Clyde had been happy to check the news about the return of the remains of the God of War in the Dragon Kingdom.

Who knew to see such explosive news around the corner!

Clyde, who was in the position of general, couldn’t stand it at this time.

That’s six teams!

Bald Eagle had been working on it for years, and until now they hadn’t even seen a shadow.

And the Dragon Kingdom is going to test fly tomorrow!

The more Clyde thought about it, the angrier he became, and he threw his phone in front of Yar Chinese.

Lieutenant Yar, who was reporting from the sidelines, was almost frightened by General Clyde’s punch.

Looked at the phone Clyde threw to himself.

A pair of eyes are getting bigger and bigger!

Finally, I looked at the news on my phone like two brass bells and was shocked.

What the is going on here?

Because the development speed of the sixth-generation fighter is very slow.

Their intelligence agencies basically breathe once every two months.

The news of the spy he installed at Donghuang University two months ago was indeed that the Dragon Kingdom Sixth-Generation Fighter was like playing soy sauce!

This two months passed.

The sixth-generation fighter took off directly???

Yar took a deep breath and returned the phone to Clyde.

Zhen Zhen has a word:

“General Clyde, this is impossible!

Even if my spy was caught by the Dragon Nation intelligence agency.

The information of these two months has not yet been obtained, but it is undeniable that the project of the sixth generation of Longguo fighters was a year and nine months ago, right?

General Clyde just think about it.

Nine months a year.

Sixth-generation fighter test flight ???

Is this possible?!! ”

When Lieutenant Yar finished, General Clyde was also lost in thought.

What Yar said seems to be not unreasonable…

Even two months of intelligence work did not return.

It is impossible to complete the research and development of the sixth-generation fighter in more than a year!

What a joke, this time the project of the sixth-generation fighter, their bald eagle is the three major aircraft overlords Tongtong, Puerhui, Bobo cooperation research and development!

The aircraft research and development strength of these three aviation aircraft overlords.

Not to mention the bald eagles on them.

Even in the whole world, that is also the proper T0 level!

These three research and development time has been carried out for the fifth year, and even plasma stealth technology has not yet been conquered.

Is it possible that Dragon Country, which has always been weaker than their scientific and technological strength, complete the development of six-generation fighters in more than a year?

Thinking of this, General Clyde took a deep breath and looked at Lieutenant Yar.

“Lieutenant Nayar, in your opinion.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom release this fake news? ”

Lieutenant Yar laughed and said:

“General Clyde, there is an old saying bluffing in the Dragon Kingdom!

You also know that tomorrow is the return of the remains of the God of War in the Dragon Kingdom.

If no big melon appears at this time, our Fly-22 and Fly-35 will definitely still look for their stubble as always!

They must have thought that at this time it was revealed that they had developed six generations of fighters.

We’re sure to throw a rat trap!

So in my opinion, they just want to bluff and scare us, so that we don’t dare to interfere anymore.

This one they forced to pretend, and the remains of the God of War also returned to China, killing two birds with one stone! ”

Lieutenant Yar swore an analysis at the time.

The more General Clyde listened, the more he felt justified.

The sandbag’s big fist slammed into the table with a sneer.


Dare to bluff!

Send me 20 FLY-22 and FLY-35s for Air Force exercises tomorrow!

I want these self-righteous guys in Dragon Kingdom to know that the real overlord is not blown out by bragging! ”

Lieutenant Yar Arrow Clyde no longer pursued him and also took a deep breath.


Fortunately, he was in a hurry to spy on the true intentions of the Dragon State Army’s military department.

Otherwise he would have been cleaned up by Clyde by now…

Self-confidence slowly brushed his mustache and smiled at the Dragon Kingdom border.

Also want to Kuang our bald eagle!

Dream it!


The news of the Longhua Society was brewed for half a day and one night.

The test flight of the sixth generation of Dragon Kingdom fighters has become a key event of concern for the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the whole world at this time!


Longguo Donghuang City.

Donghuang Test Flight Center.

In anticipation, the test flight ceremony of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft officially began.

In order to expand the influence of the sixth-generation fighter.

The Ministry of Military Arms has invited major media from various countries to participate in this morning’s speech.

After all, yesterday’s press conference only invited the domestic media to make first-hand news reports.

Today, it is a speech session in which journalists from all over the world can participate.

The Ministry of Military Forces even cooperated with Longguo Satellite TV to open a global live broadcast with the latest 5G technology!

Since it is necessary to highlight the cross-era masterpiece of the Dragon Fighter and even the history of the World Fighter.

Then there must be a big one!

The speech meeting was about to start, and the dragon live broadcast of the Dragon China Society was officially opened.

The moment the live broadcast room opens.

Spectators poured in from all over the globe.

In less than a minute, it has already broken through the 10 million mark!

When two dark-looking domineering sixth-generation fighters appeared on the screen, millions of viewers were dumbfounded.


So handsome! This sense of design, simply amazing, before I have been the Bureau of Bald Eagle FLY-35 is the world’s most beautiful fighter, now a look, that in front of the Dragon Kingdom Arrow-30 is not enough to see ah! ”

“Before I saw in the news, I saw still pictures, and now when I see the live broadcast, I feel a bit like I want to go to the third dynasty!”

“It looks good and has a fart, and I have to see if it is good or not!”

“After yesterday’s news release, many analysts said that the Dragon Kingdom’s test of the sixth-generation fighter this time was a bluff, in order to deter the bald eagle and prevent it from interfering with the return of the remains of the God of War on the 70th anniversary of today’s Zhongyuan Festival…”

“Can’t you, Dragon Kingdom is holding such a big speech meeting, global live broadcast, you tell me is bluffing?”

If there really is a moth, what a shame…”

“I think it’s impossible, Dragon Kingdom can’t lift a stone and drop it on his own feet…

At least on the basis of the fifth-generation fighter, the performance will be improved by 20% before it dares to be called the sixth, right? ”


There was a heated discussion in the global live broadcast room.

The test flight ceremony of the East Emperor Test Flight Center has also officially begun.

The spokesman is Lin Qingshu, vice minister of the Ministry of Military Armed Forces.

Lin Qingshu looked at hundreds of media from all over the world calmly, showing the style of a big country.

“The sixth generation of Dragon Kingdom began a year and nine months ago.

Although the pace of the project was later than that of developed countries such as Bald Eagle and Woolly Bear, we were asked about the selfless dedication and bloody struggle of the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom.

The sixth-generation fighter finally rolled off the production line on the afternoon of August 20 this year!

This sixth-generation fighter is as large as an engine, a weapon system, and as small as a screw.

It is completely independent research and development, and has completed a lot of technical barriers that want to be rare in the world…

The downline of the sixth-generation fighter jet is a symbol of our Longguo Air Force’s armament research and development capabilities catching up with or even surpassing Bald Eagle, Mao Xiong and other air force powers!

I declare!

Sixth-generation fighter, test flight work officially began! ”

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