As soon as Jiang Chen saw Song Guosheng, he thought of treating him as the master of the equipment room that day.

Suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

“Dean Song, I’m really sorry that day…”

Song Guosheng smiled and patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder:

“Xiao Jiang, don’t say that.

If not you admit it wrong.

I can’t be the first witness to plasma stealth technology!

Your little guy is really not ringing is already a blockbuster, usually does not show the mountains and does not show the water, a key moment, more than anyone to top ah!

Listen to Lao Liu said that you did not hesitate to license plasma stealth technology to the White Dragon Military Region? ”

Jiang Chen nodded irrefutably.

This technology was originally developed for military use, and he had no use in holding this technology himself.

Can’t always take the plasma stealth technology on the drone to run to sneak a shot?

That’s too bargaining too….

As for selling to foreign countries like Wei Hu’s traitors?

Excuse me.

Jiang Chen always firmly believes that science has no borders, and scientists have!

Song Guosheng said and handed Jiang Chen’s excellent graduation design certificate to Jiang Chen.

Then mysteriously asked:

“Xiao Jiang.

I heard Lao Liu say that you applied to join the research and development of other technical departments of the sixth-generation fighter with the above? ”

Jiang Chen looked at Song Guosheng with a confused face.


Didn’t you say state secrets?

Why did the front foot just say that the back foot was known by Song Guosheng?

Song Guosheng touched his beard and laughed

“Don’t think about it, because I’m also a sixth-generation fighter researcher.”

It’s just not a project with Lao Liu.

We are Ninghai Aircraft Industry Group 406 Institute.

Responsible for the cooperation with the Ningbo Naval District to develop the engine technology of the sixth-generation fighter!

According to your merits, when General Feng reports it, the Military Armed Forces Department will also take a form.

You can think of any institute!

How about you think our institute is working with us to develop the engines of the sixth-generation fighter? ”

Song Guosheng is not just the deputy dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering of Donghuang University.

He is also the deputy director of Ningfei 406 Institute.

The reason why he looked at Jiang Chen with kindness was, of course, because of the high scientific research level of Jiang Chen’s research and development of plasma stealth technology.

Jiang Chen really wanted to come to their research institute.

He really couldn’t ask for it!

At this time, Jiang Chen did not understand the meaning of Song Guosheng’s words, and asked as if smiling:

“Elder Song.

Are you not afraid that I will enter your institute to pull across? ”

Song Guosheng rolled his eyes in disgust.

Anyone who says he is pulling across him believes it.

Only Jiang Chen.

He could not have believed.

Half a month to develop plasma stealth technology, such a genius will pull across?

Isn’t that ridiculous?

Jiang Chen looked at Song Guosheng’s mustache and laughed

“Elder Song, the above appointment has not yet come down, and I can’t give you an accurate reply.”

Well that way, if the above allows me to make a choice.

I am sure to prefer you Ningfei 404 Institute! ”

Jiang Chen remembered Song Guosheng’s kindness.

At that time, if it were not for Song Guosheng’s presence, he would not have been able to borrow those precious materials at all.

It’s just that these things are only known to him later…

When Song Guosheng heard Jiang Chen’s words, he was also happy to tighten his heart, patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder and smiled:

“That’s enough with your words.

I handed in the materials and had to go back to Ninghai to prepare the materials.

You should also hurry up and pack up and prepare for tomorrow’s sixth-generation fighter work report meeting.

In fact, it is a commendation meeting for you alone, and a few of us old guys who know are sour! ”

After Song Guosheng finished speaking, he left the academic lecture hall with the materials.

Jiang Chen looked at Song Guosheng’s back with a blank face.

Give him a commendation meeting?

Isn’t it a work report meeting?

Jiang Chen did not think about it and left the academic lecture hall with his excellent graduation certificate.

When the graduation procedures are completed.

Jiang Chen also officially became a graduate of Donghuang University.

The next day, I looked at the grass and trees of Donghuang University.

The corners of Jiang Chen’s mouth were slightly raised.

From this moment on.

His stage will no longer be Donghuang University, but a scientific research highland where ideals and dreams are intertwined, and theology and science collide!

Putting away his vision for the future, Jiang Chen took a plane to Yanjing.

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