Within minutes of Dragon State’s 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion test.

Thousands of kilometers away, the golden dome inside the smoke can be seen.

As if the aura of an angel had been cast down from heaven…

The moment when the giant golden dome appeared in the eyes of the world’s attention to the test of the new hydrogen bomb explosion of the 100 million tons.

The whole world shook!



Just now that is the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb in the Dragon Kingdom???


The island, which was hundreds of kilometers wide, was blown straight into two isolated islands??? ”

“Big brother, that’s not the most important thing.

You see get the Golden Dome, right?

More than 100 km high!

It’s all dry into the atmosphere, just now I ran straight outside the house to see it! ”

“Oh my God…

Is this really a new 100-ton hydrogen bomb and not the power of God? ”

“Who just said that the new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb is a bluff???

Stand up for Lao Tzu!

Do you want to throw one at your house to try it??? ”

“Sleeper, this 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb is really a cattle batch!”

Mushroom clouds can be seen thousands of kilometers away from my home in the western Ōhei Ocean…”

“I would like to call the scientist who built this new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons as a god!”

“Good guys…

Really reached the 100 million tons …

With such strength, can Bald Eagle’s atypical proposal really be put on the table? ”

“I’m afraid not…

This is nothing compared to the Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle…”

“Good guy, I’m a good guy on the spot!”


The whole Dragon Live is hotly debated between the times.

Binfifi, the closest island nation to Cantersda, witnessed all of this.

Rear Admiral Kandal of the Binfifi Navy, who had previously followed the Bald Eagle in the Western Daping Ocean, had just been training near the sea line.

It also happened to be watching the dragon live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom.

Let’s be honest.

At the beginning, Major General Kandal was a bit suspicious of the 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb in Dragon Country.

After all, I was beaten…

The last fifth-generation nuclear submarine he still remembers vividly.

Not to mention a new 100-ton hydrogen bomb.

It was Dragon Kingdom who said that he had built the Aerospace Mothership.

He probably didn’t have any objections…

So at the beginning Maj. Gen. Kandal was ready.

But when the 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb was like a hand of God on an uninhabited island in the western flat ocean…

Maj. Gen. Kandal knew how small he was.

That kind of god-killing nuclear explosion.

If it comes to the territory of Binfifi…

I’m afraid that Binfifi is gone now…

At the very least, two-thirds of Binfifi are gone!

And all this only came from an ammunition that was less than three meters long…

Know the three-meter-long ammunition.

It can be completely modified into ballistic missiles, or fighter jets can be carried…

Good fellow, if you add the mysterious six-generation fighter of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom already possessed an absolute god-level strike ability!!!

Major General Kandal wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He quickly called the lord of Binfifi.

From now on, they Binfeifei will only be the leader of the Dragon Kingdom!

As for the Bald Eagle???

Where is the little chick, go back and raise the hair to the real dragon again!


When Binfifi shook the opposition.

The rest of the countries facing the 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb are not feeling better.

Crowds of people have surged across the country.

The center of the topic is naturally the people in the nine-party meeting hall in Yanjing at this time.

In front of floor-to-ceiling windows.

The nine “tribes” all witnessed the nuclear explosion of this new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb…

Mushroom clouds hundreds of kilometers high, hundreds of kilometers of golden dome.

Explode the skyline.

Smash the island.

Coverage of nearly a thousand kilometers…

The lords of all the tribes had gone limp the moment they faced the golden dome.

Many lords were not supported by secretaries.

Now I’m afraid I’m already lying on the ground…

“This 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb in Dragon Kingdom …

Also too…

Great, huh? ”

“I finally know why the Dragon King dared to directly attack the White Eagle Lord…

It turned out that there was such a god-killing weapon.

Oh, my God……

Shattered the sky, Okawa turned into an isolated island…

Such a power is not within the reach of mortals, right? ”

“The most important thing is the size of this 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb in Longguo, which is very miniature…

Why can such a small volume of hydrogen bombs produce such a large nuclear explosion power??? ”

“I’m good guy on the spot!”

Dragon Kingdom Daddy!

Please, cover me later, you are my father…”

“Aren’t you the son of a bald eagle?”

How is it now called Dragon Kingdom Daddy? ”

“Bald eagle?

What is Bald Eagle?

I don’t know, Dragon Kingdom is my only father in the future!

Don’t stir up dissension!!! ”

“Sleeper, enough face!”

Then I’ll be a little son??? ”


A group of tribal lords whispered in shock at the moment.

The Dragon King looked at the surface of the golden dome that had not been dispersed for a long time, although it was as stable as an old dog.

A look of victory in hand…

But the heart is actually shocked by a batch!

More shocking than anyone…

Professor Koe’s new hydrogen bomb.

It’s also too cowhidey…

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