Although Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi are “straight men in science” engaged in scientific research.

But so many years of experience have long made both of them become human spirits.

Jiang Chen said a word.

They immediately interpreted the deep meaning of Jiang Chen!

If he hadn’t had a certain degree of certainty, Jiang Chen would never have been able to say what he had just said!

Jiang Chen looked at the two hungry and thirsty eyes and smiled:

“I really can’t hide anything from you two, in fact, the technology of stealth in plasma is only part of my idea.”

My complete setup should be a sixth-generation fighter.

However, because of the time and energy, we can only focus on the implementation of plasma stealth technology.

But about the variable cycle adaptive engine, I also have preliminary thoughts, if not unexpected, according to my current path.

The overcoming of technical barriers is effortless! ”

Jiang Chen’s face was not red, after all, the plasma stealth technology was only exposed two days ago.

If you think about yourself during these two days of meetings in addition to the variable cycle adaptive engine….

I’m afraid I’m going to be pulled to slice…

It can only push the scientific research process to the graduation season.

As soon as the two of them heard Jiang Chen’s words, they immediately collapsed.

Hemp eggs.

Emotional plasma stealth technology is still just a compromise of Jiang Chen’s graduation design….

If only the news had gone out.

I don’t know how many graduating students will cry and fall in the toilet!

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the shocked two with a smile:

“Elder Song, if it is convenient, take me to the calculation room first, and I will share my thoughts with you, and you will help me see if there is any problem!”

Song Guosheng heard Jiang Chen’s words and quickly led the way.


Of course convenient! ”

After saying that, he took Jiang Chen and Su Youwei to the calculation room.

As for Liu Runzhi, naturally he did not say a word and followed.

What a joke, this is the development process of the variable cycle adaptive engine that may shock the world!

How could he be absent.

The calculation room is very large, and there are basically blackboards on all sides.

Although now electronic technology is very developed.

Calculus on the computer is very convenient.

But for a really big scientist, the kind of inspiration that chalk rubs against the blackboard is the most important!

Jiang Chen took out a piece of chalk from the chalk case.

Looking at Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi.

“Elder Song, Elder Liu, I want to ask you a question before I begin.

The turbofan engine with low bypass ratio clearly achieves a balance between low fuel consumption, high thrust and low windward resistance.

It can not only greatly improve the subsonic speed and low-altitude flight performance of the fighter, but also effectively improve the combat radius of the fighter.

So what are the flaws of the fifth-generation turbofan engine.

What caused the sixth-generation fighter to develop a new turbofan engine? ”

Song Guosheng sipped his lips and said slowly:

“The fifth-generation fighter turbofan engine belongs to the medium bypass ratio turbofan engine with a bypass ratio of about 0.7

Therefore, the fifth-generation fighter is not suitable for long-term supersonic flight.

Its maximum military thrust is not enough to support the supersonic flight of the fifth-generation fighter, or even the emergency take-off of the fighter, and the afterburner must be turned on to obtain sufficient thrust.

This brings a very serious problem!

If you want to have a large enough combat radius, you must cruise at subsonic speed with a low thrust, which limits the air maneuverability of the fighter.

In fact, the turbofan engine of the fifth-generation fighter only solves the problem of insufficient air combat maneuverability of the fourth-generation jet fighter in the low-altitude and subsonic flight states, and the hypersonic flight performance is not enough to support the sixth-generation fighter …”

After Song Guosheng finished his analysis, Jiang Chen applauded Song Guosheng!

Worthy of being an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, it is impossible for anyone to analyze it, it is impossible to analyze the problem of the fifth-generation turbofan engine so thoroughly!

Now that you know a lot about defects.

Then he proposed the technology that can solve the variable cycle adaptive engine of the fifth-generation turbofan engine, and these two should be more understandable!

Knocked on the blackboard and looked at Liu Runzhi and Song Guosheng.

“Elder Song, Elder Liu, optimistic about the little blackboard, I’m going to start!”

Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi hurriedly played the spirit of twelve points.

At this time, it seemed that he had forgotten his identity as an academician of the Tangtang Dragon Academy of Sciences, and at this time, he was like two studious primary school students in front of Jiang Chen.

This scene made Su Youwei’s nephew on the side look stupid…

Good fellow, who is the academician…

Jiang Chen coughed softly and looked at Su Youwei, who was distracted.

“Little Master, and you, what the hell?”

Keep a good record! ”

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