Technology: The first development of a sixth-generation fighter

Technology: The first development of a sixth-generation fighter

208 Chapters Ongoing Status

【Hardcore Science and Technology Article! 】

Jiang Chen crossed the blue world of backward science and technology and started to bind the big scientist system.

Since then, the blue world has one more scientific research genius!

John Bu


【Hardcore Science and Technology Article! 】

Jiang Chen crossed the blue world of backward science and technology and started to bind the big scientist system.

Since then, the blue world has one more scientific research genius!

John Bull: Sixth-Generation Fighter?!! Kneel down and beg Jiang Chen Gangster to sell us ten racks!

Coachman: Compared with Jiang Chen’s father’s lithography machine, what we made was like a **…

White Elephant: Kneeling and begging the giant to sell us a decommissioned nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, our own research and development has fallen into the sea again…

Bald Eagle: Dr. Jiang, science knows no borders, I hope you can help us complete our latest research project…

Jiang Chen: I’m sorry, science has no borders, scientists have borders!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Technology: the beginning of the development of six generations of fighters”; This novel and its characters are purely fictional, and if they are similar, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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