The White Eagle Lord though was polite in his mouth.

I actually don’t know how many times I have greeted the Dragon King.

“Don’t let me catch the chance!”

Next time I will not let go of the face of the Dragon Clan! ”

Of course, the White Eagle Lord didn’t dare to say this now…

After all, it has just entered the site of a 100-million-ton nuclear explosion.

I really don’t dare…

A group of people looked at the White Eagle Lord who was shocked by the seconds.

Even the Bald Eagle Lord was overwhelmed…

The future of the Dragon Clan can be expected!

The nine-party talks ended with the great victory of the Dragon Clan and the disgraced departure of the Bald Eagle Tribe.


When the tribal lords left the Nine-Party Meeting.

The Great Chief looked at the huge Yanjing City in the night sky.

Under this darkness.

It’s the ups and downs.

All this is because of the new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons.

The old seniors have a saying that is good.

Out of the barrel of a gun comes power.

The Great Chief breathed a long sigh of relief at the thought of this.

If it were not for Professor Xiaojiang’s new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons.

This time the defense crisis of the Dragon Kingdom can only be dry eyes.

But now.

Everything was sorted out!

Even solved a lot of historical problems, relics a little arms orders!

Just thinking about it.

The Grand Chief then summoned the Grand Secretary directly.

“Steward the Grand Secretary.”

Is Professor Xiao Jiang awake? ”

“Not yet, but according to President Wang, it should be in these two days…”


Prepare the car to Yanjing Harmony Hospital!

I want to personally watch Professor Xiao Jiang wake up! ”


At the end of the nine-party talks.

Some of the terms and circumstances adopted at the meeting were made public by the media around the world at the moment.

The whole world shook.


The White Baseball Nation actually gave up the right to possess nuclear weapons without anything?? ”

“The territorial question that the great white elephant has been emphasizing is now no longer at all …

There was even a purchase of arms in the Dragon Kingdom??? ”

“Good fellow, Gaul Rooster, who had not joined the Intercontinental Investment Bank advocated by Dragon Country before, actually took the initiative to apply to join the Intercontinental Investment Bank led by Dragon Country???”

“The Delsec anti-missile system, which Bald Eagle had been planning for several years, ended in failure?!!”

“This nine-party meeting is completely different from what I imagined!”

Judging from the results, only the Dragon Kingdom of the Nine Countries is the most profitable! ”

“Yeah, that’s the kind of meeting, supposedly.

Bald eagles are the best formula!

And this time, Bald Eagle wants strategic deployment and arms orders…

There was no benefit at all, but on the contrary, it lost orders and many allies of the Wassener Agreement…”

“You wouldn’t be stupid enough to think that it was a matter of lip service, would you?”

Obviously, it was fought by the clash of Bled Castle and the new hydrogen bomb of the Dragon Kingdom…

Obviously, in the end, the 100 million tons of Dragon Kingdom perfectly crushed the Bald Eagle’s Bled Castle! ”

“There is a saying that this new type of hydrogen bomb in the Dragon Kingdom is really a cattle batch!”

At 100 million tons, I will witness all this on the coastline again! ”

“Indeed, it really seems to be the means of the gods…”

“But how did the Dragon Kingdom develop such a terrible god-killing weapon in a month?”

“The ghost knows…

I am now kneeling to the chief designer who can develop this new hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons…

Is this guy really human? ”


The whole Azure world is hotly debated about the much-watched nine-party talks.

Yenching Harmony Hospital is quiet in a bunch.

Jiang Chen’s hospital room.

Mu Shijun slept next to Jiang Chen.

Mu Shijun in order to take care of Jiang Chen.

Basically, it is a day break and an all-night night.

It’s been several days and nights.

The ward except for Mu Shijun.

There are also Li Xuanbin, director of the Department of National Defense, Director Qin Hao, and Old Master Mu of the Relic.

These people have always been guarding Jiang Chen’s side.

You should know the safety issues of Jiang Chen.

But their primary concern is this.

Outside the ward at this time, there were dozens of plainclothes special forces guardian wards.

Li Xuanbin looked at the worried look in Mu Yunhai’s eyes and exhorted:

“Old Marshal Mu, don’t be too tired.

Dean Wang said that Professor Xiaojiang would definitely wake up within today.

Or you go to sleep for a while…

When Professor Xiaojiang wakes up, we will call you…”

Mu Yunhai looked at Jiang Chen, who was breathing smoothly but couldn’t wake up, and smiled angrily.

This stinky boy may not be what kind of dream he is dreaming!

Outside, they were worried to death.

When this boy wakes up, he is sure to “clean up” this boy!

The dragon just went live and finally about the results of the nine-party talks.

They all have to see.

If it were not for the 100 million tons of new hydrogen bomb developed by Jiang Chen.

All the achievements of the nine-party talks will be spent in fly ash.

In fact, the order, the historical legacy of the problem is not important.

What is important is that Jiang Chen helped the Dragon Kingdom avoid this national defense and security crisis!

And when the whole country celebrates.

The hero is in a coma…

How could they not be worried!

When a group of people were depressed, two people walked into the outside of the heavily guarded ward…

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