"Did he take it?"


"That's good."

"Damn it, the asteroid actually accelerated. According to Nuwa's calculations, it is now 100% heading towards the blue star."

He was clearly only in his fifties, but the white-haired middle-aged man asked with a headache: "Did the experts discover something new that year? Why did the asteroid suddenly accelerate?"

"Where did you get the power from, and was it affected by the gravitational force of which planet?"

"It's not clear yet, experts are still debating."

It was the first time in her life that she received such an expensive gift, and Zhou Yaling happily took the initiative to contract tonight's dishwashing work, even though she was the one to do it.

But the mood is different.

Fake goods, Zhou Yaling never thought about it, my brother is so rich, buying a bag for my sister, how could I buy a fake one.

not to mention.

Candy also said that it cost more than 100,000 yuan.

If you don't believe me, candy still lie to her?

In the early morning, when Mo Jingchun came to the company with candies, the sun was already high.

As soon as he entered the laboratory building, Wang Bing greeted him with a smile.

There is no way, the technical experts who arrived yesterday said that only the USB flash drive in Mr. Mo's hand can activate the ten combat robots in the warehouse.

At this time, Mo Jingchun also found that there was one more person in the hall than usual, and she was a girl. Although she was ordinary in appearance, she was very temperamental, giving the impression that she was from a scholarly family.

Everyone surrounded the elder brother, but the little guy went straight to Dahei who was lying on the ground sticking out his tongue.

"Dahei, I'm back, look who I brought here."

I saw Baozi walking in slowly from the outside, followed by the dog-legged Xiao Huihui.

Dagger looked up, and his eyes lit up instantly.

Sleeping with the air conditioner on this hot day, without a pillow is really uncomfortable.

No, someone will send you a pillow when you are drowsy.

Still hot.

As for Xiao Huihui behind Baozi, it was directly ignored by the dagger.

A puppy who has not given up milk is not suitable for making a pillow.

Candy watched his brother and the armed police uncles enter the warehouse before turning around and continuing to stroke Dahei's jet-black hair.

"Dahei, are you lazy, I haven't seen you training for a long time."

Da Hei, who was just resting on the bun, opened his big eyes and looked at Candy in shock.

On such a hot day, training outside, wouldn't it kill him?

Besides, during the early morning training, I didn't see you getting up.


Dahei retorted, and Xiao Huihui, who didn't know why, jumped back in fright, and hid behind Candy with its tail between its tails.

Looking at the candy is so annoying!

If you are so timid, how can you protect her in the future.


The two remaining armed policemen on duty took a look and smiled.

With Dahei's stature and imposing manner, there are not many dogs who are not afraid of Dahei.

What's more, Xiao Huihui is only so big.

In the warehouse, Mo Jingchun saw the familiar robot as soon as he entered.

No more, no less, exactly ten.

Guo Xinmei, the technical support at the forefront, turned around and said with a smile:

"Mr. Mo, I need to use a USB flash drive to activate all the ink fighter robots, and enter your information to obtain the highest authority."

"Okay." Mo Jingchun was very straightforward, yesterday Zero had already controlled all the robots, and today he came here just to make a show for others to see.

And with so many people watching, Mo Jingchun believed that this technical support expert would not play tricks.

It seems that this expert is not such a person.

Activating and entering information is easier than Mo Jingchun expected.

The expert held an unknown instrument in his hand, and just pressed it, and the backs of the heads of all the ink fighter robots were opened.

Mo Jingchun took a closer look, there were several ports on the back of the opened head, one of which was a USB port.

After recording faces and voices, Guo Xinmei said with a smile:

"Mr. Mo, it's ready."

"Because of the above requirements, these robots are not convenient to display outside, so there is no way for you to review its combat effectiveness."

Mo Jingchun waved his hand casually and said:

"It's okay, I have seen the battle of the first generation of Mohists, and I think the second generation of Mohists will not disappoint."

Everyone looked at Mo Jingchun in surprise, including Guo Xinmei, a technical support expert who just arrived.

But soon everyone was relieved.

Especially the armed police.

In the past few years, Mo Jingchun would disappear for a short period of time every once in a while.

As short as three to five days, as long as a month.

Where did the people go? Obviously, it should be those secret bases.

Among them, it should include the research base where the Mohist battle robot is developed.

Looking at the confident Mo Jingchun, Guo Xinmei felt a little envious.

Don't look at everyone calling her Expert Guo, but she knows how much she weighs in her heart.

Not to mention participating in the research and development of the Mohist battle robot, she doesn't even know where the Mohist robot's production base is.

"Then what, nothing else, I went upstairs."

"One of my studies has been long overdue."

"Mr. Mo, you are busy."

Just kidding, if this guy wants to do R\u0026D, whoever dares to stop him will definitely enjoy "special care".

In the lobby, Mo Jingchun patted his sister on the shoulder, "I went upstairs to the laboratory."

"It's hot outside, don't keep running outside."

The little guy looked up and nodded.

"I know, brother, I'm not stupid if I don't go outside in the dark."

"Brother, let's go." Candy waved his hand.

Mo Jingchun was also unambiguous, and went straight to the elevator.

In the elevator, Mo Jingchun said, "Zero, clean up my experimental platform."

"Got it, boss."

"Oh, by the way, how are you collecting the fighting data I asked you to collect?"

"All have been classified and filed."

"Boss, did you already know that you will receive the robot, otherwise how would you let me collect these materials."

Mo Jingchun smiled mysteriously, "You will know in a while."

It's just a robot, he doesn't have the leisure to let Ling collect these data.

It is mainly for the combat effectiveness of the armor, and also for expanding the functions of Dabai after it becomes famous in the later research and development.

After all, who would dislike a Dabai who knows kung fu?

When Mo Jingchun came to the private laboratory on the top floor, Zero had already cleaned up the laboratory.

Mo Jingchun, who couldn't wait for a long time, stood on the open space and shouted excitedly to the system in his mind:

"System, release the armor."

He didn't hear the system's response, but it didn't matter, because the armor had already been dropped in front of his eyes by the system.

The golden armor on his body looks very earthy, but Mo Jingchun knows that this material cannot be manufactured with the existing technology of human beings.

"Boss? What is this?"

A battle armor suddenly appeared, and Ling was taken aback.

Mo Jingchun touched the battle armor and said with a smile: "Can't you see it? This is the battle armor."

According to the method in his mind, Mo Jingchun named out a bunch of keys.

In the next second, the armor's eyes glowed scarlet.

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