Students on the campus of Yenching University watched the helicopter gunship when it was hotly discussed.

Jiang Chen was holding the admission letter and was helped down by Feng Chang’an.

Although it is indeed very windy to report by helicopter gunship.

But this ride is really not ideal…

Jiang Chen also never thought that he would faint helicopter…

Feng Chang’an laughed and said:

“Xiao Jiang, I thought you were really omnipotent, and it turned out that you would also be motion sickness, haha!”

Lu Yushan, who was beside him, also smiled secretly.

Jiang Chen’s previous feats on top of the six generations of fighters could be described as real gods, and they really didn’t expect such gods and men to be motion sickness!

Jiang Chen, who smelled fresh air, also recovered a lot.

Laugh without anger:

“General Feng, Minister of the Road, I beg you to be a man.

If it weren’t for the two of you insisting that the pilot show me flying skills, I would have been motion sickness??? ”

The two heard the old man blush and scratched his head.

“Do you want to show you the maneuvering of our Air Force from time to time, haha…”

Lu Yushan smiled and patted Jiang Chen with fear of betrayal:

“Xiao Jiang.

Don’t follow you in this skin, you hurry up and report it.

Lao Feng and I went first!

Remember, if there’s a problem, don’t be afraid of trouble and call us directly! ”

Feng Chang’an also nodded, looking at Jiang Chen very reluctantly.

Although he was not related to Jiang Chen by blood.

But these two months together.

He had already treated Jiang Chen as if he were his own descendant.

Such a young and promising descendant, the entire Dragon Kingdom can’t find a few!

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the two and nodded.

“Rest assured!

I’m not a kid anymore.

Minister Lu, General Feng, help me to Secretary Qin, Minister Lin, General Lu, and Elder Song to say that I have arrived safely!

Looking forward to the next encounter! ”



The helicopter gunship took off again, directly away from the campus of Yanda University, and flew to the fate of the one.

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly as he looked at General Feng and Minister Lu who were walking in seconds.

At this point, I don’t know where.

These two said that they were sending him by the way, but in fact, they were escorting him!

Helplessly smiled.

What two guys who don’t stand up straight.

Stretching out a bit, this few hours of helicopter trip, although a little airsickness, but overall OK…

When Jiang Chen watched the helicopter gunship leave, he found a big problem.

The way he reported by helicopter was simply too compelling.

So much so that now the eyes of hundreds of people on campus are all on him, and they are accompanied by heated discussions.

“This brother is so handsome, I don’t know if he has a girlfriend?”

“People are big guys who drive helicopters to report, do you deserve it?”

“I wonder if the helicopter is not a small case, Minister Lu and General Feng are the most awesome, right?”

“That is not why, who do you say this great god really is?”

“Do you think it could be the mysterious deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter?”

“Neurosis, how is that possible?”

This brother is at most twenty-one or two years old, and you told me about designing a sixth-generation fighter??? ”

“It is impossible for the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane, but I prefer to be a junior of General Feng, or a relative of Minister Lu…”

“I don’t care, I just like to be so handsome, I’m going to give him a baby!”

“Sister, is it okay to line up?”


Jiang Chen listened to the discussion of the surrounding students and smiled helplessly.

General Feng and Minister Lu slipped fast!

He’s a little embarrassed to report here alone…

It is also thanks to Jiang Chen’s face that he is not thin.

As long as he is not embarrassed, it is the psychology of others who are embarrassed.

Jiang Chen’s face was not red and his heart did not beat and he walked to the freshman report office!

Just walked to the freshman reporting office.

I met Mu Shijun sitting in front of the freshman reporting office.

Four eyes opposite.

Jiang Chen was shocked…


Although he said that the Yanda report before was a little bit of a mind to see the girl.

However, my job is to develop lithography machines.

But this is just entering the school door to see the SSR level goddess, it is really a bit of luck!

There is one thing to say, it is indeed eye-catching!

Jiang Chen was the first to see Mu Shijun.

But Mu Shijun on the other side was not the first time he saw Jiang Chen.

She had been watching since this guy appeared in the helicopter, when she could clearly see Jiang Chen’s appearance overlapping with the information sheet in his hand.

Mu Shijun’s heart felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses had galloped by.

No wonder the dean personally called to let her pick up!

Good fellow, the person she picked up was personally escorted by the general of the military region and the minister of military weapons!

This backstage is no worse than her!

Jiang Chenrao, who was just looked at by Mu Shijun, was so thick-skinned, and it was a little confused that Mu Shijun looked at him motionless.

He knew that he was handsome, but was this girl so obsessed with reading?

Reaching out and shaking in front of Mu Shijun’s eyes.


Do you report it?

If it is not reported or has already been reported, let it go? ”

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, everyone was shocked…

“Ghost, what kind of chat ghost is this???”

“Are all the handsome guys and sisters like this now?”

“Good feelings, so handsome, it turned out to be a straight man plus a critic …”

“I swear, this is definitely the biggest grievance that Teacher Mu has suffered in this school!”

“Hahaha, I almost laughed as soon as this master brother opened his mouth, how can there be such an interesting person?”

“You all don’t understand, it seems that Master Brother is on the first layer, but in fact, Master Brother uses this contrast to leave a deep impression on Teacher Mu’s heart.”

This wave of operations is actually the atmosphere!

Master and sister, forever dripping God! ”


Of course, Jiang Chen was not the kind of old sea king speculated by the melon-eating masses around him.

He really just wanted Mu Shijun to let him.

Mu Shijun, who was asked by Jiang Chen to “let go”, was first stunned, and then smiled without anger.

It seems that he is being treated as a new student!

Helplessly laughing, Jiang Chen moved the seat.

Jiang Chen saw Mu Shijun give way to the open position and smiled and said thank you.

He then registered his information with the Freshman Reporting Office.

The student in charge of the report was preparing to arrange for someone to take Jiang Chen to the dormitory.

Mu Shijun took the initiative to ask for help:

“Let me take Jiang Chen to the dormitory!”

Her task of coming to the Xinsheng Report Office was originally to pick up Jiang Chen, and she would be able to make a good job of sending Jiang Chen to the dormitory!

The moment when Mu Shijun took Jiang Chen away from the Xinsheng Report Office.

The atmosphere at the Graduate Student Report Office of Yanda University, which had been frozen for a long time, exploded in an instant!

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