Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin, the two old pimps, sang the opposite tune.

Although it is the opposite.

But it’s not entirely unreasonable.

It’s just that in the eyes of the vast majority of people, Jiang Chen’s timetable is impossible!

However, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to look at Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin with his hands.

“As soon as you open your mouth, it’s old waste!”

I now finally understand why it has been a year and a half since the launch of the sixth-generation fighter jet and the progress has been slow.

If the scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom is such a waste that you do not want to forge ahead, are content with the status quo, and live in vain.

Is there a future for the Dragon Kingdom?

When the Dragon Kingdom was first established, countless predecessors carried out scientific research work in such a difficult environment, how did they develop insulin, nuclear bombs, and hydrogen bombs? ”

After Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin, Jiang Chen took a deep breath and looked at the people around the room and said meaningfully

“Folks, I want you to know!

You are the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom, and you are also the hope and future of the Dragon Kingdom.

Don’t be satisfied with the status quo, be brave enough to forge ahead, as a scientific research worker is to dare to be the first, towards the impossible to complete the work!

This is the spirit and backbone that Longguo scientific researchers should have! ”

The moment Jiang Chen finished speaking, many scientific research workers present bowed their heads.

Because many of them will be a scientific research job as a job to support their families.

Even many people feel that the longer the study, the better.

That way their salaries will be more.

As for when it can be researched?

Leave it to Providence!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words now, these people felt an endless sense of shame in their hearts and ashamed of their own thoughts!

Knowledgeable scientific research elders like Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi were also moved to tears when they heard Jiang Chen’s words.

They had seen that era with their own eyes.

At that time, it was really a poor and white situation, relying on a wave of faith to complete so many scientific research attacks!

Now the environment is good.

On the contrary, scientific research is more difficult, and it is indeed worth pondering….

When Deng Quanlin heard Jiang Chen’s words, he was eager to immediately find a seam to drill into, aren’t they just the old wastes in Jiang Chen’s mouth

Instead, Gu De’s face was thicker, and he snorted coldly:

“Vice President Xiao Jiang, you said it so well.

Don’t you have to think about the actual situation?

20 days of variable-cycle adaptive engine, 20 days of onboard laser weapon system ….

Can you tell us how to overcome technical barriers? ”

As soon as Gu Dequan said this, many people also looked at Jiang Chen in doubt.

Gu Dequan was very careful.

But it doesn’t make sense.

Fundamentally, how should this work be carried out?

Jiang Chen laughed and said

“The actual situation?

The actual situation is that we can easily complete the technical task.

Technical barriers you can’t.

I can do it!

All the technical barriers are handed over to me Jiang Chen!

The rest of the people just need to finish and match with the sixth-generation fighter, it’s that simple! ”


Jiang Chen finished.

All the researchers took a breath of cold air.

“emmm…… I just seem to be deaf, Vice President Xiaojiang or all the technical barriers handed over to him? ”

“Old Iron, you heard it right, I heard it too.”

“Good fellow, if Vice President Xiaojiang can really break through the technical barriers at the specified time, then the construction process is not a sprinkling thing for today’s Dragon Kingdom?”

“The technical barriers are all wrapped up by Vice President Xiaojiang, so isn’t everyone else playing soy sauce?”

“But isn’t it, refinement or something, you can just drag someone to do it?”

“But the problem is that the technical barriers are so simple to break through, the bald eagle, the woolly bear of the scientist which is not the capital of the sky, and now they are not all still working on soy sauce in the research institute?”

“I am very happy to be a tool person, but I am worried that I will not be able to overcome so many technical problems!”

“Actually, I don’t think it’s impossible, you see, the plasma stealth technology Jiang Chen didn’t conquer in half a month???”

“It seems that it is also said Ha…”


When the whole audience inhales the air conditioner.

Liu Runzhi and Song Guosheng glanced at each other, and there was a helpless bitter smile in their eyes.

It seems that this old bone of theirs is going to accompany Jiang Chen crazy!

Then he stood up.

“Vice President Xiaojiang, we believe in you!”

The people of the research institute behind the two followed Song Guosheng and Liu Runzhi’s statements.

Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin looked around at the scientific researchers who were impressed by Jiang Chen’s personal charm and scolded a group of neuropathy in their hearts.

Then looked at Jiang Chen Dao:

“Vice President Xiaojiang.

We don’t say anything about your whims.

But hopefully you remember your commitment.

In two months, the sixth-generation fighter did not take off, and he gave up the position of deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter! ”

After Gu Dequan and Deng Quanlin finished speaking, they left the meeting site with people, and they did not have time to accompany Jiang Chen.

The entire work organization meeting ended with the statement of a group of people.

As for researchers in various technical departments.

Nature is to go back to each home, each to find each mother.

Jiang Chen and Su Youwei naturally decided to go to Ninghai 406 to develop a variable cycle adaptive engine according to the work arrangement.

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