When Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun’s backs disappeared into the Xinsheng Report Office.

At first, the students who ate melon were stunned.

“I must be dreaming, Teacher Mu actually took the initiative to take the boy to the dormitory???”

“Brother, you didn’t dream, I saw it too…”

“Oh my God! My Iceberg Goddess Mentor was just taken away? ”

“Just now that Master Jiang came out of the atmosphere, I want to learn from you how to seduce my sister…”

“Those who are still ready to ask Master and Brother for prestige, now it seems that there is no chance at all, in front of Teacher Mu, we vulgar fans have no chance at all…”

“Rich people eventually become lovers, and I witnessed those who have no money…”


The large Qi Lemon scene in the Xinsheng Report Office naturally did not affect Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun here.

Mu Shijun had already taken Jiang Chen to the graduate student dormitory.

Along the way, I also walked around the campus of Yanda University.

Ivory tower, unnamed lake…

These familiar Yanda scenery is indeed beautiful.

However, what is more attractive to Jiang Chen is the many state-level scientific research and experimental buildings that pass by, and it has to be said that Yanda is the top university in Longguo.

In terms of scientific research environment, it is still better than Donghuang University.

It’s just that the phenomenon of brain drain is also particularly obvious in Yanda, which is a pity!

When he finally arrived at the dormitory, Jiang Chen directly looked stupid.

Single room, single bathroom, air conditioning, balcony…

I don’t know how many times better this environment is than the eight-person dormitory at Donghuang University!

Suddenly there was some sighing.

No wonder so many people wanted to go to graduate school when they were at Donghuang University.

The annual scholarship and bursary are fully covered, plus living allowances, affordable dormitories and canteens.

Maybe the money spent in three years of graduate school is more than the money saved by people who have gone out to work for three years…

Of course, Jiang Chen just casually sighed.

After all, he can’t be considered an ordinary graduate student right now.

A big country scientist in the skin of a graduate student?

Whether it is the environment of Yanda University, or the dormitory environment, for him.

There is nothing worth digging into.

While sighing, Mu Shijun, who brought Jiang Chen to the dormitory, also said his words directly.

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun with gratitude and held out his hand.

“This classmate!

Thank you for taking me around the school and to the dorms.

Just forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jiang Chen! ”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen’s outstretched hand and smiled helplessly.

It seems that this guy really thinks of himself as a freshman who is also a graduate student, but Mu Shijun did not do anything to explain.

After all, she and Jiang Chen should not have any relationship in the future.

In Mu Shijun’s view, Jiang Chen is just the third generation of military and political leaders who go to Yanda to experience graduate school life.

What can it do with her after a buried scientific research?

It doesn’t matter whether you explain it or not.

“Mu Shijun!”

Mu Shijun politely shook Jiang Chen’s hand.

Jiang Chen held Mu Shijun’s cold and cold hand with a little warmth, and there was only one feeling in his heart…

So soft, so slippery…

This must be the hand depicted in the ancient poem like a soft leaf, and the skin like a gelatin, right?

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

But he still withdrew his hand with a shallow taste.

“Classmate Mu.

There will be a period later! ”


Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun, who had gone away, and smiled beautifully.

Sure enough, compared with the men and grandfathers of the military region, the girls still look comfortable…

After cleaning up the dormitory, Jiang Chen lay on the bed and looked at the time.

The tutor double selection meeting is still more than an hour away, the simplified helicopter is so tired, just sleep and rest and then go to participate in the tutor double selection!

After saying that, he buried his head and fell asleep.


Yenching University.

Faculty of Physics.

The Ninth Research Institute of Extreme UV Light Source Lithography Machine.

It was jointly built by the Institute of Optics of Longguo Academy of Sciences and the School of Physics of Yanda University.

Built to overcome the technical barriers of extremely ultraviolet light sources of lithography machines.

After receiving Jiang Chen, Mu Shijun returned to the Ninth Research Institute of Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source Lithography Machine.

She broke through the obstacles and returned to the country.

Of course, scientific research is the most important!

When Mu Shijun changed into her experimental clothes and returned to the research room, Professor Li Yumin, the dean of the School of Physics who was studying lenses, said with a helpless smile:

“Xiao Mu.”

What did the old guy tell you to do?

This cargo can’t be taken away from our laboratory by your uncle’s grandfather!

Tired to our little Mu, he is responsible? ”

The uncle of Mu Shijun in Li Yumin’s mouth is Yu Sanhai, vice president of Yenching University.

Mu Shijun covered her mouth and smiled as she listened to Li Yumin’s words:

“Professor Lee.

Grandpa just let me pick up a new student.

Where can be tired, is a little delay, ha ha …”

Li Yumin listened to Mu Shijun’s words and knocked the old man with his beard.

“What the hell is old enough to do?”

What new students still have to be picked up by Dr. Xiao Mu, a returnee??? “。

Mu Shijun was preparing to explain.

An old man with half-white hair next to Li Yumin retorted:

“You old stuff just cares about your own research.

People are worried about Xiao Mu’s lifelong events, right?

Is there anything wrong with picking up new students and getting to know a little bit of young people?

Don’t you want Xiao Mu to spend the rest of his life mixed in the laboratory and grow old alone? ”

The rebuttal was made by Wei Fengxian, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics at Yenching University.

He also served as the director of the Seventh Research Institute, which was responsible for conquering the energy controller of lithography machines.

Of course, Wei Fengxian came here to visit the door.

Look at the progress of the Ninth Research Institute led by Li Yumin.

Li Yumin heard Wei Fengxian’s words and swallowed them back.

Then he dropped the lens in his hand and looked at Mu Shijun with a light cough.

“Xiao Mu, how is the phase?”

When will you get married?

A few of our old men are going to come over and ask for a candy to eat!

By the way, if I have a baby, I know a doctor from a third-class hospital, and the medical skills are very good…”

Mu Shijun, who was drinking water, almost choked to death.

Rao was no longer a cold character when he heard Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s words, and his face turned red and he stomped his feet fiercely.

“Elder Wei, Elder Li!”

If you say that again, I’ll go back to the Bald Eagle!”

Lithography machine, you can study it yourself! ”

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian looked at Mu Shijun’s small red face and laughed:

“Xiao Mu is still shy!

It seems that the little guy who is older than the arrangement is OK.

However, the appearance is not the most important.

Whether it is talent or character, it is worthy of our little Mu! ”

“I also think…”

Mu Shijun looked at the two old professors who were usually not serious and sighed helplessly at this time.

She shouldn’t have listened to the vice principal’s words just now to pick up Jiang Chen!

Tidying up the mood, holding the report in my hand is a little confused.

“Elder Li, what about Professor Wu?”

Didn’t you say that you handed him over your report this afternoon?

How did the man disappear? ”

Li Yumin heard Mu Shijun say the right thing, and did not make Mu Shijun’s joke again.

The college gave Wu Kezhi several graduate places.

Just ran to participate in the tutor double selection went! ”

After saying that, he patted his head, as if he remembered something.

“Look at my head, I almost forgot!”

Xiao Mu, Wu Kezhi asked you to also participate in the tutor double selection! ”

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