At this time, it is in Su Xiaoxi’s live broadcast screen.

A UFO seems to be making a space jump.

Disappear for about 10s in an instant, then jump out for about 10s, and move back and forth in turn, still performing various difficult flying moves!

In the level of public awareness.

This is not the level of technology that the earth should have today!

That’s why it was first recognized as a UFO!

Watching the hilarity is not a big deal, and the UFO that just appeared in Su Xiaoxi’s live broadcast room was directly recorded and posted to major social media.

#东皇大学老校区惊现UFO! #

Such a hot search instantly rushed to the neck hot search.

Compared with the hot search full of star news, this article about UFOs is particularly strange.

Many people clicked in instantly.

After watching Su Xiaoxi’s live broadcast video, the melon-eating netizens have been hotly discussed.

“Sleeper, wouldn’t it really be a UFO?”

“No, the guy who keeps “space jumping” looks like a diameter of fifty centimeters at most from the perspective of the anchor…

It’s a little small to be a UFO, right? ”

“Maybe it’s an alien monitor?”


I wonder if the UFOs you call are very similar to the shape of drones, ah, will not be just school students’ drones, right? ”

“Your drone can still jump in space now?”

“It seems that it is also said Ha…”

“I have a bold idea, do you think it is possible to be a test drone loaded with a new type of stealth paint?

You must know that the old campus of Donghuang University was originally affiliated with the White Dragon Military Region…”

“Don’t you say, the analysis upstairs seems to make some sense!”

“Big brother, if you don’t understand, don’t guess.”

If it’s really your test drone, it means that this drone is equipped with plasma stealth technology!

Do you know what plasma stealth technology means?

Even the Bald Eagle Nation claims that it will take at least ten years to produce the results of the experiment…”

“Cough cough cough… So it sounds, it seems that the UFO is still reasonable a little ha? ”


At the time of heated discussion on major social platforms.

Hundreds of miles away from the old campus, the White Dragon Military District near the White Dragon Mountain.

Office of the Commander.

Admiral Feng Chang’an was drinking tea while looking at the latest research results of the military region.

Looking at the progress of plasma stealth technology research and development progress about the sixth-generation fighter, I sighed helplessly.

Research on plasma stealth technology has been going on for almost five years.

The money is not less burned.

Progress has been so slow.

The above asked where to put his old face…

The face is not much of a problem, mainly if the technology of the sixth-generation fighter is developed by the Bald Eagle Country first.

That’s another threat…

It was when Feng Chang’an was at a loss.

Xiao Li, a security guard, rushed into Feng Chang’an’s office.

“General Bong!

Something went terribly!

There seems to be a UFO in our jurisdiction! ”

Feng Chang’an listened to the guard’s words and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

What the heck???


Although the current research on aliens is indeed underway in secret.

But as far as he knows, there is still no substantial progress, right?

Even the so-called UFOs and District 51 of the Bald Eagle Country have not been able to distinguish between true and false…

Why is the ufo still delivered to the door now?

“Xiao Li.

You say slowly, what’s going on? ”

Xiao Li hurriedly put his mobile phone in front of Feng Chang’an.

“This is a UFO that a female student of Donghuang University just inadvertently photographed during the live broadcast of the old campus.

Feel free to travel through space!

Several of our comrades unanimously feel that this has exceeded the current level of human science and technology!

So we quickly used the radar of the military district to scan.

Sure enough, the UFO was completely undetectable! ”

Feng Chang’an looked at the UFO that disappeared in the air like a dream for a while, and coupled with Xiao Li’s explanation, the whole person was immediately stupid.

Is it…

Is it really a UFO?

If it’s really a UFO!

That is a historic breakthrough for the entire Dragon Kingdom!

At this time, where can I still take care of drinking tea and reading the report.

Hurriedly greeted Xiao Li Dao:

“Xiao Li, hurry up and use the strength of the military region.”

Go check me out everything about this UFO!

If you can catch it, you can catch it, and if you can’t catch it, you have to figure it out for me!

Not a single detail can be spared!

Within ten minutes, I want all the information to be in the conference room!

Also, immediately invite Academician Liu and the rest of the experts to the conference room to make a preliminary interpretation of the UFO in this video! ”

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