyed.

Don't you know that old people need to rest?

After watching the video, I was even more annoyed.

"Oh! Such an obvious PS, can you see it?"

"Sir, I have checked with the technical department, and there is no trace of PS in the video."

"That is to say, it's true."

Today is definitely the day that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received the most calls ever.

"It's really just special effects."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xingming smiled slightly.

This is the special effect, what can you do with me.

Really happy, I haven't felt so happy in a long time.

But Wang Xingming also knew that the call to him was just a test.

The heads of state will definitely talk to you.

Feeling elated is good.

If the national conditions were there a few decades ago, they would definitely be hidden.

But the Xia Kingdom of today is no longer the Xia Kingdom of decades ago.

Now, we have confidence and are not afraid of any challenges.

What's more, it's just a semi-finished robot.

"Hey, I don't know when battery technology will usher in a historic change again."

"It would be nice to have a miniaturized controllable fusion battery."

Regarding the comments made by netizens on the Internet, the official did not refute or acknowledge them.

Netizens immediately understood the familiar feeling.

This is definitely the default.

After waking up, Mo Jingchun casually flipped through the video, and the netizens were still discussing it enthusiastically.

It's just that the minds of netizens this year are as wide open as ever.

When others are still discussing how cool this robot is.

Some bloggers have released videos, talking about the impact of robots on human life in the future.

The most worrying thing is that jobs are replaced by robots. Without jobs, there will be no source of income. What should people do?

It was quite scary, but Mo Jingchun felt that it was a bit alarmist.

Can the think tanks of a country fail to think of things that ordinary people can think of?

Leaving aside the fact that it is not realistic for the people to use the robot, even if the people use it.

The country will definitely have a corresponding strategy.

At that time, the labor force will be liberated, and human beings will have more time to spend on learning and research.

Human life is limited. If more people join the research team, there is no doubt that the progress of human science and technology will be further accelerated.

In the classroom, Candy ate the bubble gum Xianger gave her, holding her chin, and blowing small bubbles from time to time.

Candy couldn't listen to what the teacher taught.

Over and over, still adding and subtracting.

It doesn't mean anything.

After the get out of class bell rang, Xiang'er pushed Tangtang's arm.

"Candy, what are you thinking?"


"No, I just think math class is boring."

Xiang'er also nodded in approval, and almost memorized the addition and subtraction within ten.

Art class is still interesting, you can draw.

"Candy, let's go, let's go out and play."

"Okay, okay."

Candy jumped down directly.

Holding Xiang'er's hand, Candy ran out.

"Candy, spit out the bubble gum, grandma said you can't keep chewing."

"If you accidentally swallow it in your stomach, it will rot your intestines."


Anyway, it was tasteless, so I ran to the candy next to the trash can and spit the bubble gum into the trash can.

In the afternoon, those who were close had already arrived at the county seat.

The data collection store is overcrowded.

The same is that the people inside can see the light in their eyes!

Ma Xiuqin in a white coat said softly to the little girl in front of her:

"Little girl, put your arms in like I do."

"Don't worry, just collect the basic data of your arm."

After a busy day, Ma Xiuqin and her colleagues worked overtime until 8:30 at the strong request of family members.

Although I am a little tired, the overtime pay is quite considerable.

On Saturday, Mo Jingchun took the little guy to the zoo.

It is said to be a zoo, but it is a small county after all. There are almost no animals that are endangered and protected by humans in small zoos.

I have to admire the owner of this small zoo. All the animals raised in the zoo are cute animals.

This is also the reason why many children come here once and want to come a second time.

For cute little animals, which child can refuse.

"Brother, this bamboo rat is so fat~"

"The front teeth are still big."

"Hey, the teeth are all yellow, this bamboo rat definitely doesn't like to brush his teeth."

Squatting on the ground with Candy, looking at the bamboo rat who is not afraid of people, Mo Jingchun nodded in agreement.

This bamboo rat is really fat and looks delicious.

The last time he ate bamboo rats was when he was in elementary school. After so many years, he couldn't remember what bamboo rat meat tasted like.

"Ah! There is a big white rabbit."

Seeing the big white rabbit jumping around and eating carrots in the distance, Candy's eyes lit up.

The big white rabbit is cuter, no matter where it looks like a bamboo mouse, it doesn't care about its teeth.

"Brother, come quickly."

Mo Jingchun glanced at the bamboo rat regrettably.

I can't eat this meat.

"I'm coming."

Looking at the big white rabbit, Tang Tang turned his head and looked at his brother anxiously.

"Brother, I bought carrots~"

Followed by Feiyan, who was carrying large and small bags, silently stepped forward, and handed some carrots to the boss.

The candy that got the carrot ran to the big white rabbit full of joy.

In fact, even if the candy doesn't pass, the white rabbit will come.

Which rabbit can refuse such a big carrot.

Seven or eight big white rabbits surrounded the candy, and some white rabbits even stood up, wanting the carrot in the candy's hand.

A few minutes later, looking at the remaining big white rabbits who were unwilling to leave, Candy scratched his head.

"Sorry, sorry."

"No more carrots."

Candy spread her empty hands and said innocently:

"There's really no more carrots."

"Sorry, I'll feed you next time."

The big white rabbits also seemed to realize that Candy didn't have a carrot in his hand, so they stopped jumping on Candy.

Seeing another tourist take out a carrot, several big white rabbits ran over quickly.

Looking at the big white rabbit running away, Candy felt a little lost.

All animals are like this.

Mo Jingchun patted the little guy's head to comfort him.

PS: Thanks to *GGQ*, YCJ Jie Shao, and Zi a You for their support.

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