Liu Runzhi’s unusually firm words, a group of people instantly stupid.

What the heck?

Such a technology is not a UFO?

Li Weimin also looked at Liu Runzhi with some doubt.

“Old Liu, this is clearly a short-distance space jump.”

This is not the science and technology that human beings can grasp at present.

Are you sure this is not a UFO? ”

Hu Feng also nodded his head.

For current human technology.

You want to achieve a spatial transition.

Not to mention that it is decades, and hundreds of years may not be able to do it!

No matter how you look at it, it is indeed the level of science and technology that only alien civilizations can achieve!

A group of military personnel looked at Liu Runzhi and was full of doubts and could not be answered.

Feng Chang’an coughed softly and said:

“Old Liu, you are so categorical that they are not UFOs, you have to explain to us why?”

Liu Runzhi rushed to the projection screen and pointed to the details of the UFO before and when it appeared in the picture:

“Old Li, old Hu, take a closer look.

Did anything different before the drone appeared and disappeared?

If it is a spatial transition.

Then no matter how small, we should also be able to see a certain space distortion.

And we can’t see the slightest space jump here, without the slingshot effect, the space jump can’t be completed! ”

Li Weimin and Hu Feng looked carefully around the drone.

Sure enough, there is no space warp!

After a moment of contemplation, he took a deep breath and nodded, Liu Runzhi’s statement really made sense.

Then if not a spatial jump.

How did this drone disappear and appear?

This is not just the doubts of Li Weimin and Hu Feng.

It is also your doubts for everyone present.

Liu Runzhi looked at Li Weimin and Hu Feng’s confused looks and laughed

“Look closely!

Before the fuselage disappears, the fuselage paint has a very weak electronic movement, that is, the plasma change caused by the electron.

Only a plasma form independent of the solid-liquid tri-states can achieve a complete vanishing field of view!

The spatial transition we thought earlier was actually wrong.

The real answer should be that the stage of the drone’s disappearance is to use plasma stealth, not space jump! ”

The moment Liu Runzhi finished speaking.

Li Weimin and Hu Feng were directly frightened by Liu Runzhi’s crazy idea.

Li Weimin quickly stood up and interrupted Liu Runzhi’s statement.

“Old Liu.

You mean this drone disappeared from radar and the naked eye because plasma stealth technology !?? ”

Liu Runzhi knew that his statement was a bit crazy.

But that’s the best explanation.

Hu Feng also stood up and shook his head in disbelief:

“It’s impossible!

Plasma stealth technology has been proposed for less than 10 years.

As you just told me, even the Bald Eagle Country has not yet come out with the results of the first experiment!

And now you’re telling me that plasma stealth technology, which can escape military radar and public view, is being applied to a tiny drone?

That’s outrageous, isn’t it? ”


In fact, it wasn’t just Hu Feng who thought so.

A group of melon-eating personnel in the military region also thought the same.

Because it’s outrageous….

Dragon Country, Bald Eagle, Woolly Bear, John Bull…

These countries are now encountering major bottlenecks in plasma stealth technology, and there has not been a breakthrough in so many years.

Now Liu Runzhi told them that plasma stealth technology has been developed.

And it can also perfectly escape the radar and public vision of the military region.

This is clearly the level of military use, right?


It’s outrageous!

Liu Runzhi looked at several people with complete disbelief and sighed helplessly:

“I don’t believe it either, but the truth is right in front of me…”

If you follow the results of my analysis to push back.

This drone must have been manned.

According to the control distance and flight altitude of this drone.

The person controlling the drone should be within the old campus.

Although the old campus of Donghuang University is dilapidated, the most basic facilities are still there, so if there is no accident, campus surveillance should be able to photograph the owner of the drone! ”

Liu Runzhi was originally the dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering of Donghuang University.

The School of Aerospace Engineering moved out of the old campus in recent years.

So Liu Runzhi is very sure of the situation of the old campus.

When Feng Chang’an heard Liu Runzhi’s words, his heart beat several times faster.

He quickly turned his head and looked at Xiao Li.

“Xiao Li, quick, check the surveillance of Donghuang University!”

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