Although the Dragon King had a certain amount of preparation in his heart from the beginning…

After all, the six-generation fighter developed by Professor Xiaojiang and the 099 strategic nuclear submarine have all broken through the sky.

But when faced with the explosion of a new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons.

I still can’t avoid the shock in my heart!

After all, no matter which way you look at it.

This is definitely the most powerful weapon of mankind so far???

The Dragon King sighed.

The White Eagle Lord’s whole being was already frightened…


A nuclear explosion scene that can be seen thousands of kilometers away.

This power he can think of with his toes!

I was about to turn around and question Dr. Coulson.

Professor Coulson of the Bald Eagle was lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window watching the golden dome go mad.

In his mouth murmured:

“How is this possible!

How could a hydrogen bomb with a 10,000-ton equivalent be developed in this era!

If the controllability of nuclear fusion is not overcome.

It is impossible to achieve such a large nuclear explosion power!

However, even if controlled nuclear fusion is the exploration of countless predecessors, it will still be developed in fifty years!

A little dragon country…

How could it be developed!

It’s impossible, it’s impossible…

I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming…

This is not a nuclear explosion!

This is the incarnation of the gods! ”


A group of people watched as they talked more and more outrageously, and Dr. Coulson, who was getting more and more mad, took a deep breath.

It’s over…

Such a great doctor of nuclear physics…

I was directly fooled by this 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb…

The White Eagle Lord looked at Dr. Coulson and frowned.

A black face looked at the secretary.

“Don’t bring it with you yet?”

“Obey orders!”


After Dr. Coulson left.

The Dragon King also withdrew his gaze from the golden dome.

Many small countries with flattering intentions gathered around.

“Dragon King Daddy.”

I suddenly remembered that the last time you invited me to join InterContinental Investment Bank?

Do you see we still have a chance? ”

“Dragon Daddy, I’ll quit that bullshit Wassener Agreement when I get back.”

Can we open up peaceful and friendly scientific and technological exchanges between our two countries? ”

“Father Longguo, we seem to be purchasing a batch of arms recently.

Previous Bald Hawks had been forcing us to buy theirs.

But now I think clearly, Dragon Kingdom’s father’s arms are the best!

If nothing else, just take the Dragon Kingdom Daddy’s broad mind! ”

“Dragon Kingdom Daddy, we had a little staging disagreement at the border before.

I apologize to you here.

I think those dog days are just braincases with bags!

How is it possible to make our territory there?

Clearly my Dragon Kingdom Daddy’s okay? ”


The White Eagle Lord almost vomited a mouthful of blood when he looked at the large recognition of the father’s scene.

These dog days are dog legs.

It’s also too disgraceful, right?

At first, they kept licking their bald eagles.

Longguo’s 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb was test-detonated.

Instantly ran to the opposite side?

The Dragon King did not hate these people’s stubbornness at all.

He looked at the White Eagle Lord with his hands and smiled:

“Your Excellency, Lord?

Is our 100 million ton new hydrogen bomb OK?

I wondered before you said we couldn’t even blow up a wave…

Now it seems that this is indeed the case…”

After Lü Wei finished speaking, the White Eagle Lord’s entire face turned green.

That’s right.

It is true that the face splashes are blowing up.

Just blowing up an island, right???

The Dragon King looked at the White Eagle Lord’s angry and fast vomiting blood, and his heart was not to mention how happy he was.

This is forced.

Loaded for almost a month to force!

Finally he gave him a big mouth!

When the atmosphere of the whole scene gradually cracked.

The Wen Tiger of the Black Stick Country rushed to the Dragon King’s side.

Then look at the Bald Eagle Lord.

“Your Excellency, Lord!

With regard to your country’s proposal to assist our Black Baseball countries with the Draic Anti-Missile System.

I don’t think so!

I think our Black Baseball Nation can protect its own country’s airspace and technology research and development even if it does not need the Bald Eagle’s Delsec anti-missile system…”

This was Wen Laohu’s answer to the question of the Bald Eagle Lord at the beginning.

He didn’t dare to refute it before, but he didn’t want to say yes.

Because Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle hangs around the neck of their Black Baseball Nation.

But now the situation is different!

Are you kidding.

Dragon Country Daddy has a new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons!

Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle ???

It’s not enough to look good at all???

The White Eagle Lord’s blood that had just been held back when he looked at Wen Tiger Dog’s posture finally spat out.

The Dragon King was instantly happy to see the situation that was now almost one-sided.

Laughing at the White Eagle Lord who was vomiting blood.

“Your Excellency, Lord White Eagle.

I don’t think the answer to the proposal to aid the Black Baseball nation Delsec Anti-Missile System should need to be discussed anymore??? ”

The Bald Eagle Lord bit his mouth and looked at the Dragon King viciously.

“Dragon King, you…”

The Dragon King looked defiantly at the White Eagle Lord:



If you really have an opinion, ask our new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons??? ”

The White Eagle Lord recalled the nuclear explosion scene that had been in the limelight.

Suddenly, it collapsed like an autumn eggplant hit by a few frosts.

Qiang Yan smiled and said:

“Your Excellency the Dragon King can really laugh, and I am also out of kindness.”

If the Black Baseball Country doesn’t need it, then forget it…”

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