The moment when Lin Qingshu’s voice fell.

Two J-30 sixth-generation fighters code-named “Suzaku” ignited and took off!

“Click… Click…”

The engine tail fenders make a metal-biting sound, and the variable cycle adaptive engine automatically modulates the optimal ignition state!

With the roar of the engine like a beast, the blue tail flames of up to thousands of degrees Celsius burst out!

Suzaku, officially take off!

From the phone call to takeoff, it’s less than two seconds!

Two Arrow-30s have already taken off in the air!

Like two peerless beasts that had escaped from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, they hovered in the sky and hissed!

Hundreds of reporters and photographers were already stupid when they looked at Suzaku hovering in the sky.

The audience in the live broadcast room of Dragon Live is naturally stupid.

“Sleeper, this wave and tail flame, the gospel of military fans!”

“The sound of this engine is really too bullish…

Before I watched the Bald Eagle’s FLY-22 and FLY-35 fly in the air like diarrhea…

Good guys, these two Arrow-30s are completely crushed in terms of engine sound!

It feels like a Civic meets a Lamborghini…”

“Sleeper, I don’t know if I counted wrongly, or if time and space are confused.”

Minister Lin said that it was less than three seconds after taking off…

These two Arrow-30s have already taken off!

As far as I know, the average fighter jet takes tens of seconds from ignition to official takeoff, right? ”

“I don’t know if you just heard the sound of the engine foils commissioning before the ignition.

If I’m not mistaken, I’m afraid it’s a variable-cycle adaptive engine! ”

“Big brother, you can’t guess this!”

Even the three overlords of Bald Eagle have said that it will take at least 30 years to develop…

Are you telling me now that the sixth-generation fighter that Dragon Kingdom has spent more than a year developing is equipped with a variable-cycle adaptive engine? ”

“I just learned the engine!”

This foil is definitely a variable cycle adaptive engine!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete the take-off action in less than 3 seconds! ”


The whole Dragon Live broadcast room is noisy when it is in full swing.

Air Force pilot Chen Shan Chen He brothers on the two Arrow-30s in the sky were also excited!

As the first air force pilot in the whole Dragon Country and the whole world to sit on a sixth-generation fighter!

If it weren’t for the cockpit glass blocking, the two of them would probably have jumped excitedly into the clouds!

After the last mission to escort seven-star top-secret information.

Chen Shan and Chen He were also appreciated by Lü Wei.

In the selection of layers, they were successfully selected as the two pilots who escorted the remains of the God of War back to China!

Chen Shan touched the operating lever in his hand and sighed:

“It is worthy of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft developed by Vice President Xiaojiang!”

The fifth-generation fighter that was piloted before could take off in 30 seconds at the earliest!

And now it takes less than three seconds, directly take off!

The most interesting thing is that almost most of them are intelligent operations, we only need to control the direction and speed of the same…”

“Haha, brother, this is the strength of Vice President Xiao Jiang!”

We can’t pull the crotch, we must perfectly send the remains of the elders back to the festival safely! ”

“That’s a must!”

After Chen Shan finished speaking, he opened the wheat between him and Lin Qingshu.

“Minister Lin.

Chen Shan Chen He has adapted to Suzaku!

Request next instructions! ”

Lin Qingshu on the stage of the Eastern Emperor Test Flight Center also nodded with satisfaction after hearing Chen Shan’s response from Chen He and Chen He.

It will not be a pilot selected by General Lui.

It was so quick to adapt to the first contact with the sixth-generation fighter!

Slowly approaching the microphone on the lecture:

“Today is the 70th anniversary of our Dragon Kingdom’s anti-white-headed eagle aid white stick.

I believe that many media outlets know that we have always used fighters to escort the returned remains of the God of War!

Today, the test flight mission of our sixth-generation fighter is to escort the returned remains of the gods of war, hoping to show the world the determination and perseverance of our Dragon Kingdom to safeguard world peace!

I would like to announce that the sixth generation of fighters has officially rushed to the border to carry out escort missions! ”

The moment Lin Qingshu’s voice fell.

Chen Shan Chen He was instructed.

Chen Shan Chen He received instructions!

Immediately go to the border of the Dragon Kingdom to escort the remains of the God of War back to China!

Mission accomplished! ”

After completing the communication, the two arrow-30s that were originally hovering in the sky popped out like arrows and rushed to the border to meet the transport plane carrying the remains of the god of war!

After the two fighters flew away.

Hundreds of journalists flocked to the podium!

“Minister Lin, how did you succeed in developing six teams of fighters in such a short period of time?”

“Minister Lin, you are now the first country in the world to have a six-generation warplane

Will it do whatever it wants like the Bald Eagle before it? ”

“Minister Lin, what new technologies have been adopted by the six generations of fighters of the Dragon Kingdom?”

“Minister Lin, it is reported that the Black Baseball Country is preparing for an air military exercise with the Bald Eagle, do you think that if the sixth generation of war opportunities are on the military exercise, which is better or worse?”


The reporters who were so excited asked all the questions.

The security guards quickly maintained the excited reporters.

Otherwise, according to the trend just now, I am afraid that Lin Qingshu will have to be held up by these excited reporters…

Lin Qingshu smiled and looked at the reporters from all over the world below.

He then answered questions from journalists from all over the world in fluent Chinese.

“Don’t worry, everyone!

One by one, we have time today, don’t be in a hurry!

First of all, to answer everyone’s first question!

The reason why Dragon Kingdom can complete the research and development of the sixth-generation fighter in such a short period of time is inseparable from one of our genius scientists!

Of course, I can’t tell you who this genius scientist is.

I believe that he will definitely meet with everyone in the future…

The second question: our Dragon Kingdom loves peace, even if it has an absolute lead in the field of warplanes, it will only contribute to world peace and will not advocate hegemonism, whether it is from history or our current behavior of the Dragon Kingdom can also be seen by everyone…

The third question: The new technology adopted by the Dragon Kingdom Sixth-generation fighter this time is very large.

I will not dwell on it, but share with you a few more representative ones.

One is plasma stealth technology.

The second is the variable cycle adaptive engine.

The last one is the airborne laser weapon system…”

When Lin Qingshu answered the first two questions, the atmosphere between the on-site reporters and the live broadcast was relatively normal.

After all, it is also a matter of fact.

But Lin Qingshu answered the reporter’s third question.

The whole speech meeting was quiet at once, and the live broadcast room of Dragon Live was also briefly quiet.

The eerie atmosphere is like the calm before the storm.

Then came a storm like a flood breaking the embankment!

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