The entire JIU Talks were a time of “lively and lively” discussions.

The White Eagle Lord laughed heartily:

“Good fellow, Your Excellency the Dragon King.

Your joke is so funny!

100 million tons of nuclear bomb, do you know what the concept is?

You say there is.

How, words follow the ???

I advise you to go back and get some sleep, so as not to talk nonsense all day! ”

The Dragon King laughed without anger:

“I don’t bother you how much I sleep.

But the 100-million-ton nuclear bomb we are really going to test today.

However, looking at the appearance of Your Excellency the White Eagle Lord will not let us test explode within the White Eagle Tribe.

Well, let’s also pick the southwest Pingyang region where the White Eagle Tribe once tested.

It just so happens that everyone has added and invited everyone to take a good look at the power of our Dragon Clan’s 100-million-ton nuclear bomb.

It just so happened that he also wanted to use this nuclear explosion to let His Excellency the White Eagle Lord consider whether his proposal was correct! ”

The Dragon King’s sworn look made the entire conference hall instantly stunned.


Is the Dragon King really coming? ”

“Is it true that Dragon King has a 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb???”

“Can’t I…”

“I also think it’s impossible, the Dragon King is bluffing???”


Anyway, I don’t believe that the Dragon King has a 100 million tons of hydrogen bombs…”


When there was a lot of discussion throughout the chamber.

The secretary in charge here had already blinded Dr. Coulson the Bald Eagle.

In an instant, the picture of the bomber flying to the Western Ōpei Ocean was connected.

“In order to let you more intuitively feel the power of this nuclear explosion.”

We in Longguo have spent a lot of money to build a set of equipment and choose global live broadcasting.

If you don’t mind, let’s sit down and watch the test explosion test of our 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb in Longguo this time! ”

At this time, it is in the live broadcast room of Dragon Live.

Tens of millions of military enthusiasts around the world have poured in.

In fact, from the very beginning, Dragon King had already started practicing the Longshi news department after getting the news of the 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb research institute in the northwest desert.

Since then, the global live broadcast of the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion experiments has begun.

It has attracted a large number of people when it is turned on.


What’s going on here???

100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion test ???

When did the Dragon Kingdom make such a big row of noodles??? ”


If I remember correctly, twenty days ago.

Bald Eagle Times reported 15 million tons of Bled Castle coming? ”

“If you look closely, it seems that the Dragon Kingdom is very close to the place where the nuclear explosion test was not the same…”

“I understand, nine times out of ten it is the Dragon Kingdom’s countermeasure to the physical catharsis of the Bald Eagle…”

“I think it has something to do with the nine-party talks that are taking place now…

It is said that the Bald Eagle wants to install an anti-missile system on the side of the Black Baseball Nation.

I’m afraid that the Dragon Kingdom is conducting a test explosion this time in response to this national defense crisis…”

“Then the problem comes…

Is this so-called 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion test true or false? ”

“Does this still need to be said?

Of course not!

Baldhead’s 15 million ton equivalent took so long…

Now tell me that Longguo will come to a 100-million-ton new hydrogen bomb test explosion experiment???

Isn’t that a joke?

Every few decades, can you take it down?? ”

“This is a little difficult to say…

Before the sixth generation of Dragon Kingdom’s fighters, 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, the fifth generation of nuclear submarines 099 everyone remembers it…

At that time, everyone thought it was impossible…

This time the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion test test I see! ”

“No, won’t you know later?”


The White Eagle Lord in the nine-party meeting hall here frowned as he looked at the barrage and bomber in the picture.

I made a big…

Dragon Kingdom engaged in such a big scene will not really put?

Dr. Coulson directly said on the spot:

“Rest assured, Your Excellency.

Such a technological leap is never possible!

Our 15 million ton Bled Castle was raised to 15 million tons by accident…

Keel wants to surprise the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion experiment is simply a fantasy!

I can tell you explicitly.

That’s impossible! ”

The White Eagle Lord was overjoyed to hear Dr. Coulson’s words.


He knew that the keel was bluffing, trying to scare them off!

Sure enough, the Dragon King’s next words made the White Eagle Lord more certain of what he had in mind.

The Dragon King looked at the White Eagle Lord with his hands and smiled:

“Your Excellency, Lord White Eagle.

You regret it now that it’s too late to withdraw your ignorant proposal.

This 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion experiment we Dragon Kingdom may consider abandoning Oh! ”

The White Eagle Lord was overjoyed when he heard this.

“Your Excellency, the Dragon King.

It’s okay, you can experiment casually, not to mention the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb test explosion experiment.

You are 100,000 tons and I don’t mind.

I’d like to see if you can’t even blow up a little wave when you throw it down.

How to hang on the face when the time comes! ”

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