Luo Chong was at the time when Jiang Chen discussed the problem of the third type airborne laser weapon system.

Many of the researchers in the audience fell into autism.

“Pure passers-by, may I ask this poem at the professor-level discussion?”

“Well, I am also a 985, 211 master, even reading, actually can’t understand it, this is too cheap…”

“Little brother, don’t say it’s you, my returnee Dr. sounds very confused…”

“Our Director Luo is an academician of the Dragon Engineering Academy, can we communicate with Director Luo so smoothly, is Vice President Xiaojiang really just an undergraduate?”

“You don’t have to guess, Vice President Xiaojiang is really just a student who has just graduated from Donghuang University, and the last time I went back to school, I saw him in the list of outstanding graduates!”

“Hey, people are more popular than dead people, 21 years after graduation, I was still playing games at home waiting for graduate school, and people have become the deputy chief designer of the sixth generation of fighters…”


The researchers in the audience were talking about it.

The initial exchanges between Luo Chong and Jiang Chen were also completed.

Jiang Chen applauded Luo Chong with admiration.

Worthy of being an academician of the Dragon National Academy of Engineering!

Whether it is practical operation, the theoretical formulas of hindrance are all at hand, and it is indeed Gu Dequan’s kind of old miscellaneous hair that cannot be compared!

“Director Luo is right!

The inversion of the number of particles is the basic problem of laser weapons.

So the solution of our third type airborne laser weapon system revolves around the inversion of the number of particles! ”

After saying that, he opened his third type airborne laser weapon system design.

And began to explain.

Su Youwei on the side had skillfully begun to record synchronously.

Although Jiang Chen said that she may not understand it at all.

But the problem of recording it is still not big!

When Jiang Chen opened the program ppt, he no longer had a hippie smiley face, and looked at all the scientific researchers below very seriously.

“Folks, I’m going to say it only once.

It is best to listen attentively, if there is any problem, raise it on the spot, if it will come to me later.

Your iron rice bowl is probably going to be weighed! ”

Jiang Chen is the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, but he is not the subject teacher of these guys!

Don’t understand after the meeting?


That’s all your own problem!

Everyone is an adult, but no one will take care of you like a schoolboy.

A group of people heard Jiang Chen’s words and quickly beat the spirit of twelve points, and never dared to whisper again.

Are you kidding.

Deputy Director Gu De was all sent to jail by Jiang Chen.

They are little directors and researchers.

Where dare to skin in front of Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction when he saw that everyone was concentrating.

Began to share the development plan of the third type airborne laser weapon system.

“Stimulated emission is the most important step in generating a laser.

Both the frequency of the light emitted by the particle transition and the incident light are ν = (e2-e1)/h and have the same polarization direction and propagation direction….

It is proportional to ρν and is not a constant for a definite energy level system, as the spontaneous emission transition probability a21 is…”

Jiang Chen’s plan from the principle definition to the formula explanation, and finally to the structural design of the third type airborne laser weapon system, the practical process …

Although many people have listened to it like a book of heaven.

But for Luo Chong, who has been studying this path for many years.

Jiang Chen’s sharing was like the sound of the Dao Dao lingering in his ears, and the technical barriers that had plagued him for so many years suddenly became enlightened!

Looking at Jiang Chen excitedly:

“Vice President Xiaojiang, I understand, I understand!”

Electrons can change their orbits through energy step transitions, and orbitals farther from the nucleus have higher energy levels.

When electrons transition from a higher order farther from the nucleus to a lower energy level closer to the nucleus, photons are emitted, and a plasma stream is generated before the energy level transition!

The biggest problem with the third type of airborne laser weapon system was perfectly solved!

I didn’t believe it when they bragged to me before.

Now it seems that you are really the genius of the ancients and the uncomers!!! ”

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