Yen Ching Restaurant.

Longguo Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Referred to as Longhang Industry.

The largest military fighter, transport aircraft, helicopters, airborne systems, general aviation, aviation research, flight testing, aviation supply chain and military trade, special equipment… and other industries of state-owned enterprises.

The research and development task of the sixth-generation fighter is led by the Ministry of Military Armed Forces, and several major military regions and Longhang Industry jointly develop it.

The 17th Work Report Meeting of the Sixth-Generation Fighter Aircraft held once a month was held today.

The participants are all the main scientific researchers and project leaders from several major military regions and research institutes.

The main purpose is to report on the progress of work in their respective fields.

As a newcomer, Jiang Chen specially booked a plane an hour earlier.

The rush from the airport to the headquarters of Longhang Industry is still half an hour before the meeting is held.

Look at the magnificent and domineering Longhang Industrial Building.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh.

It is worthy of the world’s top 500 ah, the cost of this headquarters alone is probably tens of billions of dollars….

No wonder the brothers and sisters of Donghuang University want to enter the Dragon Hang Industry even if they squeeze their heads!

It’s just that he didn’t come today as an ordinary researcher.

Instead, as an invited expert!

When I followed the directions into the meeting room, although it was about ten minutes before the start of the meeting.

But the seating rate in the conference room has basically reached 7/80%.

Because of the tight time and the reason that his appointment could not be made public until today’s meeting, there was no place for Jiang Chen in the front row.

Feng Chang’an also specifically called him this morning last night.

Jiang Chen didn’t care too much about these trivial matters, and he took care of himself and sat down in the back seat.

Sat in the last row for four years.

Let him suddenly sit in the first row, maybe he is not used to it.

Because the meeting hasn’t started yet.

The participants throughout the room were basically whispering.

“Brother Meng, come, guess who Minister Lu will randomly pick up this time to carry out negative teaching materials?”

“I guess it must be the Airborne Laser Weapon Systems Division!”

Gossip says that this month is in the same place again! ”

“I just came to the institute to report on it not long ago, did you say anything about what this is all about?”

“Brother, you don’t know, do you?”

This would be nominally a work report meeting, but in fact a criticism meeting.

Because the work of the various research and development departments of the sixth-generation fighter is really too slow, Natsume has been working on the project for almost a year and a half.

Except for the materials department, the work is going smoothly, and the rest of the departments have basically encountered technical barriers.

In particular, the three technical departments of plasma stealth technology, fighter engine department, and airborne laser weapon system.

The most expensive money, but the least effective, you say that you are not criticized? ”

“In fact, I don’t think this is to blame the research and development department, let alone our dragon country, you see the next door hair bear country and bald eagle country, don’t you still play soy sauce?”

If the sixth-generation fighter had been built so easily, would it have been necessary? ”

“But isn’t it, hey, I don’t know when it’s a head, I think my daughter-in-law is …”

“Brother, don’t talk nonsense, I heard that the plasma stealth technology of the White Dragon Military Region has made a historic breakthrough!”

It seems that it has reached the stage of military use! ”

“I lean on, plasma stealth technology??? Didn’t the White Dragon Military Region make a report last month that had made less than 10 percent progress? ”

“Fake, huh?” That’s plasma stealth technology! Straight to the application stage? The bald eagle hadn’t heard it yet! ”

“Really! It is said that it was still a mysterious genius who developed it, and it seems that it only took half a month, and today’s work report meeting seems to be to commend him! ”

“I lean on, really fake?” How do I feel you’re bragging? ”


Jiang Chen’s ears fluttered over the content of the conversation between the scientific researchers in front of him, and his face was a little strange.

Finally understood the meaning of Song Guosheng’s words yesterday…

It turned out that Elder Song and Elder Liu had such a miserable life?

No wonder General Feng Chang’an was excited at that time and flew directly from the military region to the Eastern Emperor University in a helicopter to find him.

Jiang Chen was sighing in his heart.

A female voice like a lark sounded in my ears:

“Is it a little bit different from the scientific research life you imagined?”

In fact, this is all normal, no scientific research is smooth, most of the time are hitting the wall, are being scolded, only by surviving can we witness the miracle! ”

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