
Excuse me, I’m not quite sure if it’s raining too much or if there’s something wrong with my ears….

Vice President Xiaojiang just said how many kilometers to set the UAV target??? ”

“That, I just went to the physical examination the day before yesterday, my ears should be no problem, Vice President Xiaojiang said that the shooting distance is set at 80 kilometers, and the speed of the drone can be automatically locked at Mach 5 or less!”

“That’s too good to blow???

At present, the range of the most powerful Vulcan cannon in the international military is only 3 kilometers…

This range of Deputy General Manager Xiaojiang has exceeded too much???

Let me think about it, this range has even surpassed the ATM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile mounted on Bald Eagle’s FLY-22….

After all, the maximum range of that thing is only 75 kilometers! ”

“Is it true that this kind of laser cannon created by Deputy General Manager Xiaojiang does not belong to the type of machine cannon, but the kind of one in science fiction that shatters a mountain with one shot?”

“Impossible, I think it should be the kind of laser gun that replaces the bullet with a laser…

The kind you’re talking about is a bit too dreamy…”

“Also, the range is only one aspect, and the most important thing is the problem of speed.

Vice President Xiaojiang actually said that the airborne laser weapon system he built can easily lock the Mach 5 aircraft…

Doesn’t this Nyima translate to crush all the warplanes in the world?

The fastest FLY-22 has a maximum flight speed of Mach 2.25…”


The audience was in a state of confusion.

Li Qingshan also smiled awkwardly and looked at Jiang Chen.

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

You must be confused, right?

It should be said that 8 kilometers……? ”

Before Li Qingshan could finish speaking, Officer Wang, who was responsible for controlling the drone, scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Vice President Xiaojiang, I’m sorry, but the test military drone we chose is not up to Mach 5 …

The fastest speed is close to Mach 1…”

A pair of eyes looked at Jiang Chen, and it was a little embarrassing to show Jiang Chen.

Helplessly laughed:

“General Chen, General Lee, I’m not kidding you.

I’m also fresh now.

The maximum range of the third type of airborne laser weapon system we developed was indeed 100 kilometers.

If it weren’t for the rain, I would definitely have let Officer Wang fly 100 kilometers away! ”

Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan were immediately dumbfounded when they heard Jiang Chen’s words.

The lovers still left their hands….

But that’s outrageous, isn’t it?

If what Jiang Chen said is true, then there is no need for the existence of airborne air-to-air missiles at all

Mom a chicken, 100 km range.

It has long been beyond the scope of medium-range air-to-air missiles!

This can be counted as a long-range air-to-air missile!

Chen Changsheng looked at Luo Chong beside Jiang Chen, and it seemed that he had gotten a little different answer from Luo Chong.

Luo Chong scratched his head in embarrassment.

“General Chen, don’t hide from you…

This is indeed the design data of the third type airborne laser weapon system designed by Vice President Xiaojiang…”

Seeing the two people who couldn’t find a word, they coughed dryly:

“In fact, it is only the design data, maybe it is still by ten percentage points of the difference …”

Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan covered Luo Chong’s mouth.

“Director Luo, don’t you say…

Let’s continue to say that we are afraid of vomiting blood and dying! ”

Jiang Chen looked at everyone with a look of disbelief and smiled helplessly:

“I know it sounds a little incredible, but this is the third type airborne laser weapon system that we are about to carry on the sixth-generation fighter!”

Then he looked at Officer Wang.

“Officer Wang, let’s start as I just said!”

Officer Wang looked at Chen Changsheng and then at Li Qingshan, who had nothing to say, and sighed helplessly.

Only according to the data given by Jiang Chen can we start to control the UAV to fly.

The Mach 1 per hour drone successfully reached the target clouds 80 kilometers away from the Lantau Military Region in 4 minutes.

And in the state of cruising at the highest speed.

At this time, the eyes of everyone in the Qingyu Military Region naturally focused on the radar responsible for detecting the unmanned aerial vehicle.

The radar perfectly detects the distance and cruise status of the drone.

At the same time, Jiang Chen’s third type airborne laser weapon system was officially launched!

The radar locks the system for less than a second.

The UAV at speed Mach 1 was locked by the third type of airborne laser weapon system!

In the eyes of all.

A red-gold beam of light from the 50mm main gun caliber of the Type III airborne laser weapon system that pressed the firing button shot at the speed of light at a speed of light of 299,792.458 kilometers per second at the drone that was cruising 80 kilometers away.

0.00027 seconds later….

Test drone fall!


The dark clouds with a radius of thousands of meters above the northwest side of Qingyu City were instantly blasted away by the dazzling blue plasma explosion!

Local rain stops.

A full moon wrapped in dark clouds appeared over Qingyu City!

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