Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 495 Humans Are Not Alone

Chapter 495 Humans... are not alone

"That's it?"

"Certainly not."

The other three shook their heads.

It took such a high price to transport what looks like an instrument from Blue Star to the moon hundreds of thousands of kilometers away by transport spacecraft.

After several twists and turns, it was transported to the Gobi Desert.

But these have nothing to do with them.

Their mission this time has been successfully completed.

"Let's go, we can go back to the base and report back."

"Even though it's not the first time I've been outside, this sense of nothingness is still frightening."

As he spoke, the man raised his head and glanced at Lan Xing, who was close at hand.

That huge planet seems to fall to the moon at any moment.

But everyone understood that it was just a visual illusion.

It is impossible for Blue Star to|fall l to the moon.

Larger, more massive blue stars would only attract the Moon gravitationally.

This is a law that has not changed for hundreds of millions of years.

It is one thing to know, but only those who stand on the moon and look up at the blue star can truly feel the fear of "|falling" at any time.

The ugly and simple transport vehicle carried four astronauts in spacesuits towards the moon base.

After they left, the box that was placed on the Gobi Desert, the original red light flickered a few times and then turned green.

In the void, a group of data was sent back to the base through electromagnetic waves, and after a short period of computer processing, it was sent to a communication satellite in lunar orbit through a transmitter, and then the data was continuously sent towards the blue star.

Just a few seconds later, all powerful countries in the world detected this continuous electromagnetic wave.

At first, no country paid attention.

After all, countries with bases on the moon have a large amount of data transmitted between the two places every day.

But soon someone discovered that this time, the mysterious eastern country sent back more than 100,000,000 data from the moon this time!

Looking at the continuously collected data, research institutions in various countries can only stare blankly.

No way, all this data is encrypted.

Moreover, the Great Xia Kingdom is also very thieves, not only using its own unique data encryption method, but also asked Candy Technology to design a set of special encryption algorithms.

Candy Technology is famous for being the number one in the field of algorithm encryption.

In the minds of many foreign researchers, the encryption algorithm of Candy Technology is disgusting.

All technical data of Candy Technology are encrypted, and the company will not apply for patents for key technologies!

This means that unless Candy Technology is willing to disclose it, or crack Candy Technology's encryption algorithm.

Otherwise, those who want candy technology are almost out of the question.

For a whole day and night, all researchers in many countries stayed up all night.

Everyone knows that that country must have discovered something on the moon, or some major breakthrough in the space sunshine project.

Otherwise it is impossible to send data for one day and one night.

As we all know, this kind of uninterrupted data transmission behavior will greatly shorten the service life of the lunar communication satellite.

But they still transmitted for a whole day and night before it stopped.

What does it mean! Everyone knows it in their hearts.

That is, the data transmitted is more important than the communication satellites in orbit on the moon.

So a dramatic scene happened. Netizens who woke up and took various means of transportation to go to work suddenly discovered why the foreign ministries of various countries started paddling again.

A mild reprimand, and this time it came out of nowhere.

However, netizens have already seen the strangeness, they just ate a mouthful of melon, and directly posted a short video.

Mo Jingchun at work also saw this short video.

But Mo Jingchun just glanced at the title for a second and then swiped away.

Mo Jingchun didn't care about this kind of nonsense.

Just like most people, as long as it doesn't affect the monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, oh...that's fine.

In the office, the little guy cherishes the bicycle he finally got this time.

Obviously, I only rode a bicycle for an hour yesterday, but I took away the whole pack of wet wipes from the coffee table as soon as I arrived at the office this morning.

In the corner, Baozi was snoring on the ground as usual, and Xiao Huihui was still circling around the little master at first.

I don't know if it's because I'm tired from turning around, or because the little master has been ignoring it, so Xiao Huihui just leaned on Baozi's stomach and fell asleep.

Baozi's fleshy paws pushed lightly, and Xiao Huihui's head came into close contact with the floor tiles with a bang.

Both Mo Jingchun and Xia Xiaomin subconsciously looked at that voice.

Seeing that it wasn't Candy who fell down, the two looked away in a tacit understanding.

Even candy, just glanced at Xiao Huihui who looked dazed, and then moved her hands casually, wiping the bicycle with a wet towel.

A pile of wet wipes on the floor.

The effect of candy is also very obvious.

The bikes are spotless and reflective from the lights.

Looking at the clean BMW, Candy was very happy.

The little face is full of smiles.

After putting back the unused wipes, Candy habitually hummed an unknown tone, squatting on the ground to pick up the used wipes one by one.

Throwing the rubbish into the trash can casually, Candy directly asked Zero to open the bedroom door.

After a while, Mo Jingchun heard the sound of running water from the bedroom.

Just when Mo Jingchun thought Candy was playing with water, the sound of water flow stopped abruptly.

Soon, candy came out.

Big eyes stare small eyes.

The little guy asked suspiciously: "Brother, what's the matter?"


Looking at his brother who lowered his head again, Candy rubbed his head in bewilderment.

I don't know where the mysterious underground bases are located, or the original dozen or so people gathered in this small meeting room again.

In this meeting room, as long as the airtight door is closed, no information will be revealed.

Looking at the content on the projector, the eyes of everyone in the conference room were filled with shock.

Last time, everyone has already unified their opinions. Human beings... are not alone in this mysterious and unpredictable universe.

Because the touch of silver on the moon that was drilled by a drill is the best proof.

In order to find out what the underground thing was, a sophisticated detector was built overnight in the base.

The purpose is to find out what's underground.

The conference room, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, was suddenly broken by the voice of an old man.

"A perfect sphere with a diameter of 2,000 meters and a radius of 1,000 meters, is this possible?"

yes! is it possible? ! ! !

Everyone is asking themselves!

Positive sphere! It is still a true sphere with a radius of one thousand meters!

How much precision is needed to create such a large positive sphere.

What made these scholars feel incredible and even terrified was that the exact 1,000 meters was exactly right!

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