On the hot search list of the bib neck that has been dominated by the gossip of entertainment stars as always.

Suddenly, a completely different hot search appeared!

#青屿市神秘光束! #

The video content is exactly from the appearance of the beam to the burst of plasma until the final full moon appears.

The video content is not long, three or four minutes.

The moment when dark clouds covered the full moon again was over.

But the previous laser beam and plasma explosion are too amazing to hunt, and less than five minutes after uploading, they have already rushed to the top of the hot search list!

And it has received tens of millions of views and millions of hot discussions.

“Pure passers-by, is this a promotional film for a certain movie?”

That’s too true, right? ”

“Big brother, this is not a special effect, under the senior special effects artist, you can see at a glance that this is not a special effect…”

“WDNMD, if it weren’t for the special effects, wouldn’t it be an alien invasion of Earth?”

“I think it’s a lot like a laser cannon in science fiction, and I don’t know what happened to the back of the mountain.

Will it have been blasted out of the crater for several kilometers? ”


Don’t you find a little bit strange?

If you compare carefully, the beam should have a very slight change in diameter from the ground to the air, that is, according to the law of energy loss, the following should be the emitter of the beam…”

“What is said upstairs doesn’t seem to be unreasonable, but if you look closely, it is!”

“So you mean that the laser cannons that appear in science fiction like this are actually the technological products of our planet?”

Big brother, are you dreaming…”

“Don’t you say, there is really a possibility, have you forgotten that the weapon system of the sixth-generation fighter is equipped with an airborne laser weapon system?”

Coupled with the fact that the Lantau Military Region is the research and development department of the airborne laser weapon system of the sixth-generation fighters, do you think it is possible that it is the weapon of our Lantau Military Region! ”

“Sleeper! It is really not impossible for you to say this, you carefully card, the perspective of the UP Lord should be in the Nine Emperors Mountain near the Qingyu Military Region Military Control Zone!

Looking at it this way, I think it is really possible! ”

“Strange things happen every year, this year is particularly many, first of all, the mysterious UFO, to the loud noise of the Ninghai Sea, today’s mysterious beam, I am afraid it is not going to change the sky…”

“Manual @ Defense Division, @Paranormal Studies Division @ Lantau Military Region …”


The whole network is hotly discussed.

Yen Ching Restaurant.

Department of Defence.

Deputy Director General Qin Hao is presiding over a meeting on the Air Force escorting the skeletons of the seventh batch of Dragon Kingdom God of War back to China during the Zhongyuan Festival.

At the beginning of the founding of the Dragon Kingdom, the anti-Bald Eagle aided the stick war.

The heroic performance of the gods of war is forever engraved in the hearts of all Dragon Country people.

But countless Dragon Kingdom God of War skeletons remain in the Lollipop Territory….

There is a custom in the Dragon Kingdom called leaf fall to the root.

If a person’s dead bones do not return to their homeland, they will always be lonely ghosts.

Obviously, the Dragon Kingdom could not allow the skeleton of the Dragon Kingdom God of War, who had fought bloodily, to remain abroad.

Therefore, the remains found every few years of the lollipop will be escorted back to China by the Dragon Air Force.

This is not just the best explanation and arrangement for the Dragon Kingdom God of War, who once fought in blood.

It is the best way to let the heroic spirit of the god of war rest in peace.

However, almost every time when escorting the skeleton of the God of War back to China, the Bald Eagle side would use the reason of military exercises to make trouble, thus demonstrating its strong military strength.

Because the festival of the Middle Yuan Festival has a specific time limit.

When to welcome the bones, at what point in time to put river lamps, worship the spirits of the dead, burn paper ingots, sacrifice the land…

They all have their own set of processes.

But many times under the troubles of the bald eagle.

The time to escort the skeleton of the god of war back to the country to arrive at the hometown often misses the best time to worship the ancestors of the Zhongyuan Festival!

Previously, the strength of the Dragon Nation’s air force was far from that of the Bald Eagle.

They endured all the time.

But now!

Dragon Kingdom also has five generations of fighters, and six generations of fighters are also under development.

This time!

They must no longer let the skeleton of the God of War miss the festival of the Yuan Festival in their hometown!

Qin Hao picked up the microphone and looked at the people of several large military regions at the conference venue:

“I don’t care what you discuss!

How to screen, anyway must give me the best Air Force pilots!

Mid-Yuan Festival 20 days later.

I want all the skeletons of the God of War to return safely to the Dragon Kingdom’s hometown and participate in the Zhongyuan Festival Festival on time! ”

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