Donghuang University is a national science and technology key support university.

Every year, scientific research funding is among the best.

Not only do the professors and teachers of the college have research funds, but also students have certain scientific research funds, and the frequency of use by fresh graduates at the undergraduate level should be the highest.

Because whether it is a graduation project or a graduation thesis.

All require a large amount of experimental data and experimental materials, and these experiments need to be applied for in the equipment room.

Jiang Chen took the list he had just printed to the equipment room.

The teacher in charge of the equipment room is counting the inventory, and the person who is registering in front of the application is Song Guosheng, vice dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering.

Jiang Chen didn’t notice so much.

He didn’t recognize this as the vice dean of his own college.

Directly submitted the application form to Song Guosheng.

“Teacher, I want to apply for these equipment and materials, can you help you see the equipment room?”

Teacher Song was stunned at first.

Then I took the application form in Jiang Chen’s hand and looked at Jiang Chen’s professional grade and application record on the cover and was slightly stunned

Good guys, claim record 0.

That is to say, today is the first time to come to the equipment room?

Only half a month before the graduation defense came to the equipment room to apply for something to prepare for the graduation project???

This little guy is a tough guy!

Then open the equipment and materials that Jiang Chen needs to claim.

Song Guosheng is even more confused….

Cathode electron beam generator, jamming radar, microwave device, high-energy electron beam emitter, plasma machine, radioisotope type absorbing material, plutonium-210, curium-242, strontium-90…

Any device or material on this list that can only be used at the professor level!

And without talking about Jiang Chen’s fundamental level, it is not enough to borrow these expensive equipment.

He was really curious about what Jiang Chen’s graduation project was going to do?

It is strange to say that Song Guosheng always feels that there are several devices in the things that Jiang Chen applied for that he is very familiar with…

It seems to have been seen somewhere.

“Classmate Jiang…

I would venture to ask.

What is your graduation project ready to do? ”

Jiang Chen did not shy away from laughing:

“Plasma stealth paint and stealth device!”

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell, Song Guosheng’s kind smiling face brushed away.

No wonder he felt that some of the devices were a little familiar.

Didn’t Lao Liu’s scientific research team and the White Dragon Military Region have a joint plasma stealth device research room?

But Lao Liu is an academician of the Longguo Academy of Sciences!

And the little guy in front of him.

A small undergraduate graduate actually said that the research direction of his graduation design was plasma stealth technology???

It’s just too appalling….

Not only Song Guosheng is confused.

A few graduate students who returned the equipment not far away almost spewed out a mouthful of blood when they heard Jiang Chen’s answer.


Undergraduate graduation design wants to do plasma stealth paint and stealth device!

This student is dreaming, right? ”

“The world’s cutting-edge experts have no achievements in the field, this little master and disciple are only afraid that their brains have been knocked out by the door, right?”

“What a joke, now our Dragon Country’s infrared stealth coating technology is still a certain distance from the Bald Eagle Country.”

This little master and disciple are directly ready to catch up in plasma stealth technology? ”


I am relatively superficial, and I think this little master’s appearance is OK, so I support him! ”

“Big sister, you have studied for the third time, I beg to be a person!”

“Kenzo, am I not just an 18-year-old girl?”


Song Guosheng did not look down on Jiang Chen as much as those few graduate students.

But my heart still played a rattle.

In fact, at Jiang Chen’s current level, he could not borrow the equipment materials in the application form at all.

However, Song Guosheng admired Jiang Chen for having such an idea and willingness to dare to be the first.

So he decided to take a little look at Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen could meet his requirements, he would not mind exercising the vice president’s right to help Jiang Chen borrow equipment and materials.

“Xiao Jiang.

You say you’re ready to study plasma incognito coatings and incognito devices.

Can you tell me a little bit about why plasma can be invisible? ”

Jiang Chen looked at Song Guosheng with some puzzlement.

Does this have anything to do with his application for equipment and materials?

Although he thought so in his heart, he did not say it on his lips, but answered Song Guosheng’s question.

“The principles of plasma stealth technology are easy to understand.

Simply put, it is achieved by using the interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma.

In interactions, plasma frequency is the determining factor.

Of course, this is only analyzed from the perspective of frequency.

In addition to this, there are unidirectionality, resonant and non-resonant absorption, residual partial reflections …

All in all, plasma stealth technology is arguably the most likely stealth technology to achieve full stealth by far from multiple perspectives! ”

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