Jiang Chen said modestly.

But Li Qingshan and Chen Changsheng and others here wouldn’t think so at all.

Are you kidding.

As far as they knew, the last time they were in Ningfei 406.

Jiang Chen also completed the work of overcoming technical barriers on the first day of settlement.

And the rest of the completion stage?

Isn’t that sprinkling?

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

We won’t say those crepe words.

Anyway, we’re waiting for your sixth-generation fighter jet to come out! ”

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan’s two firm looks, smiled and nodded.

“Before the advent of the sixth-generation fighter.

This information can also be helped by two big men of the annoying military region to arrange to be sent to Yanjing for review! ”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he handed over the information that Su Youwei had already recorded to Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan.

This can be different from other small projects.

Sixth-generation fighters are a major national project.

Every major technological breakthrough and construction production must be approved before it can officially begin.

Before Jiang Chen first contact work did not know.

It was all Song Guosheng and Elder Song who called General Lu to help deal with it.

This time, neither Song Guosheng nor Liu Runzhi came, in addition to the technical attack, he must also have the appearance of a deputy chief designer!

Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan looked at Luo Chong on the side.

The three old men looked at each other and smiled.

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

You probably don’t know it yet, but the military department has already said hello to us.

Everything is developed by the hand of your deputy general manager Kobayashi.

There is no need to deliver Yanjing in the first time, and the production and construction process can be carried out directly!

This is the trust of the country to you, and the expectations of the people for you! ”

Chen Changsheng said this.

Jiang Chen was stunned…

How much care and trust Minister Lin Qingshu gave him!

First, Gu Dequan was directly prosecuted.

After that, it is directly into the production process without approval.

Suing Gu Dequan is all right, after all, this cargo has already committed a crime.

But there is no need to approve direct production, if there is a mistake, then how much economic loss the country has to bear!

Now, Lin Qingshu told him that the scientific research plan does not need to be approved, and it can directly enter the production link.

Just such expectations, he can’t afford to pay wrong!

“General Chen, General Lee, Director Luo.”

You can rest assured, this third type airborne laser weapon system, I Jiang Chen will definitely take it for him within 20 days!

Six-generation fighter.

Take off in forty days with the Dragon Kingdom Firmament! ”


After Jiang Chen shared the third type airborne laser weapon system.

Because you don’t have to go into the approval process.

Construction and production started directly, saving almost a day’s time, and the entire development process was smoother than the last time on a variable-cycle adaptive engine.

After all, he only shared the last plan with Song Guosheng, Liu Runzhi, and Chen Qian in advance.

It is a bit difficult to actually implement.

And this time.

The development plan of the third type airborne laser weapon system was made public at an early meeting throughout the institute.

Naturally, everyone’s acceptance level is higher!

Time flies, and the galaxy falls asleep.

The third type of airborne laser weapon system Rao is much more difficult than the variable cycle adaptive engine.

It was also officially launched eighteen days later!


The thirteenth workshop of Qingyu Aircraft Industry Group.

The third type of airborne laser weapon system device is already assembled on the machine.

Several staff members are working on the final commissioning process.

The airborne laser weapon system is not the same as a variable-cycle adaptive engine.

It is not a random test session in the factory.

The simplest and most straightforward way to test a weapon.

It was a real battle!

Therefore, this requires that it must be tested in the restricted area of the military region.

Therefore, before the assembly process, the people of the Qingyu Military Region were already waiting outside the workshop.

Originally, a captain was arranged to complete the transportation process.

But Chen Changsheng and Li Qingshan thought about it and felt inappropriate.

Li Qingshan directly went into battle to pull the airborne laser weapon system to the Qingyu Military Region!

Li Qingshan looked at the machine tool as the cold and fierce muzzle of the airborne laser weapon system and unconsciously shivered.

Although it looks about the size of the cannons carried by fighter jets and helicopter gunships today.

But Li Qingshan’s intuition told him.

The power of this thing is certainly incomparable to the bullets fired by the cannon…

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