As the commander of the Bald Eagle, the “boldness” of the White Eagle Lord is still very outstanding.

Since Dr. Coulson said it was impossible.

He didn’t have to trust the Dragon King of the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, the 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion experiment really can’t be opened in the mouth!

The horror of this stuff.

They Bald Eagle could not have been clearer as a country that developed hydrogen bombs!

The Bald Eagle Lord so clamored that the Dragon King could not really carry out the 100 million ton new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion experiment.

Several small tribes on this side also sighed a little helplessly.

They have the heart to stand on the side of the Dragon King…

But the truth is very bone.

100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion experiment…

How can it be so easy?

The Dragon King did not care at all about the White Eagle Lord’s taunts.

With a smile, the Secretary-General pulled open the curtain of the conference hall.

Looking at Yanjing City in the night, the dark people outside the ruins of Yanjing City smiled:

“As I expected.

We should all be able to see our Dragon Kingdom nuclear explosion test mushroom cloud in this position.

Guys, stay tuned! ”

A group of people you look at me and I look at you.

This Nyima is also too good to blow, right?

It is also thousands of miles away from the Longguo nuclear explosion test and experimental base.

The Dragon King actually said that they could all see the nuclear explosion mushroom cloud in Yanjing City???

But they didn’t believe it at all.

But he still stood patiently in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

As for the White Eagle Lord, he stood at the window as if he were completely lively.


At this time the dragon is inside the live broadcast room.

The Dragon bomber in the picture has arrived on the high seas outside the Western Daping Ocean Binfeifei.

The place that the Dragon King chose was not chosen casually.

Since the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion test is to be carried out to deter other countries.

Then you must choose a chicken!

Punish someone as a warning to others.

This ancient saying of the Dragon Kingdom is not just a casual remark…

After the bombers arrived in their directions.

The pilot responsible for dropping this new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons called out to Li Xuanbin, director of the Longguo National Defense Department.

“Director Lee.

Arrived at the destination.

Request instructions on the nuclear explosion test of the new hydrogen bomb of the 100 million tons! ”

At this time, Li Xuanbin stood in Jiang Chen’s hospital room and looked at Jiang Chen, who was still unconscious.

Professor Koe!

This 100 million tons of new hydrogen bombs.

As you wish!

Hurry up and wake up!

I took a deep breath and looked out the window at the night sky and the pilot in the picture.

“Immediately start the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion test!”

After the pilot received approval.

Directly dropped the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bombs mounted on the high seas area.

The target of the bombardment was Cantersda, an uninhabited island in the Western Ōhira Ocean.

The island has a fragile ecological environment and is an uninhabited island of an extinct volcano.

It has a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Narrow and elongated morphology.

Plus adjacent to the Bingfifi high seas.

Of course, Longguo chose this island today to carry out a 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion experiment.

Let the whole world know.

The nuclear explosion power of the 100 million tons new hydrogen bomb in Dragon Kingdom!

No one is allowed to challenge the Heavenly Power of the Dragon Kingdom!

The moment the 100 million ton new hydrogen bomb was dropped.

The drone caught up with the speed at which the hydrogen bomb fell.

Tens of millions of viewers around the world could see the hydrogen bomb.

Because there is a way to free fall.

Therefore, the high-altitude projectile is still a certain distance away from the island of Cantersda.

Tens of millions of netizens looked at the new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomber transferred from the Longguo bomber but they were already stunned…


This hydrogen bomb is also too small, right?

Doesn’t it say 100 million tons?

If I remember correctly, the figures released by the Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle are almost seven or eight meters long…

How is this thing so small??? ”

“Yeah, it doesn’t look like it’s three meters long…

Can it really produce a nuclear explosion power of 100 million tons? ”

“It’s hard to say…

You must know that the current nuclear explosion power is not based on the size of the nuclear bomb.

Maybe what new technology does this new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb in Longguo have? ”

“No matter how new the new technology, the nuclear fuel is not enough, and it is not powerful enough…

Unless the nuclear fusion utilization rate is super high!

Hahaha, but how is this possible, the world’s best fusion can be used less than 1%…”

“I think that the new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb of the Dragon Kingdom is very stable, after all, you must know that in the sixth-generation fighters and fifth-generation strategic nuclear submarines a few months ago, you are also unanimously not optimistic…”


Don’t discuss, you’re about to fall to the ground! ”


West Great Plains Ocean.

Cantersda Island.

The moment when the new hydrogen bomb of the 100 million tons is still tens of meters away from the island of Cantersda.

The bomber is a laser falling from the sky!

This is the laser inertial ignition method designed by Jiang Chen.

The moment when the laser enters the ignition chamber of the new 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb.

The hydrogen bomb was detonated!

The radius of the fireball produced by the explosion of the new hydrogen bomb of the 100 million tons reaches more than 10,000 meters in an instant.

The mushroom cloud produced by the explosion is nearly 100 kilometers wide and about 150 kilometers high, more than 18 times the altitude of Mount Everest!!!

The storm created by the explosion blew out a range of nearly hundreds of kilometers.

The island directly below the nuclear explosion was directly razed to the ground by the huge nuclear explosion power!

The narrow central part of Cantersda Island was instantly eroded by waves.

Since then, it has become two isolated islands facing each other!!!

The world is falling apart, and the sea is swallowing the river!

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