This was not only Qin Hao’s doubt, but also the doubt of everyone.

A genius scientist like Jiang Chen.

Every move is always eye-catching.

Jiang Chen took out the graduate student admission letter of Yenching University and laughed:

“Nothing special about it.

Let’s go to graduate school first!

After all, I have a bachelor’s degree now.

It’s good to improve yourself! ”

The reason why Jiang Chen chose to go to Yanda for graduate school is certainly not to improve his academic qualifications.

Are you kidding?

Let’s be honest.

With his current strength.

The postdoc was not enough to look at him.

There are only a few reasons to go to Yanda.

The first is mainly for the main line of tasks, according to the information given by the system.

At present, the research and development burden of Longguo lithography machine is mainly borne by two units.

The leader is the Institute of Optics of the Longguo Academy of Sciences, and the rest is the research institute of Yanda University, Longke University and so on.

He went to Yanda to report, with his scientific research level, within three days, he will definitely enter the core layer of lithography machine research.

This is beyond doubt.

Second, it is true that the military region and the research institute have been in place for too long, and every day they are in contact with grandfathers like Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi.

Otherwise, it is a man from the Institute of Military Region…

As a boy with normal sexual orientation, he still wants to go back to school to see his sister more…

In several large military regions and institutes.

Although Master Su’s appearance is indeed not low, but it is tasteless to watch all day…

The last reason is to help the predecessor complete the following wishes.

This is also not only the wish of the predecessor, but also the wish of the old two in the family, hoping to produce a graduate student in the home of that small county.

Although his achievements are now higher than the sky.

But there is no way to make it public anytime soon.

Taking a graduate school book home is also a wish of your parents.


After Jiang Chen finished talking about his plan.

Qin Hao, Lu Yushan, a group of people were silent for a long time at first.

Because they have always beaten Jiang Chen as a genius scientist, they have forgotten that Jiang Chen’s true identity is actually just a college student who has just graduated from undergraduate…

Just think of this.

The crowd was a little autistic…

Renren’s college graduate is already the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, and is about to receive the medal of the leader, and the sixth-generation fighter has been selected for the country’s highest science and technology award…

And their college graduation, or in the research room to play soy sauce.

Or you’re looking for a job.

Or exercise at the grassroots level…

After a group of people are deeply autistic, they are completely puzzled.

Song Guosheng put away his shocked jaw and said:

“Xiao Jiang.

Are you sure you’re not kidding us?

With your strength, go to Yenching University Graduate School to upgrade your academic qualifications?

I thought that with your strength, it would be more than enough to go to Yan Da as a professor…”

Liu Runzhi quickly nodded his head.

“Xiao Jiang, if you want to solve the problem of academic qualifications, the ministers and directors here can get it for you casually!”

What a master’s degree!

Postdocs are immediately in place for you, and senior titles are also minutes to the account! ”

Qin Hao and Lu Yushan looked at each other and nodded.


Xiao Jiang, if you have a need.

We can just order this little thing, won’t we get it done?

There’s no need to waste time in graduate school…”

Jiang Chen looked at a group of big people who cared like his old mother and smiled helplessly:

“Director Qin, Minister of Road.”

I was a twenty-one-year-old college graduate who suddenly got a postdoctoral degree.

It will be strange to look at it…

Are you worried that Bald Eagle’s spies won’t find out my identity? ”

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, a group of people blushed.

It seems to be saying that Ha…

Small hidden in the forest, big hidden in the city.

Jiang Chen’s move is wonderful!

Cloaked in the skin of a graduate student, the research is indeed the world’s top technology!

It’s just that……

Jiang Chen came to Yanda as a graduate student, will he be a little wronged by Jiang Chen…

Jiang Chen looked at everyone’s worried look and smiled:

“That’s not a problem!

I like to be equal to everyone.

If everyone sees me like you and makes me look like the stars and the moon, I’m a little unaccustomed, haha…”

A group of people heard Jiang Chen say this, and they could only smile helplessly and nodded.

Qin Hao patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder:

“Since Xiao Jiang you have already decided.”

I will not advise you anymore.

Anyway, if you have any appeals, just knock on me!

The whole Dragon Kingdom, I can’t figure out the things, there should not be much! ”

He had exchanged personal numbers with Jiang Chen before, and he had something to knock on.

In everything Jiang Chen’s affairs, he will never be vague!

Jiang Chen looked at the sworn look of the big guys and nodded his head with a smile.

Director of the Department of National Defense, Minister of Military Armed Forces, Generals of several major military regions, Academician of the Dragon National Academy of Engineering…

Is he backstage?

It’s thicker than the bedrock backstage!

So far.

The development of the sixth-generation fighter is finally coming to an end.

After the group bid farewell to Jiang Chen, they also left the Eastern Emperor Test Flight Center directly.

Jiang Chen also began to prepare for the report to Yanda.

Lu Yushan and Feng Chang’an remained until the end as the main leaders of the sixth generation of fighters.

Before leaving.

Lu Yushan seemed to remember something, and pointed to the huge gunship outside:

“I almost forgot!

Xiao Jiang, we happen to be going to the Graduate School of Yanda University, we will send you to report it! ”

Jiang Chen looked at the mighty Wu Zhi with a confused face.

Although there are stories reported on the Internet by helicopter, no one has really done that in reality!

It’s too ostentatious to sit on this and report, right…?

“This… Isn’t that too ostentatious? ”

Lu Yushan explained with a smile:

“Now there must be a lot of eyeliner outside the East Emperor Test Flight Center.”

How dangerous it is for you to go alone.

We sent you to protect your safety, what is the matter of not being flaunted? ”

Jiang Chen saw that Lu Yushan had no choice but to agree to go down to Lu Yushan.

Took a helicopter gunship on Lu Yushan.


Yenching University!

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