Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 456 Follow the gift first

He said yes.

When Mo Jingchun nodded, Qin Yuzhu also breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what the above is thinking, but Qin Yuzhu thinks very clearly in his heart that once he and Mo Jingchun, the country will lose the most.

With the security of the candy science and technology laboratory building, who can know what new technologies or products candy science and technology has developed, if Mo Jingchun keeps silent.

Even if he said it, would he still be willing to consider cooperating with the country first?

As long as Mo Jingchun is willing to beckon in the international arena, many countries will rush to ask for it.

"This is the highest authority of the ten second-generation Mohist battle robots."

Qin Yuzhu took out a silver USB flash drive and handed it to Mo Jingchun who was a little startled.

This is indeed what Mo Jingchun did not expect.

Regardless of whether this is really the highest authority, but at least the attitude is good.

As for whether it is the highest authority, Mo Jingchun doesn't care much.

With Zero, he can also obtain the highest authority silently.

He didn't want to put things he couldn't control in the laboratory building.

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch.

Holding the rope on the USB flash drive, Mo Jingchun circled it twice.

Some people looked at Qin Yuzhu incomprehensibly.

"Old sister, what kind of tricks are you playing, why can't I understand?"

Mo Jingchun is like this, beating around the bush is too tiring, he might as well be straightforward.

"I don't know either."

After hesitating for a while, Qin Yuzhu said, "Actually, the latest second-generation ink robot has been put into use in many places."

"Remember the short video that came out last time?"

Mo Jingchun nodded, he would naturally remember such a big event.

"Actually, since that time, many countries have inquired about whether our country can export."

Mo Jingchun said in surprise: "Isn't it true?"

Qin Yuzhu spread his hands, "Yes."

"However, I heard that it is a technical exchange."

Something was wrong, this was Mo Jingchun's first feeling.

If there is a problem with robots, it is unreasonable that research institutions in so many countries cannot see it.

There are many signs, all revealing strangeness.

Mo Jingchun has already made a plan in his heart. When the robot arrives, let Zero completely obtain the low-level authority, and then test Mo Zhe's artificial intelligence.

Qin Yuzhu left without mentioning quantum technology from the beginning to the end.

On the other hand, the higher-ups still trust him very much.

Well, if he dared to leak information, Mo Jingchun also knew that he would be unable to fly.

The next day, on the high-speed train back.

Before Mo Jingchun returned to the company, he heard Zero's report in his headset.

Robots, here we come!

Sitting on the high-speed rail hugging Candy who fell asleep, Mo Jingchun didn't speak.

The 360-degree camera with no blind spots overhead is no joke.

Fortunately, last night, Mo Jingchun had already arranged to cross zero.

As soon as the robot arrives, control the robot silently.

"Boss, it's all right, the underlying logic code is being analyzed."

No one noticed that the robot that had just been moved into the warehouse had been controlled before it was activated.

After another ten minutes, Zero's voice rang in Mo Jingchun's ear again.

"Boss, the underlying logic of this robot is very good, and the algorithm of Candy Technology is also used in many places."

"However, Zero found that there is a logical conflict in the underlying logic of Mo Zhe."

"Under certain circumstances, it will be triggered."

"Whoa, boss, guess what I found out, this little logical conflict can have a chain reaction, causing the robot to go out of control."

Zero seemed to have discovered something more interesting, and said excitedly: "Boss, Zero thinks it's more appropriate to name this robot "Mozi"."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun frowned slightly.

After handing the candy in his arms to Feiyan, Mo Jingchun whispered:

"I'm going to the toilet, you hold me for a while."

There is no camera in the toilet, at least Zero didn't find it.

A few minutes later, Mo Jingchun came out of the toilet with a normal expression.

He did go to the toilet.

Her face was normal, but Mo Jingchun's heart was not so peaceful.

It will only be triggered under certain circumstances. For such a delicate logical conflict, it is indeed more appropriate to name it Mozi.

This is very interesting.

Especially compared with the highest authority given by Qin Yuzhu.

As Ling said, as long as he inserts the USB flash drive Qin Yuzhu gave him, the "logic conflict" will be fixed like a system bug.

"Let me hug you." Feiyan stood up and carefully placed the little guy in the boss's hand.

On the seat, Mo Jingchun was resting with his eyes closed, as if he had also fallen asleep.

In fact, Mo Jingchun felt that the higher-ups were playing chess, a huge game of chess.

It's like...the higher-ups think that one day in the future, there will be global turmoil.

nuclear war? Mo Jingchun quickly dismissed this idea.

If there is a nuclear war, what kind of robots are there?

Those who survived will also go back to the Stone Age.

What's more, the attention of all countries is currently focused on space.

The chances of a nuclear war are slim to none.

"Boss, you're home."

Mo Jingchun rubbed his forehead, and when he looked up, he realized that it was already dark.

"Where's the candy?"

The corner of Peter Pan's mouth twitched, and he said, "Follow her gift and go first."

All right.

Before entering the door, Mo Jingchun could smell the fragrance.

It smells like mushrooms, and... braised pork.

It seems that today's dinner should be rich.

"Sister, this is a gift from Guoer~"

As soon as he entered the door, Mo Jingchun saw candy accurately dig out a Go game from a pile of gifts, and gave it to Zhou Yaling.

Hey guys, is this a gift? Are you sure it's not a gift you're not interested in?

"What's this?"

"It's Go!" With that tone, the elder brother who learned it has a good look, and Zhou Yaling believed it without seeing it, thinking it was a gift specially brought by candy.

Seeing that Zhou Yaling was so happy, Mo Jingchun decided not to tell the truth.

Seeing the older brother walking in, Zhou Yaling smiled, stretched out her hand, and said, "Brother, I brought me all the sweets, how about yours?"

At this time, the little guy lowered his head and pulled the bag without speaking.

Brother can't expose it, otherwise this family may not be able to get along.

Fortunately, my brother still loves Guoer.

"It's in the suitcase, take it yourself."

"It's true!"

Zhou Yaling, who couldn't wait to open the box, was dumbfounded.

Looking at her brother with a calm expression, Zhou Yaling said word by word:

"King! City! Roast! Duck?"

"That's right, I brought you three authentic souvenirs from the capital."

"When you go to work tomorrow, don't forget to give uncle one by the way."

"Eating alone is not a good habit."

"Ah, yes, yes, bring one to my uncle." With his brother's cover-up, the little guy is also a showman, and he flattered his brother.

"Sister, don't be angry, in fact, my brother bought you a nice bag."

The little guy counted his fingers and said with an exaggerated expression:

"It cost more than 100,000 yuan."

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