Everyone in the Qingyu Military Region was stunned to see the full moon in the dark clouds that had been broken in the sky.

Chen Changsheng looked back at the test drone logo in the radar and turned into a red cross.

The results are clear.

The test drone has been shot down….

And when all this happened, he couldn’t even blink an eye!

A cannon can blast away the dark clouds within a radius of thousands of meters, how powerful is the explosion in the center?

Steady, accurate, fierce…

This was his first impression of an airborne laser weapon system.

This should be used in military warfare.

I’m afraid that a sixth-generation fighter can completely annihilate hundreds of fifth-generation fighters of the enemy, right?

That’s horrible, isn’t it

Li Qingshan was not much better than Chen Changsheng at this time.

My jaws were almost gone.

chicken, just why did he ask Jiang Chen if he was joking?

What the is this like a joke???

This firepower is completely the weapon of the next era!

Rao was the expression of two generals who had experienced hundreds of battles, not to mention the soldiers around them.

Many people have begun to jump up excitedly!

“In? Give me a slap in the face and let me know I’m not dreaming! ”

“This laser cannon is the same as in science fiction movies, I know it’s a weapon test, I don’t know it, I think it’s making a movie!”

“Helpless I have no culture, a sentence I am grass in the world!

This is the legendary third type airborne laser weapon system???

80 kilometers away, a Mach drone.

Less than a second!

Shoot it down directly!

Sleeper, that’s too bad, isn’t it? ”

“0.00027 seconds to be exact… Because our perceived state of time is almost as short as a few tens of frames per second….

That’s why you have a feeling of less than a second…”

“No matter how many tenths of a second he has, I only know that if the sixth-generation fighter is equipped with this thing, I don’t think it’s much of a problem to do dozens of FLY-22s in one plane!”

“Long range, high precision, automatic tracking I recognize.”

Did you see the power of that explosion?

The dark clouds were blown away for thousands of miles, and I felt that the power was definitely not less than that of a small missile with a nuclear warhead! ”

“Before one of the vice presidents of Xiaojiang stood up and was beaten!”

“Vice President Xiaojiang, always drip god!”


The Qingyu Military Region military base was shocked by the airborne laser weapon system.

At this time, the entire Qingyu City was awakened by that shot!

To be precise, almost half of the eyes of the Dragon Kingdom have noticed this laser cannon test firing through social media platforms!

But to the unsuspecting public, it’s more like half of what works in science fiction movies….

The Lantau Military Region test shot three minutes ago.

Jiuhuang Mountain, several kilometers outside the Qingyu Military Region’s military control area.

Jiuhuang Mountain is a famous starry sky observation site in Qingyu Island.

Li Xiaoming, who has just been admitted to college, is a thorough starry sky enthusiast.

He had planned to observe the stars today, but this afternoon he encountered a rain.

In this way, the stars are not observable.

I also have to set up a tent in the rain to stay in the mountains….

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoming was a little embarrassed, and when the rain was slightly lighter, he walked out of the tent and looked at the brightly lit Qingyu City in the distance and sighed.

Although you don’t see the stars, it is also a good option to see Lantau City in the distance.

The bathroom took out his camera and photographed it towards Qingyu City.

However, at the moment when the camera lens turned, a blue-purple beam of light brush appeared in his field of vision!

Like the light of Jesus descending from heaven!

Li Xiaoming quickly pointed the camera to the end of the sky, and then his camera recorded the most amazing scene!

The plasma blast shattered the clouds.

The full moon appeared in front of his eyes through the Cave of Dark Clouds!

Li Xiaoming swore that this was the most beautiful moon he had ever seen in his life!

But he was more worried about that beam and plasma burst….

Such a great power is not like the level of science and technology that human beings can achieve now!

Wouldn’t that be a supernatural phenomenon???

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoming hurriedly uploaded the scene of the beam of light and plasma blasting open the dark clouds.

And Aite the Department of National Defense, the Department of Paranormal Studies and other institutional units!

Li Xiaoming’s video upload time is less than three minutes, and it has already reached the top of the hot search list of major social platforms!

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