The reason why Jiang Chen chose to go to Ninghai 406 first, of course, was because he had promised Song Guosheng before.

It’s just not as a researcher.

Instead, as the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, he entered the Ninghai 406 Institute!

Along with him came Liu Runzhi, director of the White Dragon 606 Institute.

Because Jiang Chen’s plasma stealth technical data and device have been given very complete.

Now the 606 only needs to adapt the plasma stealth device suitable for drones to the fighter jet.

Such technical difficulty.

The two academicians, Li Weimin and Hu Feng, were completely sufficient.

Liu Runzhi took the initiative to apply to Ninghai 406 to help Jiang Chen overcome the technical barriers of the new fighter engine.

Liu Runzhi is not only studying plasma stealth technology, but also involved in engines.

Otherwise, you will not be the dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering of Donghuang University!

Jiang Chen couldn’t shirk his resignation.

I could only promise Liu Runzhi to come with him.

When they arrived at the Ninghai 406 Institute, almost the entire institute was looking forward to the return of the group.

Because the number of participants in the meeting is limited.

It is impossible for every institute personnel to attend the work report meeting in Yanjing.

Therefore, the 17th Sixth-Generation Fighter Work Report Meeting was broadcast live in all the R&D departments of the Sixth-Generation Fighter.

Although not many people are willing to watch the live broadcast of the work report, it is not excluded that some people like it.

So about Jiang Chen’s feat.

It had already exploded in Ninghai 406.

A group of people heard that when the deputy director returned with the legendary deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, Jiang Chen.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

“Wow, whoa, that’s the tall and handsome Jiang Chen, the deputy chief designer of our sixth-generation fighter?”

“Real people are much more handsome than in live broadcasts!”

“Big sisters, we are scientific researchers and not star chasers, can you pay attention to a little outside of appearance?”

“But in addition to their appearance, people are also very powerful, but they have conquered plasma stealth technology!”

“Do you think that Xiaojiang experts can really get the sixth-generation fighter to take off in two months?”

“I don’t think it’s possible at all, and it’s just a fantasy to let the sixth-generation fighter take off in two months, right?”

“But isn’t it, Xiao Jiang expert is also young and vigorous, and he must have said this with Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin, two old gamblers!”

“I still hope that Xiaojiang experts can correct their mentality, and in time, a sixth-generation fighter deputy chief designer is just that.”

With the talent of Xiaojiang experts, sooner or later they can get it back to good felling! ”


When researchers are talking about Jiang Chen.

Song Guosheng had already led Jiang Chen and his party into the research institute.

Song Guosheng introduced the research institute to Jiang Chen and others while leading the way.

Around the corner, I bumped into a long black girl in a white research suit.

Song Guosheng saw the sister and quickly introduced to Jiang Chen:

“Xiao Jiang, Xiao Su, introduce you to you.”

This is my closed disciple Chen Qian, don’t look at her young, her achievements in the field of engines are not low!

He is now the Director of our Single and Multi-Rotor Divisions. ”

Jiang Chen politely held out his hand:

“Director Chen, my name is Jiang Chen!”

Chen Qian looked at Jiang Chen with a complicated look.

In fact, this was not the first time Chen Qian had seen Jiang Chen, the first time she had seen Jiang Chen was in the equipment room of Donghuang University.

At that time, she also asked Song Guosheng about Jiang Chen’s idea of developing plasma stealth technology, but she did not expect to meet again after only ten days or so.

Jiang Chen’s identity is already the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter….

Smiling and shaking Jiang Chen’s hand:

“Hello Vice President Xiaojiang!

I looked at your work schedule this morning and from a scientific point of view, I don’t believe you can complete the variable-cycle adaptive engine in 20 days!

But I will fully cooperate with your work! ”

Chen Qian said hello to Song Guosheng and left.

Song Guosheng looked at Jiang Chen awkwardly.

“Xiao Mu is a straight man who thinks of it, Xiao Jiang, don’t think about it too much!”

Jiang Chen didn’t think much of it.

After all, his behavior is considered crazy by others, which is normal…

Song Guosheng was relieved to see that Jiang Chen was not angry.

“Well, I’ll take you to the dorm room to rest and rest…

After a break, I will take you to the research institute to recognize a few supervisors, and then coordinate the work! ”

Song Guosheng’s consideration was very thoughtful, after all, most of the researchers at the institute had not yet met Jiang Chen.

It is best to recognize the door first, so as not to have a bad time to work.

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Song Guosheng and said:

“Elder Song, you don’t rest to let me rest.”

Why, in your old eyes, I, the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, have come to play a big card?

Don’t you want to see a variable-cycle adaptive engine come out sooner? ”

As soon as Jiang Chen uttered these words, he immediately aroused the great attention of Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi.


Xiao Jiang, what do you mean by that?

Is it possible that the variable cycle adaptive engine has already raised eyebrows? ”

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