The Imperial Capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

Yenching University, referred to as “Yenching University”.

Founded in 1898 at the time of the Restoration, Yenching University was originally named Yenching University Hall, and is the first national comprehensive university in modern and modern times of Longguo, with an extremely long history.

Today, it is known as one of the shining twin stars in the education industry of Longguo.

Ranked in the “985 Project”, “211 Project”, “Double First-class University”…

It can be said that it is a famous school that all students in Longguo aspire to.

Today is the time for Longguo graduate students to report.

But what Dragon Kingdom values most today is the first degree.

Therefore, graduate students as a second degree have not been valued by universities.

Compared to the huge new student welcome.

The report of the graduate student is much more chilling…

However, the reporting channel was set up.

In the hurried campus, the freshman reporting office is particularly deserted.

But today’s graduate student reporting office is not deserted at all, and it can be said that it is crowded!

Of course, this is not because there are so many new graduate students reported today.

Instead, Mu Shijun, the goddess mentor of the graduate school, sat quietly on the side of the freshman registration room.

She’s just sitting upright.

It is already beautiful and picturesque.

Light Luo small fan white orchid,

Slim waist jade belt dancing heavenly yarn.

Suspect that the fairy came down to the mortals,

Looking back and smiling wins the star.

Both the passing and the new students who were reporting were amazed by this ordinary woman who came out of the painting.

“My dear mother-in-law, this is also so beautiful, isn’t it?” Is there really such a good-looking graduate student in this world? ”

“Sister? Brother, I advise you to be kind, this is Mu Shijun, the new tutor of the School of Physics! ”

“No, I became a graduate supervisor at such a young age???”

“You don’t know that, do you?” Don’t look at Teacher Mu young, people are scholarly mendi, grandfathers are either military and political bigwigs, or academicians of the Longguo Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering.

In the generation of Teacher Mu’s father, he was also a famous big figure in the scientific research circle.

Teacher Mu studied abroad at the age of fifteen and learned from Whitehead Eagle in just six years, and in just six years, he received a master’s and doctoral degree in physics from Harvard University.

Around the bald eagle side gave sky-high scientific research funds.

Teacher Mu still resolutely broke through the layers of obstacles and returned to China to serve the motherland.

It is said that he is currently participating in the research and development project of the Institute of Optics of the School of Physics of Yenching University and the Institute of Optics of the Longguo Academy of Sciences…”

“My mother-in-law, who studied at the age of fifteen and studied at Bald Eagle, got a master’s degree in six years…

Doesn’t that mean Teacher Mu is only 21 years old now???

This is also the age of ordinary students’ junior year, which is also too powerful, right? ”

“Then why do you think people can serve as the research tutors of the School of Physics of Yanda University…”

“I don’t know what kind of person can marry such a strange woman?”

“Anyway, you and I don’t have a chance…”


Mu Shijun, who was admired and adored by the students, looked at the students in a hurry.

And the information sheet in hand.

The information sheet contains the information of a student.

【Name】:Jiang Chen

【Age】: 21

【Undergraduate College】:Donghuang University

【Professional】:Aircraft design and engineering

【Admission Major】:Physics


Originally, Mu Shijun was doing a good experiment at the institute, but she was suddenly asked by the dean to come out and pick up a graduate student!

In desperation, I could only put down the experiment in my hand and go to the freshman reporting office.

A pair of frost-like eyes looked at the information sheet of the student information and wondered.

This Jiang Chen’s resume is very general in her opinion, and can even be said to be a typical of mixed college students.

Every year counts down, the grades are almost not enough to graduate.

Except that the length of the person is a little handsome, it should be said that it is useless.

But such a student actually let himself meet the ???

She was now wondering, where did this freshman come from such a big row, or did he have to let the graduate tutor come out to pick it up?

Mu Shijun doubted.

Suddenly there was a sound of helicopter propellers outside Yenching University.

A steel bird of prey-like helicopter gunship full of live ammunition appeared in everyone’s eyes.

The eyes of all students and even teachers on campus are naturally attracted to it.

Although Yanda is the leader of elite education in China.

But the presence of helicopter gunships in person is still rare.

Everyone naturally looked at the helicopter with curiosity.


Wu Zhi-10!

Isn’t this a helicopter gunship in the military district? ”

“Good fellow, this tarmac has been useless for a few years, why did a gunship suddenly come today?”

“Is it related to the lithography machine studied by Yanda and the Institute of Optics of the Dragon Academy of Sciences?”

“The development of lithography machines is not led by the Ministry of Military Arms, right?”

“Then what did they come to Yanda for?”

“The ghost knows…”


Under the watch.

The gunship was parked on the tarmac, the moment the cabin door opened widely.

A middle-aged man in a suit and a military uniform appeared outside the cabin door.

The man in the suit could not see the identity.

But the eaulettes of the men in military uniform undoubtedly represent the identity of their generals.

From this point of view, the status of this man in a suit must indeed not be low!

And the next scene, everyone looked stupid.

Because after them, a young man came out from inside.

It looks like it’s in her early twenties.

Just being young doesn’t matter.

The most important thing is that the admiral actually helped the young man out of the helicopter!

Between the words is a look of concern and kindness.

The worst thing is…

The young man was still holding a piece of hard paper that many of the freshmen present were familiar with.

Graduate Acceptance Letter!

When the graduate school admission letter appeared, all the students exploded in an instant.


Yenching University Graduate Student Admission Letter!

This is the graduate student brother who reported to our school! ”

The man in the suit seemed to be the spokesman for the sixth-generation fighter speech meeting two days ago, Lu Yushan, vice minister of the military and armed forces.

That general should be General Feng Chang’an of the Eastern Imperial Military Region! ”

“Helpless I have no culture, a sentence I am in the world, or someone driving a helicopter to report ah?

The most important thing is that it is still a helicopter gunship!

I always thought that those people on the Internet were pretending, but I didn’t expect that anyone would dare to do this…”

“Even if the helicopter gunship is concerned, do you still come with the admiral and the minister?”

“To put it bluntly, I don’t think this brother came with General Feng and Minister Lu, but General Feng and Minister Lu came with this brother…”

“I see it, General Feng just helped this brother…”

“My mother, the general of the Eastern Imperial Military Region and the Minister of Military Armed Forces personally escorted me.

What is the background of this brother??? ”


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